View Documents

The document appears highlighted in bold in the "Document Browser" window and is displayed in the "Document Browser", where you can analyze the document, for example, by coding text passages and image sections, attaching memos, or linking parts of the data. The "Document Browser" has the following structure:

“Document Browser“ window setup

Opening and viewing multiple documents windows

In MAXQDA’s “Document Browser” you can only open and edit one document. But you can open two or more documents simultaneously, each in in a separate free-flow window. This is helpful for conducting literature reviews: open the PDF of a publication in one window and code it thematically; open and code a text document with notes on the publication in another window.

To open a document in its own window, right-click on the document in the “Document System” and select the option Open Document in a New Window.

Please note: It is not possible to open the same document in multiple windows.

Opening documents in tabs

Opening documents in tabs allows to switch quickly back and forth between documents. Documents can be opened in tabs by holding the Shift ⇧ key and double-clicking on the document or by right-clicking on the document and selecting Open Document in a New Tab.

Tip: To open all documents in a document group in tabs, drag the document group into the “Document Browser” with the left mouse button, then release.

In the local preferences of the "Document System" window, you can specify that documents are opened in a new tab by default. To open the preferences, click on the cogwheel icon in the upper right corner of the Document's window toolbar and select the option Open documents in tabs.