Book of moon vs judgment dragon
The following individual card rulings have been compiled from the archived UDE Gameplay FAQ database [REF] and the Konami Card Rulings documents [CRMS, RGBT, ANPR, SOVR, ABPF, HA01, SDMM]. Notable cards have streamlined rulings and additional information cross-referenced against Pojo / Duelistgroundz.
- This will activate the effect of "Dream Clown".
- If you have fewer than 3 cards in your Deck when this card is flipped face-up its Flip Effect does not activate.
- Removing 3 cards from the top of your Deck is part of the resolution of this card’s Flip Effect, not part of the cost. So if its Flip Summon is negated by "Solemn Judgment" you do not remove any cards from the top of your Deck.
- Discarding 1 WIND monster is a cost.
- "Lady Panther's" effect can be activated before or after your monster(s) are destroyed in battle, similar to "Last Will".
- Removing from play 1 Insect-Type monster is a cost.This effect targets your opponent’s monster. If you gain control of the targeted monster, it is still destroyed when this effect resolves.
- If your opponent has an active Field Spell Card when you activate this card they can draw 1 card when this card resolves, even if that Field Spell Card is destroyed by an effect Chained to this card’s activation.
- This card is resolved as follows: First, select 1 “Ancient City – Rainbow Ruins” from your Deck and place it in your Field Spell Card Zone, then your opponent’s Field Spell Card is destroyed and they draw one card.
- You cannot activate “Last Resort” if “Field Barrier” is in play, because a new Field Spell Card cannot be played.
- You can activate “Last Resort” while you have a Field Spell Card in your Field Spell Card Zone. When “Last Resort” resolves, the Field Spell Card in your Field Spell Card Zone is destroyed and “Ancient City – Rainbow Ruins” is placed into your Field Spell Card Zone.
- “Last Turn” is a very special Trap Card with very special and unusual rules. The most important thing to understand about “Last Turn” is that not all of its effects are applied when the Trap Card resolves. When “Last Turn” (the Trap Card itself) resolves, the activating player selects 1 monster on their side of the field, and all other cards on the field and in both players’ hands are sent to the Graveyard. That is all that happens when “Last Turn” resolves. After that, the turn player Special Summons 1 monster from their Deck. After that, a special Battle Phase occurs. Then, during the End Phase, the victory check of “Last Turn” is applied. “Last Turn” sets up several effects that resolve later in the turn long after the Trap Card itself has resolved. Several other cards do this too, like “Last Will” and “Change of Heart”.
- Suppose that “Ceasefire” is activated (Chain Link 1), and “Last Turn” is chained to it (Chain Link 2). In this case, “Last Turn” resolves first, the activating player selects 1 monster on their side of the field, and all other cards are sent to the Graveyard. Then resolve the effect of “Ceasefire” (Chain Link 1). After “Ceasefire” resolves, the turn player Special Summons a monster for “Last Turn”, then the special Battle Phase occurs, then in the End Phase the victory check is applied. This is an example of how the special nature of “Last Turn” works: the only thing that happens when “Last Turn” resolves is to select 1 monster and send all other cards to the Graveyard.
- “Last Turn” is not a card that Special Summons a monster when it resolves. Therefore you can activate “Last Turn” even while “Jowgen the Spiritualist” is face-up on the field. If the player activating “Last Turn” controls “Jowgen the Spiritualist” and selects it as the monster to keep, the opponent cannot Special Summon for “Last Turn”, and there will be no special Battle Phase. However the victory check is still applied in the End Phase.
- The special Battle Phase for “Last Turn” happens right after the monster is Special Summoned. It is in addition to the normal Battle Phase and does not disrupt the normal order of the turn. For example, if “Last Turn” is activated during the Draw Phase, resolves the effect, Special Summon, initiate the special Battle Phase, then continue with the Draw Phase. The turn player can have a normal Battle Phase later in the turn.
- The special Battle Phase is treated like a standard Battle Phase in every other way, with a Start Step, Battle Step, Damage Step, and End Step. Only the selected monster and the Special Summoned monster can battle.
- If you activate “Last Turn” and select your “The Rock Spirit” or “Soul of Purity and Light” their effects will be applied during your opponent’s special Battle Phase. Also any Flip Effects are resolved as normal, etc. You can use the effect of “Injection Fairy Lily” and other monster effects during the special Battle Phase.
- The effect that reduces Battle Damage to zero applies only for the special Battle Phase, not for the normal Battle Phase. Example: A player activates “Last Turn” and selects their Defense Position “Spirit Reaper”. The turn player Special Summons “Enraged Battle Ox” and attacks in the special Battle Phase, but no damage occurs. However, during the turn player’s normal Battle Phase they can attack again, and will inflict 1500 points of damage due to the effect of “Enraged Battle Ox”, so the opponent’s Life Points will be zero and the turn player will win.
- If the Battle Phase is skipped because of “Thunder of Ruler” or “Soul Exchange”, resolve the effects of “Last Turn” as much as possible (including victory check, quite possibly resulting in a DRAW).
- You can chain to the activation of “Last Turn” with cards like “Ring of Destruction”, “Offerings to the Doomed”, or “Compulsory Evacuation Device” to eliminate the opponent’s monsters. If the player who activated “Last Turn” has no monsters on the field when it resolves, the effects of “Last Turn” are not negated. So the turn player still Special Summons a monster, although the special Battle Phase is not conducted, but the victory check in the End Phase is still performed.
- The victory check for “Last Turn” is an effect that must be resolved by the player who activated it. The turn player still has priority to activate and resolve any other effects first. You cannot chain to the victory check of “Last Turn”.
- If your opponent activates “Last Turn” and you Special Summon “Dark Magician of Chaos” from your Deck, you can activate his effect to add a Spell Card from your Graveyard to your hand.
- After “Last Turn” sends all cards to the Graveyard, before the Special Summon for “Last Turn” is performed, monster effects like “Despair from the Dark”, “Elephant Statue of Disaster”, and “Regenerating Mummy” will activate.
- If “Night Assailant” is sent from the hand to the Graveyard by the effect of “Last Turn”, resolve the effect of “Night Assailant” before Special Summoning for “Last Turn”.
- If your opponent activates “Last Turn” and you Special Summon a monster that can attack twice, it can attack twice during the special Battle Phase (important if the opponent had a monster like “Big Core”).
- “Last Turn” as a chain to “Change of Heart”: Suppose the turn player activates “Change of Heart” and the opponent chains “Last Turn”, then the opponent selects the monster targeted by “Change of Heart” for “Last Turn” (since it’s still on his side of the field, as “Change of Heart” hasn’t resolved yet). Then “Change of Heart” resolves and the turn player gains control of the monster, then Special Summons for “Last Turn”. There is no special Battle Phase. Assuming that the opponent somehow survives the standard Battle Phase, during the End Phase, the turn player has priority to activate and resolve an effect. If the turn player activates and resolves “Change of Heart”, then the monster goes back to the opponent and (assuming nothing else has happened), both players each have 1 monster and the result is a DRAW. If the turn player passes priority to the opponent, the opponent can activate and resolve the effect of “Last Turn” before “Change of Heart”, and in this case the turn player still has 2 monsters and the opponent has zero, so the turn player would win. If the turn player passed priority to the opponent and the opponent passes it back, the turn player MUST activate and resolve an effect, so the effect of “Change of Heart” would expire and both players would have 1 monster each, resulting in a DRAW.
- You cannot Special Summon a monster for “Last Turn” that is a “Special Summon-only” monster like “Chaos Emperor Dragon – Envoy of the End”, “Dark Necrofear”, or “Ocean Dragon Lord – Neo-Daedalus”. Nor can you select a Spirit Monster because they cannot be Special Summoned.
- You CAN Special Summon a high-level monster that has no Special Summoning restrictions for “Last Turn”, such as “Blue-Eyes White Dragon” or “Dark Magician of Chaos”.
- If you activate “Last Turn” and select your face-up “Thousand-Eyes Restrict”, the turn player cannot attack so unless they can destroy your “Thousand-Eyes Restrict” with a card effect, each of you will have a monster during the End Phase and the Duel will end in a DRAW.
- While your Life Points are 1000 or less, you can activate “Last Turn” in any part of your opponent’s turn, except the Damage Step. You can even activate it during the End Phase.
- If “Last Turn” is activated and the turn player has no monsters to Summon, there is no battle however the victory check is still applied.
- If you activate “Last Turn” during the Draw Phase or Standby Phase, and select your face-up “Jowgen the Spiritualist”, your opponent can still retrieve their “Sinister Serpent”, Summon it normally in Main Phase 1, and attack and destroy “Jowgen the Spiritualist” in the normal Battle Phase, then win the Duel in the End Phase because of the victory check of “Last Turn”.
- If “Jinzo” is Special Summoned by the effect of “Last Turn”, “Jinzo” does not negate the special Battle Phase or victory check because “Last Turn” has already resolved and been sent to the Graveyard, so it is no longer on the field for “Jinzo” to negate.
- If a player’s Life Points are reduced to zero during the special Battle Phase of “Last Turn”, or afterwards during the normal course of the turn, then that player loses. Example: “Giant Germ” is Special Summoned by the turn player and is destroyed as a result of battle, and the opponent had 500 or fewer Life Points when activating “Last Turn”.
- If you activate “Last Turn” and then your Life Points increase above 1000 later, the effects of “Last Turn” are still applied.
- If the turn player Special Summons “Mystic Tomato” for “Last Turn”, and attacks, and “Mystic Tomato” is destroyed, its effect activates and a monster is Special Summoned, but that new monster cannot attack during the special Battle Phase. (But it can attack during the standard Battle Phase.)
- If the turn player Special Summons “Sangan” for “Last Turn”, and “Sangan” is destroyed during the special Battle Phase, then its effect is resolved. If the turn player hasn’t Normal Summoned a monster that turn, they can Summon the monster retrieved with “Sangan” during their Main Phase (and attack during their standard Battle Phase). This can result in a DRAW.
- If you activate “Last Turn” and select your “Dark Necrofear”, and it’s destroyed during the special Battle Phase, you can select which effect resolves first during the End Phase: “Dark Necrofear” or “Last Turn”. So you can choose to resolve “Dark Necrofear” first, equip it to your opponent’s monster and take control of it, then resolve “Last Turn” and win because only you control a monster.
- Vs. “Sanga of the Thunder”, “Kazejin”, “Suijin”: If the turn player Special Summons any of these monsters for “Last Turn”, he cannot activate the effect. However, if the player who activates “Last Turn” selects one of these monsters, he can activate the effect during the special Battle Phase.
- The monster selected by the player activating “Last Turn” can be face-up or face-down, in Attack or Defense Position.
- If the turn player Special Summons “Twin-Headed Behemoth” and it is destroyed during the special Battle Phase, during the End Phase the turn player has priority to activate and resolve an effect first, so he can choose the effect of “Twin-Headed Behemoth” and Special Summon it to the field before the victory check of “Last Turn”.
- If the effect of “Non Aggression Area” is being applied and you activate “Last Turn”, your opponent does not Special Summon from the Deck for “Last Turn”.
- “Last Turn” does not target so you can select monsters like “Tyrant Dragon” and “Fiend Skull Dragon” for its effect, or a Dragon-Type monster while “King Dragun” or “Lord of D.” is on the field. You can select “Spirit Reaper” and it will not be destroyed by its effect.
- You can activate “Last Turn” and select your opponent’s monster that you control with “Snatch Steal”. However, after selecting it, “Snatch Steal” is sent to the Graveyard so control of the monster returns to the turn player. The turn player then Special Summons for “Last Turn” but no special Battle Phase is conducted. The victory check is still conducted in the End Phase.
- If you activate “Last Turn” and select a monster that was Special Summoned by “Call of the Haunted”, when “Call of the Haunted” is sent to the Graveyard by “Last Turn”, your selected monster is destroyed. But if you selected a monster Special Summoned by “Premature Burial”, the selected monster is not destroyed when “Premature Burial” is sent to the Graveyard by “Last Turn”.
- If both monsters that battle for “Last Turn” are removed from play (such as with “D.D. Warrior Lady”) then the result is a DRAW.
- If “Obnoxious Celtic Guard” battles a monster for “Last Turn”, its effect is applied and it is not destroyed if it battles a monster with 1900 or higher ATK.
- “Waboku” can be activated before “Last Turn”, or be chained to the activation of “Last Turn”, and in either case the effect of “Waboku” will prevent the activator’s monster from being destroyed. This can lead to a DRAW.
- If the turn player activated “Last Will” before “Last Turn” was activated, a monster can be Special Summoned by the effect of “Last Will” during the special Battle Phase (but it cannot attack during the special Battle Phase).
- You can activate “Wall of Revealing Light” (paying its cost) and chain “Last Turn”.
- If “Pyramid of Light”, “Andro Sphinx”, and “Sphinx Teleia” are all sent to the Graveyard by “Last Turn”, “Theinen the Great Sphinx” is not Special Summoned because the effect of “Pyramid of Light” activates its effect, but then looks for “Andro Sphinx” and “Sphinx Teleia” and does not find them on the field, so it cannot destroy them with its effect.
- If the battle for “Last Turn” is conducted and the defending monster was “Wall of Illusion”, but it is destroyed, the attacking monster is returned to the turn player’s hand. The turn player can then Normal Summon the monster in the Main Phase (unless it has passed).
- You can activate “Last Will” before or after a monster is sent to the Graveyard, and still get the effect of “Last Will” to Special Summon a monster.
- You can choose the timing for when you Special Summon for the effect of “Last Will”. You can Special Summon the monster at any time during your turn, except during damage calculation. You do not have to Special Summon the monster at the point the first monster was sent to the Graveyard. If you activated “Last Will” after a monster was sent to the Graveyard, you do not have to Special Summon the monster when “Last Will” resolves.
- If you wish, you may Special Summon the monster immediately after “Last Will” resolves (if activated after a monster was destroyed), or when the first monster is sent to the Graveyard (if “Last Will” was activated before the monster was destroyed). But you don’t have to, you can do it later.
- For example, if your monster is destroyed by battle, and you activate “Last Will” during Main Phase 2, you can Special Summon a monster at that time. Or you can wait and Special Summon during the End Phase.
- You can apply the effect of “Last Will” as long as a monster on your side of the field is (or was) sent to your Graveyard, no matter which Phase it was in. As long as it’s the same turn in which you activated “Last Will”.
- If you activate 2 "Last Wills", then you get to Special Summon 2 monsters, as long as a monster is (or was) sent from your side of the field to your Graveyard that same turn.
- You only Special Summon 1 monster for each 1 "Last Will".
- If you Special Summon using "Last Will’s" effect, then you don’t get to Special Summon for it again (but you do for any other copies of “Last Will” that are activated). If you activate “Last Will”, and the end of the turn arrives without using "Last Will’s" effect, then the effect is gone.
- You can Special Summon for “Last Will” if a monster was Tributed for a Tribute Summon, or for "Cannon Soldier’s" effect, etc.
- You can use "Last Will’s" effect to Special Summon a Level 5 or higher monster like "Labyrinth Wall".
- You cannot Special Summon a "Special Summon-only" monster.
- "Last Will’s" effect can only be used if your OWN monster is (or was) sent from YOUR side of the field to YOUR Graveyard.
- If your monster is sent to your Graveyard by battle, you resolve "Last Will’s" effect during that same Battle Phase (but not during the Damage Step). If it’s your turn, then your newly Summoned monster can attack before Main Phase 2.
- If "Imperial Order" is activated after "Last Will" has resolved, it will not negate "Last Will's" effect.
- You can Special Summon a 1500 ATK monster that will have higher than 1500 ATK after being Summoned, such as a Fiend with 1500 original ATK while "Yami" is on the field (its ATK once Summoned will be 1700). You can Special Summon "Muka Muka" even if you have 6 cards in your hand and "Muka Muka's" ATK, once Summoned, will be higher than 1500.
- The (S) Special Summon does not start a chain.
- Once Summoned, "Call of the Haunted" / "Return from the Different Dimension" can Summon it later.
- You cannot play "Bottomless Trap Hole" when Summoning this card to your opponent's field.
- You cannot play "Black Horn of Heaven" when Summoning this card to your opponent's field.
- You can play "Solemn Judgment" when Summoning this card to your opponent's field.
- You Tribute your opponent's monsters as cost.
- You can't Tribute your opponent's "Vanity's Fiend" for this Summon.
- You can't Tribute your opponent's non-FIRE monsters while "Gozen Match" applies.
- You can't Tribute your opponent's non-Fiend-Type monsters while "Rivalry of Warlords" applies.
- You can't Special Summon "Lava Golem" AFTER you Normal Summon / Set a monster.
- You can't Special Summon "Lava Golem" if your Normal Summon was negated by "Solemn Judgment".
- This effect deals damage even if this card is flipped face-down / leaves the field / changes control.
- The effect of “Layard the Liberator” is a Continuous Effect, and cannot be chained to. You will add 2 of your Fairy-Type monsters to your hand immediately after a Counter Trap’s effects have resolved.
- “Layard the Liberator’s” effect will not activate if you have only 1 Fairy-Type monster removed from play.
- This effect targets 2 Fairy-Type monsters.
- If your "Legacy Hunter" attacks your monster (controlled by your opponent) on your opponent's side of the field, "Legacy Hunter'"s effect still activates and your opponent returns a card to the Deck.
- If "Legacy Hunter" attacks a face-down "Man-Eater Bug" or "Cyber Jar", "Legacy Hunter"'s effect is not applied because "Legacy Hunter"'s effect activates when the monster he destroyed is sent to the Graveyard, and "Legacy Hunter" will no longer be on the field in these instances.
- The monster that "Legacy Hunter" attacks must be face-down at the start of the Damage Step for "Legacy Hunter's" effect to activate. So if "Legacy Hunter" attacks a face-down Defense Position monster and your opponent activates "Ceasefire" to flip the monster face-up, "Legacy Hunter’s" effect is NOT applied. Also, if "Legacy Hunter" attacks a face-up monster and "Book of Moon" flips it face-down, "Legacy Hunter's" effect DOES apply.
- When you activate “Legacy of Yata-Garasu” while your opponent has a Spirit Monster face-up on his/her side of the field and you select to activate the second effect of “Legacy of Yata-Garasu”, if your opponent chains an effect that removes the Spirit Monster from the field or flips it face-down, the effect of “Legacy of Yata-Garasu” will still resolve.
- “Legendary Black Belt” inflicts damage based on the original DEF of the destroyed monster (in the Graveyard).
- If a monster equipped with “Legendary Black Belt” is destroyed, no damage is inflicted by the effect of “Legendary Black Belt” because it is no longer on the field. This includes if it attacked a monster with equal ATK, for example.
- After the monster is sent to the Graveyard after being destroyed as a result of battle, the effect of “Legendary Black Belt” that inflicts effect damage can be chained to.
- This card’s effect to destroy itself does not start a Chain.
- If you control 2 “Six Samurai” monsters, and 1 of them equipped with “Legendary Ebon Steed” would be destroyed, the effect of “Legendary Ebon Steed” must be used. You cannot choose to destroy another “Six Samurai” monster instead.
- If you control 2 “Six Samurai” monsters, one equipped with “Legendary Ebon Steed” and one without, and the unequipped monster would be destroyed, you can use its final effect to destroy the equipped “Six Samurai” instead. “Legendary Ebon Steed” will then be destroyed instead of that “Six Samurai”.
- If you control 2 “Six Samurai” monsters that would be destroyed at the same time, and a third “Six Samurai” monster equipped with “Legendary Ebon Steed”, you can destroy the third “Six Samurai” to save one of the other two. “Legendary Ebon Steed” would be destroyed instead. There is no way to destroy the third “Six Samurai” and destroy “Legendary Ebon Steed” to save the other 2 “Six Samurai”.
- If multiple copies of “Legendary Ebon Steed” are equipped to the same “Six Samurai” monster and that monster would be destroyed, all of the “Legendary Ebon Steeds” are destroyed.
- When "Legendary Fiend" is removed from the field or flipped face-down, the ATK gain disappears.
- When control of "Legendary Fiend" shifts to another player, the ATK gain is still applied.
- When "Legendary Fiend" is equipped with "Megamorph", first double or halve its original ATK and then reapply the ATK gain.
- If you Special Summon "Legendary Fiend" during your Standby Phase, its effect activates during that same Standby Phase.
- If "Legendary Fiend" is equipped with your opponent's "Blast Sphere", you can choose to activate "Legendary Fiend's" effect or pass to your opponent. If they decide to pass, you must activate "Legendary Fiend's" effect.
- While "Skill Drain" is active, the ATK gain disappears. When "Skill Drain" is negated or removed from the field, the ATK gain is not reapplied.
- You place a Spell Counter on this card when the Spell Card resolves, so if "Magic Jammer" is used to negate the Spell Card's activation then you do not place a Spell Counter on this monster. But if "Imperial Order" is chained to the Spell Card, you still place a Spell Counter on this monster because the activation of the Spell Card was not negated. If the Spell Card was a Continuous, Equip, or Field Spell Card, and “Dust Tornado” is chained to its activation and destroys it before it resolves you still place a Spell Counter because the activation of the card was not negated.
- If you activate a Spell Card, and your opponent chains "Call of the Haunted" to Special Summon "Legendary Flame Lord", "Legendary Flame Lord" does not get a Spell Counter for that Spell Card because "Legendary Flame Lord" must be face-up on the field when the Spell Card is activated and when it resolves in order to get a Spell Counter.
- The (1) mandatory Trigger Effect activates in Substep 7 - End of the Damage Step.
- This effect activates if Jujitsu Master engaged in Substep 4 - Damage Calculation.
- This effect activates even if Jujitsu Master is not face-up on the field.
- This effect forms a Chain with other cards that activate at the same time (ex: "Destruction Punch").
- You cannot activate "Lekunga"'s effect if you do not have a vacant Monster Card Zone on your side of the field.
- Monsters destroyed by this card as a result of battle are not sent to the Graveyard, so "Sangan" or "Mystic Tomato" would not have their effects activated, and the effect of "Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer" will not prevent them from being removed from play.
- This card does not negate the effects of monsters it destroys as a result of battle, so a Flip Effect like "Cyber Jar" or Trigger Effect like "D.D. Warrior Lady" will still be activated. "Cyber Jar" would still be removed from play in this example, since damage calculation occurs normally.
- If "Lesser Fiend" battles with "Relinquished" equipped with a Monster Card, and that equipped card is destroyed instead of "Relinquished", it is not removed from play since it is the effect of "Relinquished" that destroyed it and not as a result of battle with "Lesser Fiend".
- When you resolve the effect of “Level Conversion Lab”, show the card to your opponent then roll the die.
- The Level of a monster can go up or down with “Level Conversion Lab”.
- If “Cost Down” resolves and lowers the Levels of monsters in your hand, then you use “Level Conversion Lab”, the effect of “Level Conversion Lab” overwrites the effect of “Cost Down”. But if you resolve “Level Conversion Lab” first, and then activate and resolve “Cost Down”, “Cost Down” will lower whatever the result was from ”Level Conversion Lab”.
- If you activate “Level Conversion Lab” and change “Levia-Dragon Daedalus” to a Level 5 monster, and “A Legendary Ocean” is on the field, then “Levia-Dragon Daedalus” is Level 4.
- If you use “Level Conversion Lab” to change “The Masked Beast” to Level 3, you still need to Tribute 8 Levels worth of monsters for “Curse of the Masked Beast” or "Contract with the Abyss".
- The Level change from “Level Conversion Lab” lasts until the end of the turn, even if the monster is Summoned. So if you change “Summoned Skull” to Level 3, and Summon it, it can attack even if “Gravity Bind” is active.
- You can use “Level Down!?” on a “Neo-Spacian Dark Panther” that is copying an LV monster. But since it is no longer copying the LV monster after it has been returned to the Deck, no monster will be Special Summoned.
- You can use "Level Down!?" on "Armed Dragon LV10" to Special Summon "Armed Dragon LV7".
- This (1) Ignition Effect activates & resolves in the Graveyard.
- This effect targets a Level 5+ monster you control.
- If the target's Level cannot be reduced, "Level Eater" remains in the Graveyard.
- If the target’s Level is
- If "Level Eater" leaves the Graveyard before this effect resolves, you still reduce the target’s Level.
- That monster's Level is reduced so long as it remains face-up on the field.
- If this card is face-up on the field and a face-down Level 3 or lower monster is attacked, after it is flipped face-up it will be changed to Attack Position before damage calculation.
- The effect of "Level Limit - Area B" does not use the chain, it is a continuous effect.
- All Level 4 or higher monsters face-up on the field after "Level Limit - Area B" resolves will be in Defense Position. You can change the Battle Position of a Level 4 or higher monster, but it will immediately be changed back to Defense Position because of "Level Limit - Area B"'s effect.
- If "Level Limit - Area B" is activated while "Final Attack Orders" is active, then the most recently resolved effect takes precedence and monsters Level 4 or higher will be in Defense Position.
- If you Summon “Spell Canceller” while “Level Limit - Area B” is on the field, “Spell Canceller” negates its effect and is not changed to Defense Position.
- An “LV” monster that normally cannot be Special Summoned except by the method in its text CANNOT be Special Summoned from the Graveyard with “Level Modulation” unless it has been previously Special Summoned by the correct procedure. The “ignore the Summoning conditions” text allows for these monsters to be Special Summoned only after they have been properly Summoned by their own effect. This applies to “Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8”, “Armed Dragon LV7”, “Silent Swordsman LV7”, “Silent Magician LV8”, and “Winged Kuriboh LV10”.
- You cannot activate “Level Modulation” if the opponent has 1 or less card in their Deck, or if you have “Protector of the Sanctuary” on the field.
- Even Continuous Effects on the Special Summoned Monster, like “Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6”, are not applied during the turn this card is used to Special Summon that monster.
- If the monster Special Summoned by this card’s effect is flipped face-down, then the restrictions of “Level Modulation” are no longer applied. If you flip it face-up again, it can attack and its effects are applied.
- This is a targeted effect.
- You decide whether to reduce the target’s Level by 1 or 2 when the effect resolves.
- The Level reduction lasts as long as the target remains face-up on the field.
- Only face-up monsters you control when resolving "Level Tuning" are affected. Monsters Summoned afterwards will not have their Level reduced.
- Sending a monster to the Graveyard is a cost for "Level Up!"
- The (U) Unclassified summon effect does not start a Chain.
- “Skill Drain” has no effect on “Level Warrior’s” Level, because “Level Warrior” is considered to already be on the field with the appropriate level. So “Skill Drain” will not cause “Level Warrior’s” Level to become 3.
- Even if “Level Warrior” becomes Level 5 or 6 due to “Level Conversion Lab,” you can still Summon it as a Level 2 or 4 monster with its effect.
- You can send "A Legendary Ocean" to the Graveyard to activate "Levia-Dragon Daedalus"' effect, but you can't send "Maiden of the Aqua".
- You can't send a face-down "Umi" or "A Legendary Ocean" to activate "Levia-Dragon Daedalus"' effect.
- If you activate "Levia-Dragon Daedalus"' effect and your opponent chains "Ring of Destruction" to destroy "Levia-Dragon Daedalus", "Levia-Dragon Daedalus"' effect still resolves even though it has been destroyed.
- If an effect is chained to “Levia-Dragon Daedalus'” effect to flip “Levia-Dragon Daedalus" face-down, it is still not destroyed by its effect.
- This card's effect will be activated if it is Tributed from the hand for a Ritual Spell Card.
- See "Diabolos, King of the Abyss" for Tribute Summon rulings.
- "The total Life Points you paid" is defined as the Life Points paid for costs (both activation costs and maintenance costs) of cards. It does not include damage or loss of Life Points. Damage is not included even if the damage was caused by an effect you control, such as if you activate "Ring of Destruction".
- "In your last turn" is defined as the period from the start of your previous turn’s Draw Phase to the end of that turn’s End Phase. Cost that you paid during your opponent’s turn that occurred between your last turn and the current turn are not included.
- The effect of "Life Absorbing Machine" increases your Life Points for each cost you paid separately. So if you had "Fire Princess" on the field, and you paid 2 costs during your last turn, "Fire Princess" will deal 1000 points of damage to the opponent.
- "Life Absorbing Machine" does not have to be active at the time the Life Points were paid. If you pay a cost of 2000 Life Points during your turn, then activate "Life Absorbing Machine" during your opponent’s turn, the effect of "Life Absorbing Machine" will increase your Life Points by 1000 during your Standby Phase.
- Example: It is your turn. During your Standby Phase you pay 500 Life Points for your "Terrorking Archfiend". During your Main Phase 1 you activate "Life Absorbing Machine". Then you activate "Delinquent Duo" and pay 1000 Life Points for its cost. You Set "Seven Tools of the Bandit" and end your turn. During your opponent’s turn they activate "Reinforcements" and you chain "Seven Tools of the Bandit" to negate and destroy it. Your opponent ends their turn. During your Standby Phase the effect of "Life Absorbing Machine" increases your Life Points by 250 (half of "Terrorking Archfiend"’s cost) then again by 500 (half of "Delinquent Duo"’s cost).
- If you have two copies of "Life Absorbing Machine" on the field, their effects are cumulative.
- The (1) Quick Effect can be activated during either player’s turn.
- This effect can only respond to the activation of a card that is confirmed to inflict damage at resolution.
- You can use “Lifeforce Harmonizer” on your opponent’s card that inflicts damage to themselves, such as “Zombie Mammoth” if there is a situation where it will inflict damage to the opponent.
- This effect can be activated if "Caius the Shadow Monarch" targets a face-up DARK monster.
- It cannot be used against the activation of “Wave-Motion Cannon” or the activation of the effect of “Wave-Motion Cannon” [REF].
- It cannot be used against “Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch” since you don’t know if damage will be inflicted.
- If you control “Des Wombat” and it is preventing you from taking damage, you cannot activate “Lifeforce Harmonizer”.
- The (C) Condition cannot be negated.
- The (1) Continuous Effect only applies on the field.
- Effects which affect LIGHT or DARK monsters affect this card.
- This card is sent to the Graveyard while "Gozen Match" is active.
- ATK / DEF changes apply so long as this card is face-up on the field.
- This effect only activates once per chain, at the earliest opportunity.
- This effect can chain to a monster effect activated from any location.
- This effect can chain to the activation of a Spell / Trap Card (when it is played face-up).
- A Continuous Spell / Trap Card whose activation was negated is sent to the Graveyard.
- This effect activates so long as it is sent to the Graveyard when destroyed, whether it was destroyed in the hand, Deck, on the field, or while equipped to "Relinquished".
- This effect activates even if you don't control any cards when this card is destroyed.
- This effect targets a monster (if any) in your Graveyard. It is negated by "Necrovalley".
- This effect resolves sequentially: destroy all cards you control, then Summon the target [REF].
- Destroy all cards you control, even if the target cannot be Special Summoned.
- If "Peten the Dark Clown" you control is destroyed, and then you Special Summon the target, Peten cannot activate its effect [REF].
- "Light Barrier's" effect to flip a coin during the Standby Phase starts a Chain.
- The effect of the Summoned "Arcana Force" monster still starts a Chain, but you do not toss the coin. When the effect resolves you will select if the heads or tails effect is applied.
- If an "Arcana Force" monster's effect is chosen in this way, it cannot be selected with "Reversal of Fate" or "Arcana Call".
- "Light Barrier's" effect to gain Life Points starts a Chain when the opponent's monster is sent to the Graveyard or Removed Zone at the end of the Damage Step.
- If your "Arcana Force" monster is also destroyed in the battle, "Light Barrier's" effect still activates.
- Only the controller of "Light Barrier" activates its effects.
- The (1) optional Trigger Effect activates & resolves on the field.
- This effect activates in Start of the Battle Step - Attack Declaration.
- This effect does not target the opponent's monster.
- This card loses 500 ATK and DEF when the effect resolves. This is not a cost.
- If the ATK and DEF of "Light End Dragon" is less than 500, you cannot activate its effect.
- If the opponent's monster has 0 ATK and 0 DEF, this effect cannot activate.
- If the opponent's monster has
- If the opponent's monster leaves the field before this effect resolves, "Light End Dragon" still loses 500 ATK and DEF [REF].
- This effect decreases both monsters ATK / DEF, even if the attack is negated (by "Magic Cylinder").
- You can activate (flip face-up) this card at any time; it does not need to be activated in response to a Summon.
- The effect of this card applies to both players, and does not affect monsters that are already on the field face-down. These monsters remain face-down until flipped face-up as normal.
- While this card is on the field, monsters can be Normal Summoned in face-up Defense Position, and can be the target of "Trap Hole" and will trigger effects like the effect of "Mysterious Puppeteer".
- While this card is on the field, if a monster would be Special Summoned in face-down Defense Position (such as with "Cyber Jar" or "Nimble Momonga"), it is instead Special Summoned in face-up Defense Position.
- While this card is on the field you cannot flip a monster face-down with "Book of Moon", "Darkness Approaches", etc.
- "Light of Judgment" does NOT target. You select the card when "Light of Judgment"'s effect resolves.
- You can look at your opponent's hand when you resolve "Light of Judgment"'s effect.
- If your opponent chains "Mystical Space Typhoon" to "Light of Judgment" and destroys "The Sanctuary in the Sky", the effect of "Light of Judgment" is still applied.
- If a LIGHT monster is removed from play face-down by "Different Dimension Capsule", etc., it cannot be selected with "Light of Redemption".
- If your opponent removes your LIGHT monster from play with "Interdimensional Matter Transporter", you can select it with "Light of Redemption".
- "Light Spiral's" effect starts a Chain.
- When you activate the effect of "Lighten the Load", your opponent gets to see the Level 7 or higher monster you add to your Deck.
- If you chain "Lightforce Sword" to your opponent's Ritual Spell Card and remove from play the only Ritual Monster they could Ritual Summon, the Ritual Spell Card's effect disappears.
- If the Standby Phase of your opponent's 4th turn is skipped, the card remains removed from play face-down.
- If your opponent adds 1 of your Spell Cards to their hand with "Graverobber" and it is removed from play with "Lightforce Sword", during the Standby Phase of your opponent's 4th turn it is placed into your Graveyard instead of your opponent's hand.
- When determining if a monster’s effect should be negated by “Light-Imprisoning Mirror”, check the monster’s Attribute at the time its effect is resolved.
- When a Non-LIGHT monster’s effect is activated while the monster and “Light-Imprisoning Mirror” are both face-up on the field, if you chain “DNA Transplant” and select “LIGHT”, the monster’s effect will be negated if the monster is still face-up on the field when its effect resolves because it is now a LIGHT monster.
- “Light-Imprisoning Mirror” cannot negate the Continuous Effects of LIGHT monsters.
- If the equipped monster’s Type is changed into something besides Warrior-Type by "DNA Surgery" or "Scroll of Bewitchment", "Lightning Blade" will be destroyed.
- If two copies of this card are equipped to a single monster, that monster’s ATK will increase by 1600 points, and the ATK of all WATER monsters will decrease by 1000 points.
- The effect of “Lightning Punisher” is a Trigger Effect. So it will start a new chain itself.
- “Lightning Punisher” must have been on the field before the chain began and must have been on the field throughout the entire chain in order for its effect to activate.
- The effect of “Lightning Punisher” targets.
- The effect of “Lightning Punisher” will still activate even if some steps of the chain have their activation negated. (Or even if “Vanity’s Call” negates all Links in the chain.)
- "Lightsworn Barrier" targets your opponent's attacking monster.
- Sending two cards from the top of your Deck to the Graveyard is a cost.
- If "Lightsworn Sabre" is sent from your Deck to the Graveyard to pay a cost its effect cannot be activated.
- If a LIGHT Union monster is also treated as a Tuner monster with "Lightwave Tuning", when the Union monster is equipped to another monster it is no longer treated as a Tuner monster. If it is Special Summoned during the same turn, it is still not treated as a Tuner monster.
- Sending 2 cards from your hand to the Graveyard is a cost.
- If you do not have enough available Monster Card Zones when this card resolves, you won’t Special Summon any “Soul Tokens.”
- You cannot activate this card during the Damage Step.
- Destroying the Special Summoned monster when it is changed to Defense Position, or when "Limit Reverse" is removed from the field, does not start a Chain.
- If the Special Summoned monster is flipped face-down, "Limit Reverse's" effect disappears.
- The (1) effect doubles the current ATK of your monsters, after applying ATK changes from other effects.
- Machine-Type monsters Summoned in the Chain before this card resolves are also affected.
- Machine-Type monsters Summoned after this card resolves are unaffected.
- Machine-Type monsters Summoned after resolving this card are not destroyed.
- Affected Machine-Type monsters are not destroyed if they are: flipped face-down, become Equip Cards, leave the field, or change Monster Type (by "DNA Surgery").
- This card targets 1 Level 8 monster you control.
- You can activate this card when a Level 8 monster you control destroys a Defense Position monster by battle, and target that Level 8 monster. It will be able to attack once more (two times total).
- You cannot target a monster that can already attack twice in the same Battle Phase.
- You can Tribute a Trap Monster like “Embodiment of Apophis” for this effect, but no damage will be inflicted.
- If you have already activated a Spell Card, you cannot activate "Linear Accelerator Cannon" on the same turn.
- "Little-Winguard"'s effect can be chained to.
- Effects like "Spellbinding Circle" do not prevent you from using "Little-Winguard"'s effect.
- If you activate “Lone Wolf” targeting an appropriate monster, and later you Summon another monster, the effect of “Lone Wolf” is still applied.
- If you target “Monk Fighter”, etc. with “Lone Wolf”, and “Monk Fighter” is later flipped face-down, the effect of “Lone Wolf” disappears and is not re-activated even if “Monk Fighter” is later flipped face-up again.
- “Your opponent’s monster effects” on “Lone Wolf” means “the effects of monsters that your opponent controls”. So if your opponent uses “Monster Reborn” on your “Exiled Force”, they still cannot Tribute “Exiled Force” to destroy your “Monk Fighter” targeted by “Lone Wolf”.
- If you Summon “Monk Fighter” and target it with “Lone Wolf”, and your opponent controls “Bug-Tusked Mammoth”, you can still attack that same turn with “Monk Fighter”.
- If your “Master Monk” targeted with “Lone Wolf” attacks and destroys “D.D. Assailant”, “D.D. Assailant” is removed from play but “Master Monk” is not.
- If your opponent Summons “Dark Jeroid” and reduces your “Monk Fighter” ATK by 800 points, then later you activate “Lone Wolf” targeting the “Monk Fighter”, it does not restore the ATK of “Monk Fighter”.
- Your “Monk Fighter” targeted by “Lone Wolf” cannot be destroyed by the effect of “Tribe-Infecting Virus”. Furthermore, if it is the only monster on your side of the field, your opponent cannot discard cards to activate “Tribe-Infecting Virus” to destroy Rock-Type monsters, because it will have no effect.
- If you have “Monk Fighter” targeted by “Lone Wolf”, the following are examples of monster effects that will NOT be negated because they are not applied to a monster: “Airknight Parshath” (damage is inflicted and a card is drawn), “Fiber Jar” (“Monk Fighter” is shuffled into the Deck), “Maju Garzett” (the ATK of “Maju Garzett” does not become 0), “Susa Soldier” (the damage to Life Points is still halved), “Dark Magician Girl” (her ATK is still increased by her effect), “Stone Statue of the Aztecs” (Battle Damage to your Life Points is doubled), “Amazoness Fighter” (opponent’s Battle Damage to their Life Points is still zero), “Amazoness Swords Woman” (Battle Damage is still redirected), and “Reflect Bounder” (you still take effect damage to your Life Points).
- “Archfiend of Gilfer” and “Dark Necrofear” in the Graveyard can activate their effects and target “Monk Fighter” targeted by “Lone Wolf”. This is because they activate as Monster Cards, equip to the target monster, become treated as Equip Spell Cards, and THEN apply their effects (by which point they are now treated as Equip Spell Cards).
- The effect of “Lone Wolf” will be negated by Jinzo even if targeting “Monk Fighter”.
- The (1) Ignition Effect activates & resolves on the field.
- Tributing 1 face-up Plant-Type monster is a cost. This card can be Tributed for its own effect.
- You cannot activate this effect if you cannot Special Summon a Plant-Type monster from your Deck.
- If this card's effect was negated by "Debris Dragon", this effect can activate but resolves negated.
- This effect activates at the end of the Damage Step.
- The second effect targets 1 Set card on the field.
- Even if you activate the first effect of this card, you do not have to attack again in a row.
- If both this and the opponent’s monster are destroyed by battle with each other, you can still activate the second or third effect of this card.
- "Lord of D." cannot negate effects; he only prevents Dragon-Type monsters from being selected as targets of effects. Once a target has been selected, the effect of "Lord of D." is irrelevant.
- If your opponent activates "Ring of Destruction" targeting your "Lord of D." and you chain "D. Tribe" to change "Lord of D." to Dragon-Type, "Ring of Destruction" will still resolve and destroy "Lord of D." since he was selected as a target before he was changed into Dragon-Type. If your opponent activates "Ring of Destruction" targeting a Dragon-Type monster you control and you chain "Call of the Haunted" to Special Summon "Lord of D." from your Graveyard, your Dragon-Type monster is still destroyed for the same reason.
- If you have "Lord of D." on the field, and activate "Premature Burial" to Special Summon a Dragon-Type monster from your Graveyard, that is okay, but if your opponent later destroys "Premature Burial" your Dragon-Type monster is also destroyed because "Premature Burial" is NOT selecting your Dragon-Type as a target.
- While you have "Lord of D." on the field you cannot equip your Dragon-Type monsters with Equip Spell Cards, but if you already have a Dragon-Type monster equipped with an Equip Spell Card when you Summon "Lord of D.", the Equip Spell card is not destroyed or negated, because "Lord of D." only prevents Dragon-Type monsters from being selected as a target.
- "Lord of D." will NOT stop "Dark Hole", "Mirror Force", "Raigeki", "Fissure", "Smashing Ground", "Hammer Shot", or "Amazoness Archers", nor will he protect your Dragon-Type monsters from their effects, since these cards affect the whole field and do not select targets.
- No card called "Lord Poison" can be Special Summoned by "Lord Poison"'s effect; either the one that was destroyed and sent to the Graveyard as a result of battle, or another copy of "Lord Poison" that was already in the Graveyard.
- Whenever the number of your monsters removed from play changes, re-calculate the DEF of “Lost Guardian”. (Just like “Shadow Ghoul”, etc.)
- NOTE: When a monster is removed from play, it goes to a “removed zone” (for lack of a better term) of the original owner. If the opponent controlled it, it will return to the opponent’s side of the field when it returns to player, however it is considered to be in the original owner’s “removed zone” while out of play. This is important for effects such as “Lost Guardian”.
- Example: Player A controls 2 monsters. Player B activates “Change of Heart” to take control of one of them, then activates “Different Dimension Gate” to remove both from play. Both monsters are in Player A’s “removed zone” while removed from play (so Player A’s “Lost Guardian” would have 1400 DEF). When “Different Dimension Gate” is destroyed, the monster Player B took control of will return to Player B’s side of the field (if possible, if not it is destroyed) before returning to Player A’s side of the field.
- "Lucky Chance's" Trigger Effect is chained to the effect of the Effect Monster. You choose what you think the coin flip will be when you resolve "Lucky Chance's" effect.
- If you control 2 or more face-up "Lucky Chance", you will only call the coin toss once and you will draw 1 card if you call it right.
- If you use the effect of "Second Coin Toss" to re-flip the coin, you do not reselect for "Lucky Chance".
- If you Summon 2 or more “Cloudian” monsters with the same name during your turn and activate “Lucky Cloud” later in the same turn, you will still draw 2 cards during the End Phase.
- The effect of drawing 2 cards during the End Phase of a turn you Summon 2 or more “Cloudian” monsters with the same name does not begin a Chain.
- You cannot activate “Lucky Cloud” while “Protector of the Sanctuary” is face-up on your opponent’s side of the field.
- You will draw 2 cards during the End Phase with the effect of “Lucky Cloud” when you Special Summon 2 “Cloudian Tokens” with the effect of “Cloudian – Sheep Cloud”.
- Even if you Summon 2 different sets of “Cloudian” monsters with the same name during the turn, you will only draw 2 cards with the effect of “Lucky Cloud” in the End Phase.
- This card’s second effect activates in the Graveyard, and starts a Chain.
- This effect will activate if “Lucky Iron Axe” is destroyed by a card chained to its activation.
- The (1) Ignition Effect activates & resolves on the field.
- Discarding 1 card is a cost to activate this effect.
- This effect targets a "Lightsworn" monster in your Graveyard. It will be negated by "Necrovalley".
- If you can also target a Level 4 or lower "Lightsworn" discarded for the cost.
- The target is Special Summoned even if Lumina is flipped face-down / leaves the field.
- You can't activate this effect without a valid target in the Graveyard, even if you would one as cost.
- If you do not have enough cards to send to the Graveyard remaining in your Deck when resolving this effect, all cards remaining in your Deck are sent to the Graveyard.
- If the activation of this effect is negated by "Light and Darkness Dragon," it will activate again in the same End Phase [REF].
- If this effect resolves negated by "Skill Drain," it will not activate again in the same End Phase [REF].
- The "Lightsworn" monster (or "Judgment Dragon") must remain face-up on the field in order to activate and resolve this effect.
- If your opponent activates "Book of Eclipse" after you resolve this effect, when "Book of Eclipse" resolves and your affected monsters are flipped face-up (and you draw 1 card for each) then each "Lightsworn" monster (or "Judgment Dragon") will once again activate this effect [REF]
- Player A resolves "Brain Control" first, restoring control of the "Lightsworn" monster to Player B. That "Lightsworn" monster is no longer controlled by the turn player, thus its effect will not activate.
- Player A activates and resolves the "Lightsworn" monster's effect to send cards from the top of their Deck to the Graveyard. Then that "Lightsworn" monster is returned to Player B's control [REF].
- During Player A's turn, Player B gains control of Player A's "Lightsworn" monster. During the End Phase, when control of the "Lightsworn" monster is restored to Player A, its mandatory Trigger Effect will activate [REF].
- If the ATK of "Luminous Soldier" is reduced to 0 because of the effect of "Fairy Box" the ATK will increase by 500 points in the Damage Step if it is battling with a DARK monster.
- If the attack target of "Luminous Soldier" is redirected to a DARK monster by the effect of "Dreamsprite" the ATK of "Luminous Soldier" will then increase by 500 points.
- This is a Trigger Effect that activates when Battle Damage is inflicted.
- This effect activates even if you have no Normal Monsters in your Graveyard when this card inflicts Battle Damage, although the effect will do no damage.
- The (1) Ignition effect activates & resolves on the field.
- This effect targets 1 Spell / Trap Card your opponent controls.
- The target is not destroyed if Lyla cannot be changed to Defense Position.
- This effect changes Lyla to Defense Position (this is not a cost), even if the target is not destroyed.
- This effect can be activated more than once per turn while "Final Attack Orders" applies.
- After this effect resolves, if your opponent steals Lyla with "Mind Control", they CANNOT manually change her to Attack Position in order to use this effect [REF].
- If you do not have enough cards to send to the Graveyard remaining in your Deck when resolving this effect, all cards remaining in your Deck are sent to the Graveyard.
- If the activation of this effect is negated by "Light and Darkness Dragon," it will activate again in the same End Phase [REF].
- If this effect resolves negated by "Skill Drain," it will not activate again in the same End Phase [REF].
- The "Lightsworn" monster (or "Judgment Dragon") must remain face-up on the field in order to activate and resolve this effect.
- If your opponent activates "Book of Eclipse" after you resolve this effect, when "Book of Eclipse" resolves and your affected monsters are flipped face-up (and you draw 1 card for each) then each "Lightsworn" monster (or "Judgment Dragon") will once again activate this effect [REF]
- Player A resolves "Brain Control" first, restoring control of the "Lightsworn" monster to Player B. That "Lightsworn" monster is no longer controlled by the turn player, thus its effect will not activate.
- Player A activates and resolves the "Lightsworn" monster's effect to send cards from the top of their Deck to the Graveyard. Then that "Lightsworn" monster is returned to Player B's control [REF].
- During Player A's turn, Player B gains control of Player A's "Lightsworn" monster. During the End Phase, when control of the "Lightsworn" monster is restored to Player A, its mandatory Trigger Effect will activate [REF].
- The (1) Trigger-like Effect activates in Substep 7 - End of the Damage Step.
- If the destroyed monster is no longer in the Graveyard when this effect resolves, you cannot Special Summon a monster from your Deck.
- The destroyed monster must be a Machine-Type monster on the field and in the Graveyard in order to activate this effect.
- You look at the Attribute and ATK of the Machine-Type monster while it’s in the Graveyard.
- If you control multiple copies of “Machina Armored Unit” you can activate each of them in a Chain and Special Summon 1 monster for each.
- If 2 monsters are destroyed and sent to your Graveyard at the same time, such as if your opponent controls one of your monsters and attacks another one of your monsters with the same ATK, you choose which one of those monsters you will look at when you activate the effect of “Machina Armored Unit.”
- The (S) Special Summon does not start a chain.
- Discarding a Machine-Type monster(s) is a cost.
- You can discard "Machina Fortress" as part of the cost to perform this Special Summon.
- This Summon can be performed while "Macro Cosmos" / "Dimensional Fissure" is active.
- If "Macro Cosmos" / "Dimensional Fissure" is active, you cannot discard "Machina Fortress" and another Machine-Type monster to Special Summon that copy of "Machina Fortress", since after being discarded "Machina Fortress" will be removed from play.
- This effect targets 1 card on your opponent's field.
- This effect cannot activate if this card is removed from play instead.
- This effect is applied before resolving the effect that targeted this card [REF].
- If multiple copies of "Machina Fortresses" were targeted by your opponent's “Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier”, you first decide whether or not you want to Chain any effects. Then, when you go to resolve the effect of Brionac, first look at your opponent’s hand and discard 1 card from it for each "Machina Fortress" that was targeted. Finally, resolve Brionac’s effect.
- The (1) optional Trigger Effect activates in the Summon response timing (like "Trap Hole").
- The "When. you can. " effect can miss the timing if "Machina Gearframe" is Normal Summoned as Chain Link 2+ by the effect of "Ultimate Offering".
- If the target is no longer Machine-Type, Gearframe is destroyed by game mechanic.
- If the target is flipped face-down / leaves the field, Gearframe is destroyed by game mechanic.
- If the equipped monster is flipped face-down / leaves the field, Gearframe is destroyed by game mechanic immediately.
- A Union Monster that is attached to a monster is treated as an Equip Spell Card.
- If "Dimensional Fissure" is active when an equipped Union Monster is sent to the Graveyard, it will not be banished, because it was treated as a Spell and not a monster [REF].
- If you have no open Monster Card Zone when this effect resolves, send this card to the Graveyard.
- If the equipped monster is flipped face-down / leaves the field before this effect resolves, this card is immediately destroyed and sent to the Graveyard and is not Special Summoned.
- You can activate this effect even if your opponent controls the equipped monster.
- Apply this effect if the equipped monster would be destroyed by battle or card effect.
- If an effect (ex: "Black Rose Dragon") would simultaneously destroy Gearframe and the equipped Machine-Type monster; destroy both cards, you CANNOT apply this effect [REF].
- This does not apply if the equipped monster would be removed from play, returned to the hand / Deck, or flipped face-down by a card effect.
- This (1) optional Trigger Effect CAN miss the timing.
- This effect will only activate if the last thing to happen was Peacekeeper's destruction.
- You cannot activate this effect if you do not have any Union Monsters remaining in your Deck.
- This effect will activate if Peacekeeper is equipped to a monster that gets flipped face-down.
- If the target is no longer Machine-Type, Peacekeeper is destroyed by game mechanic.
- If the target is flipped face-down / leaves the field, Peacekeeper is destroyed by game mechanic.
- If the equipped monster is flipped face-down / leaves the field, Peacekeeper is destroyed by game mechanic immediately.
- A Union Monster that is attached to a monster is treated as an Equip Spell Card.
- If "Dimensional Fissure" is active when an equipped Union Monster is sent to the Graveyard, it will not be banished, because it was treated as a Spell and not a monster [REF].
- If you have no open Monster Card Zone when this effect resolves, send this card to the Graveyard.
- If the equipped monster is flipped face-down / leaves the field before this effect resolves, this card is immediately destroyed and sent to the Graveyard and is not Special Summoned.
- You can activate this effect even if your opponent controls the equipped monster.
- Apply this effect if the equipped monster would be destroyed by battle or card effect.
- If an effect (ex: "Black Rose Dragon") would simultaneously destroy Peacekeeper and the equipped Machine-Type monster; destroy both cards, you CANNOT apply this effect [REF].
- This does not apply if the equipped monster would be removed from play, returned to the hand / Deck, or flipped face-down by a card effect.
- The (1) Continuous-like Effect applies to face-up Machine-Type monsters on BOTH sides of the field.
- The (2) Continuous-like Effect does not start a Chain.
- Junk Counters are placed when an effect resolves destroying a Machine-Type monster(s), or during the Damage Step when a Machine-Type monster is destroyed by battle.
- If multiple Machine-Type monsters are destroyed at the same time, you only place 2 Junk Counters.
- A Machine-Type monster treated as an Equip Card is destroyed, do not place any Junk Counters.
- If a face-down Machine-Type monster is destroyed you do not place any Junk Counters.
- Sending this card to the Graveyard is a cost to activate the effect to Special Summon.
- This effect targets a Machine-Type monster at activation.
- This effect targets 1 face-up Machine-Type monster you control with 500 or less ATK.
- A monster with 500 or less ATk whose Type is Machine by "DNA Surgery" can be targeted.
- If the target is flipped face-down / leaves the field, you still Special Summon from the Deck.
- If the target has >500 ATK when this effect resolves, you still Special Summon from the Deck.
- If the target is not Machine-Type when this effect resolves, you still Special Summon from the Deck.
- You cannot target a Machine-Type monster if no cards in your Deck share its name (ex: Tokens).
- Tributing a monster is a cost.
- You cannot Tribute this card to activate its effect.
- You can Tribute Monster Tokens and “Machine King – 3000 B.C.” will gain ATK.
- If “Skill Drain” is activated, “Machine King – 3000 B.C.” loses its ATK increase and will not regain it even if “Skill Drain” is destroyed.
- This card’s effect is considered to be a monster effect. It is an Ignition Effect, Spell Speed 1.
- The (1) Effect is optional, you can activate this card without a Helios in the Deck.
- "Macro Cosmos" must remain face-up on the Field in order to successfully resolve its (1) effect.
- Because of this effect, "Macro Cosmos" can be destroyed on activation by "Royal Oppression".
- A Monster Tributed to Normal Summon "Jinzo" is still removed from play.
- Cards cannot be sent / discarded to the Graveyard. If a card's cost would do this, it cannot activate.
- Cards whose cost require a card(s) be discarded (ex: "Magic Jammer") can be activated.
- Cards / effects that send / discard a card(s) to the Graveyard at resolution can be activated.
- Examples: "Dark Grepher", "Foolish Burial", "Blaze Accelerator", and "Needlebug Nest".
- The two cards are sent from your hand to the Graveyard when "Mad Reloader's" effect resolves. If you have 1 or less cards in your hand, "Mad Reloader's" effect disappears.
- "Mage Power" includes itself, Field Spell Cards on your side of the field, and monsters acting like Equip Spell Cards, such as Union Monsters.
- If you control "Cannon Soldier" equipped with "Mage Power", and you activate "Limiter Removal", then the ATK of "Cannon Soldier" is (1400 + 500 + 500) x 2 = 4800.
- The effect of "Magic Cylinder" negates the attack of one attacking monster, but that monster is still considered to have attacked and may not attack again or have its Battle Position manually changed.
- Monsters that may attack twice during the Battle Phase, such as "Hayabusa Knight", that have their first attack negated by the effect of "Magic Cylinder" may still make a second attack.
- If the attack of "Goblin Attack Force" or "Spear Dragon" is negated by the effect of "Magic Cylinder", they will not be changed to Defense Position, since Damage Calculation never occurred.
- The Damage caused by this card’s effect is equal to the current ATK of the attacking monster.
- If an effect is chained to "Magic Cylinder" that destroys the attacking monster, or removes the attacking monster from the turn player’s side of the field (including switching it to your control, or sending it to the owner’s hand), no damage is dealt by the effect of "Magic Cylinder".
- This effect targets 1 face-up monster you control.
- If you use “Shrink” on a monster whose ATK is halved by “Magic Hole Golem” the ATK becomes half of its original ATK. After “Shrink” is no longer applied, the ATK becomes the same as before “Magical Hole Golem” was activated.
- If you control 2 “Magic Hole Golems” and target different monsters with their effects, neither monster can attack.
- You can send a Trap Monster like “Embodiment of Apophis” to the Graveyard to pay the cost for “Magic Planter.”
- You cannot send “Macro Cosmos” to the Graveyard to pay the cost of “Magic Planter,” since “Macro Cosmos” is preventing you from sending cards to the Graveyard as costs.
- You can put 2 or more counters on a Spell Card if you activate 2 or more "Magic Reflectors". When the Spell Card is destroyed, remove the counters on it 1-by-1.
- You can activate "Magic Reflector" and put a counter on a Monster Card equipped to "Relinquished", and if the equipped card would be destroyed, remove 1 counter instead.
- If "Imperial Order" is active, and if a Spell Card with a counter on it would be destroyed, the counter is removed instead. "Imperial Order" does not negate the function of counters created by the effect of "Magic Reflector".
- If a Spell Card with a maintenance cost has a counter on it, such as "Messenger of Peace", and you choose not to pay the cost, the Spell Card is still destroyed.
- If a Field Spell Card has a counter on it and a player activates a new Field Spell Card, the Field Spell Card with the counter is still destroyed.
- If "Swords of Revealing Light" has a counter on it, it is still destroyed at the end of the opponent’s third turn after it was activated.
- If you use "Magic Reflector" to place a counter on a Union Monster that is an Equip Card, and the Union Monster would be destroyed instead of the equipped monster, remove the "Magic Reflector" counter from the Union Monster instead, and the Union Monster is not destroyed.
- Count the number of face-up Psychic-Type monsters when "Magical Android's" effect resolves.
- The number of Spellcaster-Type monsters is counted when “Magical Blast” resolves. If your opponent chains an effect to “Magical Blast” that destroys all of your Spellcasters, it still resolves but will do 0 damage.
- The effect of “Magical Blast” that activates in the Draw Phase can be chained to.
- If you have more than 1 “Magical Blast” in your Graveyard during your Draw Phase, you can activate them both, but only 1 will resolve. The other will remain in Graveyard. This forms a chain because they are activating simultaneously (at the specific point in time that you would otherwise draw). If you also have “Freed the Matchless General” on the field, you can only resolve either his effect or “Magical Blast’s” effect, but not both.
- If you can not draw a card, either because you have no cards in your Deck, of because of a card effect, then you cannot activate the effect of “Magical Blast”.
- Note that the effect of “Hino-Kagu-Tsuchi” resolves before the Draw Phase, so you could activate the effect of “Magical Blast” after his effect resolves.
- Tributing a monster for “Magical Dimension” is not a cost; it’s part of the effect and happens when the effect resolves. If the effect of “Magical Dimension” is negated then you do not Tribute a monster.
- You don’t have to destroy a monster when using “Magical Dimension”; it’s optional. If you do choose to destroy a monster, then it’s resolved at the same time as the rest of “Magical Dimension’s” effect.
- Because you select which monster to destroy when “Magical Dimension” resolves, (not when it’s activated) “Magical Dimension” does not target.
- You cannot activate “Magical Dimension” unless you have a Spellcaster-Type monster in your hand that can be Special Summoned with its effect.
- If your opponent activates “Magical Dimension” and chooses not to destroy a monster on the field, then you can activate “Torrential Tribute” or “Bottomless Trap Hole” to destroy the Special Summoned Spellcaster. If your opponent does decide to destroy a monster, then you cannot activate these cards because the last thing to happen was not a monster being Summoned. So you have missed the timing.
- You only need a Spellcaster-Type monster on the field when you activate “Magical Dimension”, not when it resolves. If your opponent chains an effect to destroy your Spellcasters, or flip them face-down, “Magical Dimension” still resolves as normal. Also note that you can Tribute your only Spellcaster for “Magical Dimension’s” effect and the rest of “Magical Dimension” will still resolve properly.
- You cannot Tribute a monster for “Magical Dimension” that is “unaffected by Spell Cards” since Tributing is part of the effect of “Magical Dimension” (not a cost). If the only monster on your side of the field is “Gemini Elf” while “Non-Spellcasting Area” is active, then you could not activate “Magical Dimension”.
- If you Special Summon “Dark Magician of Chaos” with “Magical Dimension”, then decide to destroy 1 monster on the field, then you will NOT get the effect of “Dark Magician of Chaos” because it misses the timing. If you choose not to destroy a monster, however, then his effect will activate. (See rulings for “Dark Magician of Chaos”).
- You can Tribute a monster that was targeted by “Soul Exchange” for “Magical Dimension”.
- You cannot chain “My Body as a Shield” to “Magical Dimension”, since destroying a monster on the field is optional.
- If you Summon a monster like “Skilled Dark Magician” and the opponent activates “Bottomless Trap Hole”, you can chain “Magical Dimension” to Tribute “Skilled Dark Magician” and Special Summon another Spellcaster from your hand. This new monster will NOT be destroyed by “Bottomless Trap Hole”.
- Count the number of Spell Cards in the Graveyard at the time “Magical Explosion” resolves.
- This card cannot be activated unless you can Special Summon both cards. You cannot activate this card while a "Barrier Statue" monster restricts you to Summoning monsters of a specific Attribute.
- This card can activate in the Start Step (before Attack declaration), the Battle Step before [but not during] the Damage Step, and the End Step (before Main Phase 2) of your opponent's Battle Phase.
- The (1) effect Special Summons 2 non-Monster Cards (they are revealed to the opponent).
- The Special Summoned Cards DO NOT HAVE Levels, Attributes, or Types.
- The cards are Special Summoned face-down, even if "Gozen Match" / "Rivalry of Warlords" applies.
- If the Special Summoned cards have Trigger-like Effects that activate when destroyed (ex: "Black Pendant", "Geartown", "Supervise"), they can trigger when destroyed by battle. Cards like "Statue of the Wicked" & "Dark Coffin" must be destroyed while face-down (by card effect) in order to activate, they do not activate if flipped by an attack and destroyed by battle.
- If "Light of Intervention" is active, the cards are placed in face-up Defense Position.
- If "Gravekeeper's Servant" is Summoned and "Necrovalley" is active, it gains 500 ATK and DEF.
- After Special Summoning non-Monster Cards, if this effect would flip a Trap Monster (ex: "Zoma the Spirit") face-down, it returns to the Spell / Trap Card Zone and is not shuffled face-down with the Special Summoned non-Monster Cards. Once Set, it cannot activate that turn.
- This can cause Trigger-like Effects (ex: "Geartown", "Dark Coffin") to activate when destroyed.
- A card removed from play by "Interdimensional Matter Transporter" is destroyed when it is returns.
- There is no limit to the number of Spell Counters you can have on "Magical Marionette".
- Removing Spell Counters from "Magical Marionette" to use its effect is a cost.
- You can use "Magical Marionette"'s effect multiple times in the same turn, as long as you have enough Spell Counters to pay the cost.
- You can destroy "Magical Marionette" with its own effect.
- You place a Spell Counter on this card when the Spell Card resolves, so if "Magic Jammer" is used to negate the Spell Card's activation then you do not place a Spell Counter on this monster. But if "Imperial Order" is chained to the Spell Card, you still place a Spell Counter on this monster because the activation of the Spell Card was not negated. If the Spell Card was a Continuous, Equip, or Field Spell Card, and “Dust Tornado” is chained to its activation and destroys it before it resolves you still place a Spell Counter because the activation of the card was not negated.
- If you activate a Spell Card, and your opponent chains "Call of the Haunted" to Special Summon "Magical Marionette", "Magical Marionette" does not get a Spell Counter for that Spell Card because "Magical Marionette" must be face-up on the field when the Spell Card is activated and when it resolves in order to get a Spell Counter.
- You need to show the cards to your opponent, including the one you keep.
- If you pick up your entire Deck and there were no Spell or Trap Cards, then "Magical Merchant"'s effect disappears.
- Includes your opponent's cards that are capable of having Spell Counters placed on them.
- You can use "Magical Scientist"'s effect multiple times in the same turn.
- "Magical Scientist"'s effect does not target.
- If the Fusion Monster is flipped face-down with "Book of Moon", or removed from play with "Dimensionhole" or "Interdimensional Matter Transporter" or "Different Dimension Gate", the effect is reset and the Fusion Monster does not go back to the Extra Deck, and is not prohibited from attacking your opponent's Life Points directly.
- If you Special Summon "Reaper on the Nightmare" with "Magical Scientist", it cannot attack your opponent's Life Points directly (but can attack a monster).
- You cannot activate "Secret Pass to the Treasures" targeting a Fusion Monster Special Summoned with "Magical Scientist" because it cannot attack your opponent's Life Points directly that turn.
- If "Skill Drain" is activated after a Fusion Monster is Special Summoned with "Magical Scientist", the effect of "Magical Scientist" (that makes the Fusion Monster unable to attack directly and have to go back to the Extra Deck) has been applied already, and is not negated, so the Special Summoned Fusion Monster still cannot attack directly and must go back to the Extra Deck.
- If "Jowgen the Spiritualist" is on the field, you cannot activate the effect of "Magical Scientist" (so you cannot even pay the cost to try and activate "Last Turn", for example).
- If you have two copies of "Magical Thorn" active on the field, your opponent will take 1000 points of damage whenever they discard a card. If you have three copies, they will take 1500 points of damage.
- The effect of "Magical Thorn" is applied when the opponent discards during the End Phase to make their hand size 6, discarding for the cost of cards such as "Tribute to the Doomed", "Cost Down", or "Judgment of Anubis", and discarding for card effects such as "Delinquent Duo", "Confiscation", "Robbin’ Goblin", "Morphing Jar" and "Mefist the Infernal General".
- The effect of "Magical Thorn" is NOT applied when you send cards from your hand to the Graveyard for things such as a Tribute for a Ritual Spell Card, a Fusion Material Monster, or the effects of cards like "Chosen One" or "Gravekeeper’s Watcher".
- The effect of "Magical Thorn" is NOT applied when cards in your hand are destroyed by "Chain Destruction" or when cards are sent from the Deck to Graveyard by the effect of "Painful Choice". It is also NOT applied when cards in your hand are removed from play by the effect of "Lightforce Sword".
- The effect of "Magical Thorn" is only applied when a card is discarded from your opponent’s hand to your opponent’s Graveyard. So if they have your card in your hand by the effect of "Exchange" or "Graverobber" and they discard it, they do not take any damage from the effect of "Magical Thorn".
- If the opponent discards from their hand as a cost to activate a card like "Cost Down" and you chain "Magical Thorn" they will not take any damage. If your opponent activates a card where discarding is part of the effect of the card, such as "Card Destruction", and you chain "Magical Thorn", they WILL take damage because the effect of "Magical Thorn" will be active before the discarding effect resolves.
- "Magical Thorn" deals damage per card, so if the opponent activates "Graceful Charity" they will take 1000 points of damage when they discard 2 cards. If they discard 5 cards to activate "Final Destiny" they take 2500 points of damage.
- Even though "Magical Thorn" does damage per card discarded, it deals the damage as one lump sum for effects like "Dark Room of Nightmare".
- "Necrovalley" does not negate the effect of "Magical Thorn".
- The effect of "Magical Thorn" inflicts damage after an effect resolves. So if the effect of "Morphing Jar" is activated, the damage will be dealt after the new cards are drawn. This means if your opponent has 100 Life Points, and you have "Magical Thorn" active on the field but only one card left in your Deck, you will lose the Duel before the effect of "Magical Thorn" can deal damage to reduce your opponent’s Life Points to 0.
- "Magical Thorn" will deal damage between steps in a chain. For example, both you and your opponent have 100 Life Points remaining, your opponent has two cards in their hand and you have "Magical Thorn" active on the field and a Set "Mind Crush". It is your opponent’s turn and they activate "Final Flame" to deal 600 points of damage to you, and you chain "Mind Crush" calling the "Sinister Serpent" you know they have in their hand. After Step 2 ("Mind Crush") resolves, the effect of "Magical Thorn" deals 500 points of damage to your opponent and you win the Duel before Step 1, "Final Flame", resolves.
- This effect targets the Spell Card in your Graveyard.
- When you Synchro Summon a Spellcaster-Type monster with “Urgent Tuning” that was activated as Chain Link 2 or higher using “Magicat” as a Synchro Material Monster, you can activate the effect to return a Spell Card in a new Chain after the first one resolves.
- If “DNA Surgery” is changing monsters into Spellcasters and you use this card for a Synchro Summon, you can activate its effect.
- If two copies of "Maharaghi" had their effects activated, you resolve them one at a time. This means you look at 1 card, and if you place it back on top of your Deck, you will see it again for the second effect.
- The effect of "Maiden of the Aqua" is active only when there is no face-up Field Spell Card on the field. When a Field Spell Card is activated after "Maiden of the Aqua" is Summoned, the effect of "Maiden of the Aqua" is negated as long as there is a face-up Field Spell Card. If the only Field Spell Card is face-down, the effect of "Maiden of the Aqua" is active. If there is a face-up Field Spell Card but it is negated by "Imperial Order", the effect of "Maiden of the Aqua" is not active.
- If a Field Spell Card is already active, and "Maiden of the Aqua" is Summoned, the existing Field Spell Card continues to function and "Maiden of the Aqua"’s effect is not applied until there is no face-up Field Spell Card.
- While "Maiden of the Aqua" is making the field "Umi", you can activate "Tornado Wall" but if "Maiden of the Aqua" is destroyed, "Tornado Wall" is also destroyed.
- If "Maiden of the Aqua", "Umi", and "Tornado Wall" are all on your side of the field, and "Umi" is destroyed, "Tornado Wall" is not destroyed because "Maiden of the Aqua" treats the field as "Umi" as soon as "Umi" leaves play.
- If you have "Maiden of the Aqua" (with her effect active) and "The Legendary Fisherman" or "Deepsea Warrior" on your side of the field, and "Dark Hole" is activated, "The Legendary Fisherman" and "Deepsea Warrior" will not be destroyed.
- If you have "Maiden of the Aqua" and "Tornado Wall" on the field, and "Maiden of the Aqua" is attacked by "Dark Driceratops" and Battle Damage would be inflicted, "Tornado Wall" still prevents the damage during damage calculation, as "Maiden of the Aqua" will remain on the field until the end of the Damage Step.
- Flipping “Majestic Mech – Ohka” or “Majestic Mech – Goryu” face-down will not reset their memory of how they were Summoned. So if you Normal Summoned them with fewer Tributes by using their effect, they will still be sent to the Graveyard by their effect during the End Phase even if they have been flipped face-down since being Summoned. (However, as long as they are face-down DURING the End Phase, their effect will not activate during that End Phase.)
- The effect of “Majestic Mech – Ohka” and “Majestic Mech – Goryu” that sends itself to the Graveyard will activate during the End Phase of every turn (if they were Normal Summoned with fewer Tributes by using their effect).
- If “Skill Drain” is active during the End Phase, it will negate the effects of a “Majestic Mech” so the “Majestic Mech” will not send itself to the Graveyard.
- If you activate “Cost Down” and Normal Summon “Majestic Mech – Ohka” without Tributes (because it is Level 4) or “Majestic Mech – Goryu” with 1 Tribute (because it is Level 6), their effects will still activate during the End Phase and they will be sent to the Graveyard.
- If you Tribute “Kaiser Sea Horse” to Normal Summon “Majestic Mech – Goryu” it is still only 1 monster being Tributed so its effect will activate during the End Phase and it will be sent to the Graveyard.
- The effect of a “Majestic Mech” to send itself to the Graveyard is a Trigger Effect that can be chained to.
- Flipping “Majestic Mech – Ohka” or “Majestic Mech – Goryu” face-down will not reset their memory of how they were Summoned. So if you Normal Summoned them with fewer Tributes by using their effect, they will still be sent to the Graveyard by their effect during the End Phase even if they have been flipped face-down since being Summoned. (However, as long as they are face-down DURING the End Phase, their effect will not activate during that End Phase.)
- The effect of “Majestic Mech – Ohka” and “Majestic Mech – Goryu” that sends itself to the Graveyard will activate during the End Phase of every turn (if they were Normal Summoned with fewer Tributes by using their effect).
- If “Skill Drain” is active during the End Phase, it will negate the effects of a “Majestic Mech” so the “Majestic Mech” will not send itself to the Graveyard.
- If you activate “Cost Down” and Normal Summon “Majestic Mech – Ohka” without Tributes (because it is Level 4) or “Majestic Mech – Goryu” with 1 Tribute (because it is Level 6), their effects will still activate during the End Phase and they will be sent to the Graveyard.
- The effect of a “Majestic Mech” to send itself to the Graveyard is a Trigger Effect that can be chained to.
- If a “Majestic Mech” is face-down during the End Phase, its effect cannot activate so it will not be sent to the Graveyard. But it remembers when it was Summoned, even if flipped face-down. So if you Summon a “Majestic Mech - Senku”, flip it face-down, then flip it face-up again during the same turn, it will be sent to the Graveyard by its effect.
- The effect of “Majestic Mech – Senku” that sends itself to the Graveyard only activates during the End Phase of the turn it was Summoned. If it manages to remain on the field longer than that, it will not send itself to the Graveyard during any following End Phase.
- If “Skill Drain” is active during the End Phase, it will negate the effects of a “Majestic Mech” so the “Majestic Mech” will not send itself to the Graveyard.
- The effect of a “Majestic Mech” to send itself to the Graveyard is a Trigger Effect that starts a chain.
- “Majestic Mech – Senku’s” first effect is also a Trigger Effect that can be chained to.
- The effect of “Maji-Gire Panda” is a Trigger Effect that activates when 1 or more Beast-Type monster(s) are destroyed. If the monsters were destroyed as a result of battle, the timing of this effect is at the end of the Damage Step, when the monsters are sent to the Graveyard.
- You can chain to the activation of “Maji-Gire Panda”’s effect, including with “Divine Wrath”.
- If 2 or more Beast-Type monsters are destroyed at the same time, the ATK of “Maji-Gire Panda” only increases by 500 points.
- Beast-Type tokens like “Sheep Tokens” are included and will increase the ATK of “Maji-Gire Panda” when destroyed.
- Monsters changed to Beast-Type by “DNA Surgery” are included and will increase the ATK of “Maji-Gire Panda” when destroyed.
- Beast-Type monsters on your opponent’s side of the field are included and will increase the ATK of “Maji-Gire Panda” when destroyed.
- When face-down Beast-Type monsters are destroyed (by a card effect), the ATK of “Maji-Gire Panda” does not increase.
- The ATK increase from the effect of “Maji-Gire Panda” remains as long as “Maji-Gire Panda” remains face-up on the field.
- This card cannot be used as a Synchro Material Monster, except for the Synchro Summon of a "Majestic" monster.
- The text of this card is not an effect. It cannot be negated by “Skill Drain.”
- The effect that negates a monster’s effect and increases “Majestic Red Dragon’s” ATK targets that monster.
- The effect that activates after damage calculation activates even if “Majestic Red Dragon” would be destroyed during damage calculation.
- The effect that activates during the End Phase targets 1 “Red Dragon Archfiend” in your Graveyard.
- The ATK gained by “Majestic Red Dragon” when you use its effect includes any bonuses the target monster is receiving from effects or Equip Spells.
- If you target “Great Maju Garzett” with “Majestic Red Dragon’s” effect, “Great Maju Garzett’s” ATK becomes 0 and “Majestic Red Dragon” will not gain ATK.
- You cannot target a non-Effect monster with “Majestic Red Dragon’s” effect.
- If you negate the effects of a monster with “Majestic Star Dragon” you can only activate 1 of the monster’s effects 1 time.
- The effect to return “Majestic Star Dragon” to the Extra Deck is mandatory. It activates even if an effect that prohibits Special Summons is applied. In that case, you return “Majestic Star Dragon” to the Extra Deck but will not Special Summon “Stardust Dragon.”
- If “G.B. Hunter” is on the field, the effect to return “Majestic Star Dragon” to the Extra Deck will activate and resolve without effect.
- If you activate the effect of the monster that “Majestic Star Dragon” negated it will start a Chain. “Divine Wrath” can be used against this effect and will destroy “Majestic Star Dragon” in this case.
- The effect to Special Summon “Stardust Dragon” targets the “Stardust Dragon.” It activates even if there is no “Stardust Dragon” in the Graveyard.
- If you negate the effect of a monster and then take control of that monster with another effect, the monster’s effect is still negated.
- If you negate your opponent’s “Majestic Star Dragon” with your own, you can activate the effect once again to negate another monster.
- You cannot gain and activate the effect of a Gladiator Beast that returns to the Main Deck, but you can gain and activate the effect of a Gladiator Beast that returns to the Extra Deck.
- If “Majestic Star Dragon” is destroyed by battle, it cannot activate the effects of monsters like “Hyper Hammerhead.”
- If you negate “The Six Samurai – Yaichi” you cannot apply the effect to destroy another “Six Samurai” instead if “Majestic Star Dragon” would be destroyed.
- If you negate “Morphtronic Celfon” you can only activate one of its effects, corresponding to the battle position of “Majestic Star Dragon.”
- If you negate the effect of a Gemini monster that is being treated as a Normal Monster, you cannot activate its effect. If you negate the effect of a Gemini monster after it’s been Normal Summoned again, you cannot activate the negated effect because “Majestic Star Dragon” cannot be Summoned twice.
- If you negate a card with an Ignition Effect like “Exiled Force” you can use its effect.
- If you negate “Sangan” with “Majestic Star Dragon” you cannot activate its effect if “Majestic Star Dragon” is sent to the Graveyard.
- You must pay all costs and meet all conditions required for the negated effect that you want to activate with “Majestic Star Dragon.”
- You can only activate the negated effect during the turn you negated it with “Majestic Star Dragon.”
- “Majestic Star Dragon” can activate effects that start a Chain. Ignition, Quick, and Trigger Effects can all be activated, but Continuous Effects that are always applied cannot be applied by “Majestic Star Dragon.”
- If you negate “Sangan” with “Majestic Star Dragon” and then attack it, the effect of “Sangan” will activate and resolve normally.
- “Majestic Star Dragon” cannot negate the effect of a monster whose effect is already being negated.
- You can Tribute “Majestic Star Dragon” to negate an opponent’s card even if they control no cards to be destroyed.
- You can use “Stardust Dragon” as a Synchro Material Monster for “Majestic Star Dragon” even if it’s being treated as a Tuner.
- You can Summon “Majestic Star Dragon” if “Majestic Dragon” is being treated as a non-Tuner and “Stardust Dragon” is being treated as a Tuner.
- Both players reveal their hand while resolving "Major Riot".
- The monster returned to your hand by your opponent's card effect is not included in the number of returned monsters.
- High-Level monsters cannot be Set with "Major Riot".
- You can't search for "Maju Garzett" with "Sangan" or "Mystic Tomato".
- You can Tribute face-down monsters for "Maju Garzett" and their ATK will count towards "Maju Garzett"'s ATK.
- "Maju Garzett"'s ATK will be 0 if you Special Summon it, or Tribute Summon it with a monster with "?" ATK (such as "Gradius' Option" or another "Maju Garzett"), or Tribute Summon it with only 1 Tribute using "Cost Down", or equip it with "Megamorph", or if it's flipped face-down and then face-up again, or if you Tribute Summon it with Mirage Tokens, or if you remove it from play with "Dimensionhole" and it returns to the field.
- If "Skill Drain" is active, "Maju Garzett"'s ATK is reset to 0 even if "Skill Drain" is later destroyed.
- If "Maju Garzett" battles "Cat's Ear Tribe", its original ATK is changed to 200 for the battle, then after the battle its ATK is reset to 0.
- When you Tribute Monster Tokens to Tribute Summon "Maju Garzett", the sum of their ATK's will be the ATK of "Maju Garzett".
- When you Tribute Summon "Maju Garzett", your opponent can use "Trap Hole" or "Bottomless Trap Hole" if appropriate.
- “Makiu, the Magical Mist” targets the selected “Summoned Skull” or Thunder-Type monster. The destruction effect of “Makiu, the Magical Mist” does not target, so it will not destroy “Abyssal Kingshark”, etc. You cannot select a face-down monster because you cannot check its ATK. You cannot activate “Makiu, the Magical Mist” during Main Phase 2. You can activate “Makiu, the Magical Mist” and “Soul Exchange” during the same turn. Likewise, you can activate more than 1 copy of “Makiu, the Magical Mist” and/or “Soul Exchange” during the same turn. You can also activate “Makiu, the Magical Mist” if your Battle Phase will be skipped because of “Great Long Nose”, etc.
- This card's effect is a Continuous Effect.
- You cannot activate a "Raigeki Break" in your hand by discard "Makyura the Destructor" as a cost.
- The (U) Unclassified Effect does not activate, it applies in the hand.
- The (1) Trigger Effect is mandatory, it activates & resolves on the field in the End Phase.
- This effect ONLY activates & resolve is if it is the ONLY Zombie-Type monster on the field.
- This effect will activate during the End Phase of every turn (if this card was Normal Summoned with its [U] Unclassified Effect).
- If the activation of this effect is negated by "Light and Darkness Dragon," it will activate again in the same End Phase [REF].
- If this effect resolves negated by "Skill Drain," it will not activate again in the same End Phase [REF].
- This effect resolves without effect (Goku En is not destroyed) if an effect (like "Call of the Haunted") is chained that Summons an another Zombie-Type monster to the field face-up.
- This effect resolves sequentially: first, send this card to the Graveyard; then inflict effect damage.
- This effect inflicts damage equal to the original (printed) ATK of "Malevolent Mech - Goku En".
- If a "Sangan" or a "Witch of the Black Forest" equipped with "Malevolent Nuzzler" is Tributed and you activate the effect of "Malevolent Nuzzler", "Malevolent Nuzzler" goes on top of your Deck and then "Sangan" or "Witch of the Black Forest" is resolved. If "Sangan" is destroyed (not Tributed) the effects of "Sangan" and "Malevolent Nuzzler" are simultaneous and form a chain.
- The number of “Malice Ascendants” in your Graveyard is counted at the resolution of its effect. If your opponent chains “Disappear” to remove 1, then it is no longer counted for the effect of your “Malice Ascendant” on the field.
- If your opponent takes control of your "Malice Doll of Demise", and sends it to the Graveyard by the effect of a Continuous Spell Card, you can still activate its effect to Special Summon it during your Standby Phase.
- If "Malice Doll of Demise" is Tributed to activate the effect of "Mass Driver", then "Malice Doll of Demise’s" effect does not activate because the Tribute is treated as a cost, not an effect.
- Examples of Continuous Spell Cards that would send "Malice Doll of Demise" from the field to the Graveyard by their effect include "Ectoplasmer" and "Continuous Destruction Punch".
- You can only activate the Special Summoning effect of “Malice Doll of Demise” during your first Standby Phase after it was sent to the Graveyard by the effect of a Continuous Spell Card. If you miss that, you cannot then activate the Special Summoning effect later on. If there is no monster card zone at the appropriate time, the effect is activated but you cannot Special Summon the “Malice Doll of Demise”, so its effect disappears.
- The effect of "Malice Doll of Demise" activates in the Graveyard. If "The End of Anubis" is on the field during the Standby Phase in which "Malice Doll of Demise" would activate its effect, then the effect is negated and "Malice Doll of Demise" is not Special Summoned. If "The End of Anubis" leaves play after that, you still cannot activate "Malice Doll of Demise"’s effect because the opportunity has passed.
- If “Man Beast of Ares” gains ATK, but then “Skill Drain” is activated, the ATK increase is wiped out. Even if “Skill Drain” is later destroyed, the ATK increase is not restored. (Although new ATK can be gained.)
- If "Man-Eater Bug" is the only monster on the field when it is flipped, it destroys itself.
- "Manticore of Darkness"' effect can be activated during the End Phase when it was sent to the Graveyard from the field, hand, or your Deck that same turn.
- When you send 1 "Manticore of Darkness" to the Graveyard to Special Summon another "Manticore of Darkness", you can then send the new "Manticore of Darkness" to the Graveyard to Special Summon the first "Manticore of Darkness".
- If "Card of Safe Return" is active, and "Manticore of Darkness" is Special Summoned with its effect, you can draw a card. So with 2 "Manticores of Darkness", 1 of them sent to the Graveyard, and "Card of Safe Return" in play, you can draw as many cards as you want.
- When "Manticore of Darkness" is sent to the Graveyard because of hand size adjustment in the End Phase, you can activate its effect.
- You can send a face-down Beast, Beast-Warrior, or Winged Beast-Type monster to the Graveyard for "Manticore of Darkness"' effect.
- Sending monsters to the Graveyard for "Manticore of Darkness"' effect is a cost.
- You can't send a Monster Token to the Graveyard for "Manticore of Darkness"' effect because Monster Tokens are taken off the field instead of going to the Graveyard.
- The owner of "Manticore of Darkness" gets the effect, so if your opponent controls your "Manticore of Darkness" and it's sent to the Graveyard, you get to activate the effect.
- If you have 2 "Maurading Captains" on your side of the field, the opponent cannot attack any face-up Warrior-Type monsters you control. They can attack your Life Points directly if they control a monster with an effect that allows it (Such as "Rainbow Flower", "Inaba White Rabbit", or a Toon Monster). They could also attack a non-Warrior Type monster you control.
- Your opponent can attack face-down monsters while you have "Maurading Captain" on the field, even if the face-down monster is Warrior-Type.
- If you control "Maurading Captain" and a Warrior-Type monster equipped with "Ring of Magnetism", the opponent must attack the monster equipped with "Ring of Magnetism" if they choose to attack.
- If you control 2 "Maurading Captains" and one of them is equipped with "Ring of Magnetism", your opponent cannot attack either one.
- If you control "Patrician of Darkness", "Maurading Captain" and a Warrior-Type monster when your opponent attacks, you can use the effect of "Patrician of Darkness" to redirect the attack to "Patrician of Darkness" or "Maurading Captain" only. Not to the other Warrior-Type monster because it cannot be attacked.
- The monster Special Summoned by the effect of "Maurading Captain" does NOT have to be a Warrior-Type monster.
- If your opponent activates "Torrential Tribute" in response to the Summoning of "Maurading Captain" (by chaining to the Trigger Effect of "Marauding Captain"), all monsters on the field will be destroyed, and then you Special Summon for "Maurading Captain"’s effect. If they wait and activate "Torrential Tribute" in response to the Special Summoning of a monster for the effect of "Marauding Captain", then all monsters will be destroyed including the newly-Special Summoned monster.
- This is an Ignition Effect activated from your hand.
- Discarding this card is a cost to activate the effect.
- This effect targets.
- If the targeted monster is flipped face-down by an effect chained to this card’s activation, control of the target will not switch.
- If “DNA Surgery” is chained to this effect, so that the target’s Type changes before this effect resolves, then the effect is not applied.
- If “DNA Surgery” is activated later in the turn, after this effect has already resolved, it has no effect on the resolution of this effect. (Control does not instantly change back. Control changes back as normal at the end of the turn.)
- Removing 1 Plant-Type monster in your Graveyard from play is a cost.
- This card targets 1 monster your opponent controls.
- The (1) Continuous-like Effect applies as soon as this card is equipped.
- If "Tailor of the Fickle" equips this card to another monster your opponent controls during their turn, take control of that monster after "Tailor of the Fickle" resolves.
- If the equipped monster is flipped face-down, it remains on its current controller's side of the field.
- If the equipped monster is briefly banished by "Interdimensional Matter Transporter", "Mark of the Rose" is destroyed by game mechanic, the monster returns to the field and won't change control.
- This effect differs with contemporary errata of "Mark of the Rose".
- This effect is not present on contemporary errata of "Mark of the Rose".
- The (1) Trigger Effect activates in Substep 5 - After Damage Calculation.
- This effect forms a Chain with effects (like “Airknight Parshath”) that activate at the same time.
- This effect is mandatory. It activates even if your opponent cannot take effect damage.
- This card can still be destroyed by card effects, like that of “Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke”.
- If a face-down “Marshmallon” attacked while “Gorgon’s Eye” applies will have its effects negated.
- While you have “Marshmallon” and “Marshmallon Glasses” face-up on your side of the field, if you equip a monster, other than “Marshmallon”, on your side of the field with “Ring of Magnetism”, your opponent’s monsters must attack the monster equipped with “Ring of Magnetism” when they attack.
- While you have “Marshmallon” and “Marshmallon Glasses” face-up on your side of the field, if you activate “Staunch Defender” and select a monster other than “Marshmallon”, your opponent’s monsters must attack the monster you selected with “Staunch Defender”.
- While you have “Marshmallon”, “Marshmallon Glasses”, and “Marauding Captain” face-up on your side of the field and you activate “DNA Surgery”, selecting Warrior-Type, your opponent will not be able to attack with their monsters.
- While you have “Marshmallon”, “Marshmallon Glasses”, and “Magician’s Valkyria” face-up on your side of the field and you activate “DNA Surgery”, selecting Spellcaster-Type, your opponent will not be able to attack with their monsters.
- While you control a face-down “Marshmallon” and a face-up “Marshmallon Glasses”, if your opponent declares an attack against a monster other than “Marshmallon” and you activate “Ceasefire”, your opponent’s monster will still attack its original intended target because the attack has already been declared.
- While you have a face-up “Marshmallon”, “Marshmallon Glasses”, and another monster equipped with “Raregold Armor”, your opponent cannot attack with any of their monsters.
- “Marshmallon Glasses” can be activated while “Marshmallon” is face-down or not on the field.
- While you have “Marshmallon” and “Marshmallon Glasses” face-up on your side of the field, your opponent cannot attack directly with cards like “Goblin Black Ops” or “Inaba White Rabbit”. Your opponent must select “Marshmallon” when declaring their attack.
- This monster’s effect is a Quick Effect, and therefore Spell Speed 2. So it may be used against Quick-Play Spell Cards.
- You can Tribute "Maryokutai" to activate its effect during the Damage Step.
- The payment of 1000 Life Points is optional and the controller of "Mask of Brutality," not the controller of the equipped monster, chooses to pay or not. If you choose not to pay 1000 Life Points, "Mask of Brutality" is destroyed.
- If a card / effect Tributes a monster(s) as part of a cost / effect, it cannot be activated.
- If this card is Chained to a card whose effect would Tribute a monster(s), no monster(s) is Tributed.
- If this card is Chained to a card / effect (such as "Cannon Soldier") that Tributed a monster(s) as cost, that effect still resolves since the activation cost was already paid.
- If this card is Chained to a Ritual Spell Card, it cannot Tribute monsters when it resolves, but it can still remove from play the "Djinn" monsters if their Levels would allow the Ritual Summon to be performed.
- Fusion and Synchro Summons can still be performed, as the Material are not Tributed.
- The effect of "Masked Sorcerer" includes Battle Damage caused when it is attacked in Defense Position by a monster with ATK lower than "Masked Sorcerer"’s DEF.
- Tributing a monster for "Mass Driver" is a cost.
- You can use "Mass Driver"'s effect repeatedly in the same turn as long as you can keep paying the cost.
- The activation of "Mass Driver"'s effect can be chained to.
- You can only select as many monsters with A-Counters as you have empty Monster Card Zones.
- If a monster you control with the effect of "Mass Hypnosis" loses it’s A-Counter, then control is returned to the opponent.
- If a monster you control with the effect of "Mass Hypnosis" is flipped face-down, then you will keep continue to control it, even though it no longer has A-Counters and even if "Mass Hypnosis" is removed from the field.
- Paying 1000 Life Points is a cost to activate “Master Gig’s” effect. This effect does not target.
- You determine the number of destroyed monsters based on the number of face-up Psychic monsters you control when this effect resolves.
- If the number of monsters controlled by the opponent is less than the number of face-up Psychic monsters you control, you cannot activate “Master Gig’s” effect. If the effect has already been activated and you control more Psychic-Type monsters than your opponent has monsters when the effect resolves, you cannot destroy any of the opponent’s monsters.
- You cannot use "Change of Heart" on a face-up "Mataza the Zapper".
- If you take control of a face-down "Mataza the Zapper" and flip it face-up, it stays on your side of the field and doesn't return to the original controller.
- If you use "Monster Reborn" on "Mataza the Zapper" while "Remove Brainwashing" is active, control of "Mataza the Zapper" does not return to the original owner.
- While "Skill Drain" is active, you can take control of "Mataza the Zapper" from your opponent.
- The (1) Ignition-like Effect activates & resolves on the field.
- Either player can use this effect on their respective turn.
- This effect is not an additional Normal Summon, but your one Normal / Tribute Summon for the turn may be performed without Tributing monsters.
- Paying 1000 or 2000 Life Points is a cost.
- You cannot pay 3000 Life Points to Normal Summon "Victory Dragon" or "Gilford the Lightning", so you cannot use this effect to Normal Summon "Obelisk the Tormentor" [REF].
- The Normal Summoned monster (ex: "Caius the Shadow Monarch") was NOT Tribute Summoned.
- The Normal Summon CANNOT be negated by "Solemn Judgment" [REF].
- The Normal Summon can be responded to with "Torrential Tribute".
- You cannot use the effect of "Spell Economics" to activate this effect without paying Life Points.
- This effect cannot be used when resolving the effect of “Ultimate Offering”, because you cannot activate “Mausoleum of the Emperor’s” effect during the resolution of “Ultimate Offering’s” effect.
- The effect to change the Level and halve the ATK/DEF of this card is a Trigger Effect that activates at the end of the Damage Step.
- If “Max Warrior” has its Level and ATK/DEF changed by its own effect and your next Standby Phase is skipped, the Level and ATK/DEF of “Max Warrior” will return to normal at the start of Main Phase 1.
- If you use the effect of “Assault Armor” to let “Max Warrior” attack twice and destroy two monsters, its Level will be 2 and its original ATK/DEF will be ¼ of their printed value.
- You choose when during your Standby Phase to return “Max Warrior’s” Level and original ATK/DEF to normal. It does not start a chain.
- The halved ATK/DEF is considered the original ATK/DEF while “Max Warrior’s” effect is being applied.
- You cannot use "Monster Reborn", etc. on "Mazera DeVille" even if he is Special Summoned properly, because he "cannot be Special Summoned, EXCEPT by. ".
- If you Special Summon "Mazera DeVille", his effect activates, and your opponent chains "Mystical Space Typhoon" to destroy "Pandemonium" in a chain, "Mazera Deville"'s effect disappears because his effect needs "Pandemonium" on the field when the effect resolves, not just when it activates (just like "The Agent of Judgment - Saturn").
- If your opponent has less than 3 cards in his hand, he must discard his entire hand.
- "Mecha Bunny's" effect targets 1 card on the field. If an effect is chained that removes the selected card from the field, "Mecha Bunny's" effect disappears.
- If “Mecha-Dog Marron” is destroyed in the middle of a chain, its effect starts a new chain when the current chain has finished resolving.
- You can use “Barrel Behind the Door” against either effect of “Mecha-Dog Marron”.
- “Activate” means make the card face-up, or activate it from your hand. If “Mechanical Hound” is face-up on the field, your opponent can still use the effects of Continuous Spell Cards that are already face-up on the field.
- If "Medium Piece Golem" is Special Summoned during the Damage Step, you can activate its effect.
- Removing Spell Counters is a cost. If you do not have 10 Spell Counters you cannot activate "Mega-Ton Magical Cannon".
- "Megamorph" changes the current ATK of the monster it is equipped to. It calculates a new current ATK by half or doubling the equipped monster’s original ATK.
- Having multiple "Megamorphs" equipped to a monster is the same as having one.
- "Megamorph" is always recalculating with every change in Life Points. For example, your "Jirai Gumo" is equipped with "Megamorph" and you have 8000 Life Points compared to your 7000. You declare an attack with "Jirai Gumo" and lose the coin toss, losing 4000 Life Points. Now "Jirai Gumo"’s ATK is doubled before Damage Calculation.
- When Life Points are equal the equipped monster’s ATK is unchanged.
- You may equip "Megamorph" to your opponent’s monster, but ‘your Life Points’ refers to the controller of "Megamorph". So if you have more Life Points than your opponent, your opponent’s monster equipped with "Megamorph" has its ATK halved.
- You must remove from play at least 1 Rock-Type monster in your Graveyard in order to Special Summon “Megarock Dragon”.
- If you Special Summon “Mega-Rock Dragon” with an original ATK of 2100 points, and you equip it with “Megamorph”, its current ATK will become 4200 or 1050 depending on your Life Points.
- If “Skill Drain” is active while “Megarock Dragon” is in play, the effect of “Megarock Dragon” is negated and its original ATK and DEF are treated as zero. Even if “Skill Drain” is destroyed later, the original ATK and DEF of “Megarock Dragon” will remain zero.
- If “Megarock Dragon” is flipped face-down, or removed from play, or sent to the Graveyard, its effect is wiped and its original ATK and DEF are zero.
- “Memory Crusher’s” effect activates when battle damage is inflicted.
- “Mermaid Archer’s” effect to equip itself targets the Level 3 or lower monster you control.
- If “Imperial Order” or “Spell Canceller” are active, “Mermaid Archer” still gains the 800 ATK from a monster equipped to it.
- If “Mermaid Archer” and the monster equipped to it would be destroyed at the same time (by “Judgment Dragon,” for example), you cannot destroy the equipped monster to save “Mermaid Archer.”
- Only monsters equipped to “Mermaid Archer” by “Mermaid Archer’s” own effect can be destroyed instead of “Mermaid Archer.”
- If “Mermaid Archer” is equipped with a monster by its own effect, and also equipped with “Metallizing Parasite – Lunatite” at the same time, and it would be destroyed, “Metallizing Parasite – Lunatite” automatically destroys itself with its effect, so you cannot choose to destroy the other monster equipped to “Mermaid Archer.”
- "Mermaid Knight" can attack twice if "Maiden of the Aqua" is making the field treated as "Umi".
- If you declare your second attack with "Mermaid Knight", and "Umi" is destroyed during the Battle Step, a replay occurs and you cannot attack a second time with "Mermaid Knight".
- If there is no "Umi" on the field and "Mermaid Knight" attacks, then you Special Summon "Maiden of the Aqua" to treat the field as "Umi", you can attack a second time.
- The maintenance cost is optional, you may chose not to play 100 Life Points and "Messenger of Peace" will be destroyed.
- The ATK of an attacking monster may increase above 1500 after the attack is declared.
- You can select "Metal Reflect Slime" with "Last Turn" and it will not be sent to the Graveyard.
- A "Metal Reflect Slime" equipped with "Heart of Clear Water" will be destroyed by "Mystical Space Typhoon".
- You cannot activate "A Deal with Dark Ruler" when "Metal Reflect Slime" is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard because it is a Trap Card in the Graveyard.
- While "Metal Reflect Slime" is treated as an Effect Monster Card, it will count as 1 card for "Spatial Collapse".
- When "Inferno" destroys "Metal Reflect Slime" in battle, its effect does not activate.
- You can activate "Chain Disappearance" when "Metal Reflect Slime" is Special Summoned. The Special Summoned "Metal Reflect Slime" and all copies of "Metal Reflect Slime" in the Deck will be removed from play.
- When "Absorbing Kid from the Sky" destroys "Metal Reflect Slime" in battle, its effect does not activate because "Metal Reflect Slime" is a Trap Card in the Graveyard.
- When you activate "Call of the Earthbound" and chain "Metal Reflect Slime", a replay will occur when "Metal Reflect Slime" is Special Summoned. If the opponent decides to attack with the same monster, you will select its attack target.
- If "Metal Reflect Slime" becomes a Machine-Type Monster with "DNA Surgery", you can select it with "Machine Duplication" but you will not be able to Special Summon any cards because "Metal Reflect Slime" is a Trap Card while in your Deck.
- While "Metallizing Parasite - Lunatite" is equipped to a monster, and "Final Destiny" is activated, all monsters are destroyed except for the monster equipped with "Metallizing Parasite - Lunatite".
- If you equip "Metallizing Parasite - Lunatite" to a monster that has been affected by "Limiter Removal", the monster is still destroyed during the End Phase by "Limiter Removal"'s effect.
- If you equip a monster with 2 or more copies of “Metalmorph”, the effect of each copy of “Metalmorph” is applied. For example, if you equip 2 “Metalmorph” onto a monster it will gain 600 ATK and DEF and when the equipped monster attacks your opponent’s monster its ATK will be increased further by the effect of each “Metalmorph”.
- If “Reverse Trap” is activated, the increase of 300 ATK and DEF is changed into a decrease of 300 ATK and DEF. When your monster that is equipped with “Metalmorph” attacks your opponent’s monster, the additional gained ATK, that is based on the ATK of the monster being attacked, is NOT changed to a decrease.
- The additional ATK gained when your equipped monster attacks your opponent’s monster is applied when you attack a face-up or face-down monster. This effect does not target.
- If you have a Warrior-Type monster equipped with “Metalmorph” and it attacks your opponent’s “Kinetic Soldier”, the effect of “Kinetic Soldier” is resolved first. The monster equipped with “Metalmorph” will gain ATK equal to half of “Kinetic Soldier’s” total ATK.
- If your monster that is equipped with “Metalmorph” attacks your opponent’s “Injection Fairy Lily”, if your opponent activates “Injection Fairy Lily’s” effect it will be resolved first, and then after “Injection Fairy Lily’s” ATK is increased by 3000 your monster will gain additional ATK equal to half of “Injection Fairy Lily’s” total ATK.
- If your monster that is equipped with “Metalmorph” attacks your opponent’s “Elemental Hero Wildheart”, your monster will still gain additional ATK because “Metalmorph” does not affect the monster that is being attacked.
- When you monster that is equipped with “Metalmorph” attacks your opponent’s “The Wicked Avatar”, first you will apply the additional gained ATK based on the current ATK of “The Wicked Avatar”, and then if your equipped monster becomes the monster with the highest ATK on the field, the ATK of “The Wicked Avatar” will be recalculated.
- Example: Player A has “Cannon Soldier” equipped with “Metalmorph” (1400 + 300 = 1700 ATK). “Cannon Soldier” is the monster with the highest ATK on the field, so “The Wicked Avatar” has 1800 ATK (1700 + 100 = 1800 ATK). When “Cannon Soldier” attacks “The Wicked Avatar”, the additional ATK is applied, giving “Cannon Soldier” a total of 2600 ATK (1800/2 + 1700 = 2600). “The Wicked Avatar’s” ATK is then recalculated to 2700 (2600 + 100 = 2700) and damage is calculated. Player A’s “Cannon Soldier” is destroyed and Player A takes 100 points of Battle Damage.
- Your opponent cannot activate "Monster Reborn" and other cards that target while you have a monster equipped with "Metalsilver Armor". Your opponent can activate "Raigeki", "Mirror Force", and other cards that do not target.
- If you attack with "Dark Magician", and you control another monster equipped with "Metalsilver Armor", your opponent cannot activate "Magic Cylinder" because "Magic Cylinder" targets and only the monster equipped with "Metalsilver Armor" can be targeted (and it is not attacking).
- If you have "Metalsilver Armor" active, your opponent cannot target his/her monsters either (with Equip Spell Cards, etc.), including with "Premature Burial".
- If you have 2 monsters equipped with "Metalsilver Armor", your opponent cannot activate any effects that target 1 monster.
- When you have a monster equipped with "Metalsilver Armor", your opponent CAN activate the effect of "Nimble Momonga" or "Giant Germ" because their effects do not target 1 card.
- When you have a monster equipped with "Metalsilver Armor", your opponent CAN activate "Reinforcement of the Army".
- When you have a monster equipped with "Metalsilver Armor", your opponent CAN activate the effect of "The Thing in the Crater" because it Special Summons a monster from your HAND.
- "Metamorphosis" does not properly Summon a Fusion Monster, so you cannot use "Monster Reborn" on it afterwards.
- Tributing a monster is a cost.
- You can Tribute a face-down monster.
- If you activated “Soul Exchange” targeting your opponent’s monster, if the monster is face-down, you cannot Tribute it as a cost for “Metamorphosis”.
- You can Tribute a Monster Token (including a Sheep Token from "Scapegoat").
- If there is no Fusion Monster with the same level as the Tributed monster in your Extra Deck, then you cannot activate this card.
- "Metamorphosis" vs. "A Legendary Ocean": if you want to Special Summon a Level 6 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, you have to Tribute a Level 7 WATER monster on the field because it is treated as a Level 6.
- You count Psychic monsters sent to any Graveyard, including your opponent’s.
- “Zombie World” will change all Psychic monsters into Zombies, including in the Graveyard, so any Psychic monsters sent to the Graveyard will be Zombies instead, and will not count for “Metaphysical Regeneration” (in fact, you cannot activate
- “Metaphysical Regeneration” in that case). Effects that change Type on the field, like “DNA Surgery”, will not apply in the Graveyard, so Psychic monsters sent to the Graveyard while “DNA Surgery” is active still count as “Psychic-Type monsters sent to the Graveyard this turn” (so you gain Life Points for them). Returning Psychic monsters to the Graveyard (with “Miracle Dig”, etc.) does not count as “sending” them to the Graveyard, so they do not count for “Metaphysical Regeneration”. Even if Psychic monsters sent to the Graveyard are no longer in the Graveyard during the End Phase, they still can count for “Metaphysical Regeneration”.
- Sending 2 cards from your hand to the Graveyard is a cost.
- If your opponent’s Life Points drop to 3000 or lower before this effect resolves you will still inflict 2000 damage to them.
- The effect of “Meteor Flare” that activates in your Graveyard is Spell Speed 2.
- If you activate “Meteor of Destruction”, and an effect is chained that causes your opponent’s Life Points to fall below 3000, “Meteor of Destruction” was already activated properly, so it resolves as normal.
- You can activate "Meteorain" during your turn at any point from the Draw Phase to the end of your Battle Phase; you cannot activate it during the Damage Step, Main Phase 2, your End Phase, or your opponent's turn.
- "Meteorain"'s effect applies to all your monsters. Monsters that you Summon, Flip Summon, Special Summon, etc. after activating "Meteorain" still get its effect.
- When you attack with a monster that has "Meteorain"'s bonus, and you attack a Defense Position "Amazoness Swordswoman", then you will take the Battle Damage to your Life Points.
- The (1) Ignition Effect can only activate it during your Main Phase.
- This card removes itself from play as a cost.
- This effect targets 1 Zombie-Type monster in your Graveyard.
- If the target is no longer a Zombie-Type monster, it is not Special Summoned.
- You select the monster when you activate "Micro Ray".
- If you apply "Micro Ray"'s effect and then a new card increases the DEF, add the new DEF to the zero.
- You can activate "Micro Ray" during the Damage Step.
- The first effect of “Mid-Shield Gardna” is an Ignition Effect. The second is a Trigger Effect. You can chain to these effects. You can activate “Divine Wrath” against these effects.
- The effect of “Millennium Scorpion” is a Trigger Effect. Each time it destroys a monster on your opponent’s side of the field and sends it to the Graveyard as a result of battle, it activates. This effect can be chained to. You can activate “Divine Wrath” against it.
- If “Millennium Scorpion” attacks and destroys a Monster Token, the effect of “Millennium Scorpion” does not activate because a Monster Token isn’t sent to the Graveyard.
- If “Millennium Scorpion” has an ATK boost from its effect, but is removed from play with “Interdimensional Matter Transporter”, or flipped face-down, the effect is reset and its ATK returns to normal.
- If the summoning of "Minar" is negated by "Solemn Judgment", etc. its effect is not activated, as it is not considered to have gone directly from your hand to the Graveyard.
- This effect targets 1 (face-up / face-down) monster your opponent controls.
- If the targeted monster was Special Summoned this turn (by "Call of the Haunted"), you can change its Battle Position when you gain control of it [REF].
- Control of the target changes even if it is flipped face-up / face-down before "Mind Control" resolves.
- The effect "it cannot declare an attack or be Tributed" is an effect that is applied until the End Phase of the turn "Mind Control" is applied.
- The target can be used as a Synchro Material Monster or a Fusion Material Monster.
- The target can be removed from play / sent to the Graveyard / returned to the Deck for a cost / effect.
- Returning control of the monster in the End Phase does not start a chain, this occurs even if the monster was flipped face-up / face-down.
- A card with an effect of "Control of this face-up card on the field cannot switch" cannot switch control while face-up under any circumstances. So, if a face-down Botanical Lion changes control due to Mind Control and is then flipped face-up, the lingering part of the effect of Mind Control will not apply during the End Phase and control of Botanical Lion will not return to the original owner.
- You CANNOT activate "Mind Crush" while either player has no cards in hand.
- This effect resolves even if you no longer have any cards in hand.
- 1 copy of a named Limited Card is accounted for (field / Graveyard / banished) [REF].
- 2 copies of a named Semi-Limited Card are accounted for (field / Graveyard / banished) [REF].
- 3 copies of a named Unlimited Card are accounted for (field / Graveyard / banished) [REF].
- Paying 800 Life Points and Tributing 1 other Psychic-Type monster is a cost.
- You can activate this effect multiple times during the same turn if you can continue to pay the cost.
- "Mind Master's" effect cannot be activated if you do not have any Level 4 or lower Psychic-Type Monsters in your Deck that you can Special Summon.
- "Mind on Air"’s effect is continuous, so if you Summon "Mind on Air" and your opponent responds with "Trap Hole", your opponent must show their hand until "Mind on Air" is no longer on the field (after "Trap Hole" resolves).
- If "Mind on Air" is causing your opponent’s hand to be revealed, and an effect that randomly selects a card is activated (like "Robbin’ Goblin"), your opponent shuffles their hand and you must choose randomly without seeing the fronts of the cards.
- You can Tribute a face-down Psychic-Type monster you control.
- Paying 500 Life Points is a maintenance cost.
- You can Tribute a face-down monster to pay the cost of “Mind Trust.” This effect targets 1 Tuner in your Graveyard.
- Calculate the appropriate Level based on the Tributed monster’s Level as it was on the field.
- Round down. If you Tribute a Level 5 monster (for example) you can add a Level 1 or 2 Tuner to your hand, but not a Level 3.
- The effect of “Mine Golem” is a Trigger Effect that activates when “Mine Golem” is sent to the Graveyard after having been destroyed as a result of battle. It can be chained to.
- If you activate “Minefield Eruption”, you inflict damage, then send your “Mine Golem”(s) to the Graveyard. So your opponent has missed the timing and cannot activate “Numinous Healer”, etc.
- The number of “Mine Golem” cards is considered when “Minefield Eruption” resolves, not when it is activated.
- "Miracle Fertilizer" targets the monster(s) Special Summoned by its effect, both when it is selected in the Graveyard and while it is on the field. If "Miracle Fertilizer" is returned to its owner's hand, any monster(s) that was Special Summoned by its effect is no longer targeted, even if "Miracle Fertilizer" is activated again later.
- If you Special Summon a monster with "Miracle Fertilizer", and later in the same turn "Miracle Fertilizer" is removed from the field, you still cannot Normal Summon or Set a monster that turn.
- If you Special Summon 2 or more monsters with "Miracle Fertilizer", when any of the Special Summoned monsters is removed from the field, "Miracle Fertilizer" is destroyed.
- If you activate the effect of "Miracle Fertilizer" and an effect is chained that removes the targeted Plant-Type monster from play, you can still Normal Summon or Set during that turn.
- If "Miracle Flipper" is destroyed by a Spell or Trap Card while face-down, its effect to destroy 1 monster activates. This effect targets the monster to be destroyed.
- If you have a "Miracle Flipper" face-up on your side of the field, you cannot Special Summon another copy of "Miracle Flipper" with "Monster Reborn" or "The Shallow Grave".
- If "Miracle Flipper" is removed from play when it is destroyed in battle, its effect will still activate and it will be Special Summoned onto the opponent's side of the field.
- This performs a Fusion Summon, like "Polymerization". Face-down monsters you control can be used.
- You cannot activate this card while "Non-Fusion Area" is active.
- If “Macro Cosmos” or “Dimensional Fissure” is face-up on the field when “Miracle Jurassic Egg” is destroyed, it will still be removed from play instead of going to the Graveyard.
- You cannot activate “Miracle Kids” if you have no “Hero Kid” cards in your Graveyard.
- The ATK reduction of “Miracle Kids” is determined and applied when “Miracle Kids” resolves. Even if a “Hero Kid” card is removed from the Graveyard after that, the ATK reduction of “Miracle Kids” remains.
- Because it modifies ATK, “Miracle Locus” can be activated in the Damage Step. But not during damage calculation or any point in the Damage Step after damage calculation.
- Even if control of the targeted monster shifts to your opponent, it is your opponent who takes no Battle Damage this turn from battles involving the targeted monster.
- The target of “Miracle Locus” can attack up to 2 monsters, or can attack directly. It cannot attack a monster and then also attack directly.
- You can combine “Miracle Locus” with “Double Attack” and the monster can attack twice. In which case it could attack 2 monsters, or it could attack a monster and then attack directly, all with the +1000 ATK gain. However, your opponent would take no Battle Damage because of “Miracle Lotus’” effect.
- You can target monsters with “Miracle Locus” that could otherwise attack multiple times (in order to give them the ATK boost).
- Your opponent draws 1 card when “Miracle Locus” resolves.
- Removing 2 Spell Counters is a cost.
- The effect of this monster makes the opponent of this monster’s current controller unable to activate Trap Cards during the Battle Phase. If you take control of your opponent’s monster with "Change of Heart" during your turn, your opponent cannot activate Trap Cards during your Battle Phase, but you can.
- The effect of this monster makes your opponent unable to activate Set Trap Cards. However, your opponent can still activate the effects of face-up Trap Cards such as "Type Zero Magic Crusher", "Ultimate Offering", "Skull Lair", "The Dragon’s Bead", and "Astral Barrier".
- "Mirage Knight" cannot be Normal Summoned or Set, and cannot be Special Summoned EXCEPT by the effect of "Dark Flare Knight". So "Mirage Knight" cannot be Special Summoned with "Monster Reborn", etc., even if Special Summoned properly first.
- "Mirage Knight" can be Special Summoned by "Dark Flare Knight"'s effect even if "Skill Drain" is active, because "Dark Flare Knight"'s effect activates in the Graveyard. However, "Mirage Knight"'s effects are negated by "Skill Drain".
- When a "Mirage Knight" that was involved in battle is flipped face-down, it is not removed during the End Phase.
- When a "Mirage Knight" that was involved in battle is removed from play with "Interdimensional Matter Transporter" or "Dimensionhole", it is not removed from play during the End Phase by its own effect.
- If, after drawing during your opponent’s Standby Phase, your "Mirage of Nightmare" is destroyed before you have to discard, then you do not need to discard for its effect.
- You may activate "Mystical Space Typhoon" during your Draw Phase to destroy "Mirage of Nightmare" before you have to discard during your Standby Phase. If your Draw Phase was skipped for some reason, you can still activate "Mystical Space Typhoon" to destroy "Mirage of Nightmare" before activating the effect of "Mirage of Nightmare" that will force you to discard. (You can activate any number of effects during your own Standby Phase in any order you wish, as long as required effects are dealt with by the time you leave the Standby Phase and enter your Main Phase 1.)
- When the turn player controls "Mirage of Nightmare" and "Imperial Order":
- If you draw for "Mirage of Nightmare" during your opponent’s Standby Phase, and then activate "Imperial Order" after that, during your Standby Phase you will have 2 mandatory effects: discarding for "Mirage of Nightmare" and paying 700 Life Points for "Imperial Order" or else destroying it. In this case, you choose which effect to resolve first, and you can choose to resolve "Mirage of Nightmare" first, even though its effect will be negated by "Imperial Order". So you activate its effect, and do not discard. Then you can choose not to pay 700 Life Points to keep "Imperial Order", and "Imperial Order" will be destroyed. Then you can enter Main Phase 1, and you did not have to discard for "Mirage of Nightmare" (because its effect was negated at the time you chose to resolve it).
- When the turn player controls "Imperial Order" and the opponent controls "Mirage of Nightmare":
- If the opponent controls "Mirage of Nightmare" going into the turn player’s Standby Phase, and the turn player already controls a face-up "Imperial Order", then there are 2 mandatory effects that must be resolved: the turn player must pay 700 Life Points or destroy "Imperial Order", and the opponent must draw cards for "Mirage of Nightmare". The turn player has priority to resolve an effect first. If the turn player passes, priority goes to the opponent. If the opponent also passes, then the turn player must resolve an effect, and must pay for "Imperial Order" or it is destroyed. If he does not pay, and "Imperial Order" is destroyed, then the opponent can draw for "Mirage of Nightmare".
- The same procedure is used if both players control "Mirage of Nightmare". Generally, the turn player will first discard for "Mirage of Nightmare", then the opponent will draw for their "Mirage of Nightmare".
- If you discard "Sinister Serpent" during your Standby Phase for the effect of "Mirage of Nightmare", you may add "Sinister Serpent" back to your hand during that same Standby Phase.
- If you have multiple copies of "Mirage of Nightmare", you don’t draw for more than 1 because you have 4 cards in your hand from using the effect of only 1 of them; nor do you have to discard for the second copy because you didn’t draw any cards using its effect. If you draw so that you have 4 cards using 1 "Mirage of Nightmare", and some effect causes you to discard during that same Standby Phase, you may then activate the other "Mirage of Nightmare" to draw back up to 4; in this case you discard separately for each "Mirage of Nightmare" because you drew with both, and if 1 of them is destroyed you do not have to discard for its effect, only for the effect of the "Mirage of Nightmare" that was not destroyed.
- If you have 4 or more cards in your hand during your opponent’s Standby Phase, do not draw, and do not discard during your next Standby Phase (the effect of "Mirage of Nightmare" is not applied).
- If your Standby Phase is skipped because of "Solomon’s Lawbook", etc., do not discard for "Mirage of Nightmare".
- Drawing for "Mirage of Nightmare" is considered 1 draw no matter how many cards are drawn, so you only gain 500 Life Points if you have "Solemn Wishes".
- If you draw 3 cards for "Mirage of Nightmare", but only have 2 cards in your hand during your next Standby Phase, discard your entire hand (2 cards).
- This card does not target.
- If your "Elemental Hero" monster is in Defense Position, calculate damage as normal, using its DEF.
- If you activate "Mirror Gate", Damage Calculation is resolved as part of the resolution of "Mirror Gate's" effect. You cannot activate cards or effects that could usually be activated during the Damage Step.
- If the attacking monster or the attack target is removed from the field by an effect chained to "Mirror Gate", "Mirror Gate" resolves without effect.
- “Mirror of Oaths” does not target.
- You cannot activate “Mirror of Oaths” during the Damage Step.
- You cannot activate “Mirror of Oaths” when your opponent Special Summons from the Extra Deck. Only from the Main Deck.
- You must destroy a Special Summoned monster to draw a card for “Mirror of Oaths.” If a monster is Special Summoned from the Deck and you activate “Mirror of Oaths,” but an effect is chained that destroys that monster before “Mirror of Oaths” can destroy it, you do not draw a card. If you activate “Mirror of Oaths” in response to multiple monsters being Special Summoned, and effects are chained which destroy some, but not all, of those monsters, so that “Mirror of Oaths” destroys at least 1 of them, you draw a card.
- If you destroy multiple monsters with “Mirror of Oaths,” you still only draw 1 card.
- If “Mirror of Oaths” is used in response to 2 monsters being Special Summoned from the Graveyard and 1 from the Deck (at the same time), it only destroys the monster Special Summoned from the Deck.
- If "Mirror Wall" is already face-up on the field when a monster declares an attack, "Mirror Wall" reduces the ATK of the attacking monster by half when the attack is declared.
- If "Mirror Wall" is activated during an attack (including during the Damage Step), then it reduces the ATK of the attacking monster when "Mirror Wall" resolves. (Even though "Mirror Wall" normally reduces the attack by half when the attack is declared, it will still reduce the attack by half if you activate it after the attack is declared.)
- If "Mirror Wall" halves the ATK of a monster, it remains halved as long as "Mirror Wall" remains face-up on the field. If "Mirror Wall" is removed from the field, the ATK of the monsters is restored.
- If a monster attacks twice (over 2 turns, or if “Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning” attacks twice in a row, etc.), its ATK is still only reduced by half once. So “Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning” will have 1500 ATK for both of its attacks, for example.
- If you have 2 copies of "Mirror Wall", and a monster attacks, its ATK is one-quarter. So “Blue-Eyes White Dragon” would have 750 ATK, for example. If 1 of the "Mirror Wall" copies leaves play, then the ATK is increased to half (if both copies leave play, the ATK is restored to full.)
- You can activate "Mirror Wall" during the Damage Step before damage calculation.
- The effect of "Mirror Wall" does not target.
- "Reverse Trap" will have no effect on "Mirror Wall".
- If an effect is chained that destroys the selected monster, removes it from the field, or flips it face-down, then no damage is inflicted. You still cannot attack that turn.
- You can select your opponent’s “Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6” for “Misfortune’s” effect and the opponent will still take damage. This is because “Misfortune” has no effect on the monster you select.
- If you control “Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6”, it can attack during the turn that you activated “Misfortune”.
- If "Mist Archfiend" is not in play in the End Phase, or when its effect resolves, its controller will not take 1000 damage.
- If this card is turned face-down by "Book of Moon", etc. Chained to its effect, it will still be destroyed and its controller will take 1000 damage.
- The effect of "Pandemonium" can be activated when "Mist Archfiend" is destroyed by its own effect.
- If "Mist Archfiend" is Normal Summoned without Tribute, and control of it shifts to the opponent, its current controller will take the damage when its effect resolves during the End Phase.
- The (1) mandatory Trigger Effect activates in the Summon response timing (like "Trap Hole").
- This effect targets 1, 2, or 3 (face-up / face-down) cards your opponent controls.
- Targets are returned to the hand even if flipped face-up / face-down.
- The (1) Trigger Effect is OPTIONAL.
- This effect activates in the Summon response timing (like "Trap Hole").
- This effect targets 1 or 2 (face-up / face-down) Spell / Trap Cards on the field.
- If one target leaves the field, the other target is still destroyed.
- if Mobius was Tribute Summoned as Chain Link 2+ by "Ultimate Offering".
- if Mobius was Normal Summoned by "Mausoleum of the Emperor".
- if Mobius was Normal Summoned while treated as a Level 4 by "Cost Down".
- You can Summon "Moisture Creature" by Tributing 2 monsters, but the effect will not be activated.
- You cannot Summon "Moisture Creature" by Tributing 3 monsters if there are no Spell or Trap Cards on your opponent’s side of the field.
- If you activate the effect of "Moisture Creature" and your opponent chains "Book of Moon" to the effect, the effect still resolves and all Spell and Trap Cards on your opponent’s side of the field are destroyed.
- When "Mokey Mokey King" that was Special Summoned by "Magical Scientist" is returned to the Extra Deck, it has been removed from the field so its effect activates and you Special Summon as many "Mokey Mokey" as possible from your Graveyard.
- Missing the Timing: If "Mokey Mokey King" leaves the field in the middle of a chain (for example, if destroyed by "Ring of Destruction" chained to "Pot of Greed", or Tributed for a Tribute Summon or for the effect of "Cannon Soldier", etc.,), you miss the timing and you cannot Special Summon. Only when the last action of the chain is the removal of "Mokey Mokey King" from the field, can you activate its effect.
- If the effect of "Mokey Mokey Smackdown" is activated (by a Fairy-Type monster on your side of the field being destroyed), and afterwards you Summon a "Mokey Mokey", that "Mokey Mokey" will also have 3000 ATK even though it wasn’t on the field when the Fairy-Type monster is destroyed.
- If you Special Summon "Molten Zombie" face-down with "The Shallow Grave", etc., its effect does not activate.
- When you Special Summon "Molten Zombie" and you have "Card of Safe Return", either effect can be Step 1 of the chain; your choice.
- A monster equipped with 2 “Molting Escapes” will only avoid destruction by battle 1 time each turn. Both effects to gain 300 ATK will be applied individually.
- The equipped monster will not gain 300 ATK if it battles while it cannot be destroyed by battle due to a different effect.
- The ATK increases from “Molting Escape” are applied continuously and will disappear if “Molting Escape” is unequipped.
- The effect to gain 300 ATK starts a Chain
- If you pick up a Spirit Monster, you cannot Special Summon it and it is sent to the Graveyard.
- If you pick up a Guardian and don't have the corresponding Equip Spell Card on the field, you cannot Special Summon the Guardian and it is sent to the Graveyard. If you have the corresponding Equip Spell Card, the Guardian is Special Summoned.
- If you go through your whole Deck without finding a card to pick up, "Monster Gate"'s effect is negated and the cards you picked up are shuffled back into the Deck.
- Your opponent can chain "Royal Oppression"'s effect to negate "Monster Gate"'s effect.
- Cards picked up that cannot be Normal Summoned are considered "sent to the Graveyard", not "discarded".
- If you Special Summon "Dark Magician of Chaos" with "Monster Gate", the effect of "Dark Magician of Chaos" activates, but it activates after "Monster Gate" has fully resolved and sent other picked up cards to the Graveyard, so you can use "Dark Magician of Chaos"' effect to retrieve a Spell Card that was picked up and sent to the Graveyard by "Monster Gate" in the process of searching for the "Dark Magician of Chaos".
- If you select a Fusion Monster or Synchro Monster, it returns to its owner's Extra Deck.
- If you select your opponent's monster that you currently control, it is returned to your opponent's Deck.
- You can select a Monster Token. It is removed from the field instead, because it cannot be shuffled into the Deck.
- This effect targets a card in the Graveyard [REF]. It is negated by "Necrovalley".
- You discard a card for cost.
- If you discard "Night Assailant", "Makyura the Destructor", or "Dandylion" their effects activate (in the Graveyard), starting a new chain, even if you retrieve the same card.
- You cannot Special Summon "Montage Dragon" while "Macro Cosmos" or "Dimensional Fissure", etc. is face-up on the field because you cannot send Monster Cards from your hand to the Graveyard.
- If you send a WATER monster from your hand to the Graveyard while "A Legendary Ocean" is active, the original Level of the monster is used and not the reduced Level.
- If "Montage Dragon" is flipped face-down by "Book of Moon", etc., when it is flipped face-up its ATK is 0.
- If "Skill Drain" is active while "Montage Dragon" is face-up on the field, its ATK becomes 0. If "Skill Drain" is later negated or removed from the field, its ATK remains 0.
- The effect to gain Life Points does not target.
- The effect to Special Summon “Sun Dragon Inti” does target.
- The effect to Special Summon “Sun Dragon Inti” can be activated even during the Damage Step.
- You activate the effect to Special Summon “Sun Dragon Inti” at the end of the Damage Step if “Moon Dragon Quilla” is destroyed by battle, and after the end of the Chain in which “Moon Dragon Quilla” is destroyed if it is destroyed by an effect.
- If the monster that attacks “Moon Dragon Quilla” isn’t face-up on the field when the effect to gain Life Points resolves, you won’t gain any Life points.
- If "Morale Boost" and other Equip Spell Cards are destroyed at the same time with "Harpie's Feather Duster" or "Heavy Storm", "Morale Boost" does not inflict any damage.
- While your "Morale Boost" is active, and you activate your opponent's Equip Spell Card that you had because of "Exchange", when that Equip Spell Card is removed from the field it is you that takes the damage.
- "Morale Boost"'s effect includes when monsters are equipped to "Relinquished" or "Sword Hunter", and when such equipped monsters are removed from the field.
- "Morale Boost"'s effect includes "Kisetai", and Union Monsters equipped to another monster by their own effect, and when such equipped monsters are removed from the field, and when Union Monsters "detach" and become monsters again.
- "Morale Boost"'s effect includes when you equip an Equip Spell Card to your opponent's monsters, and when such cards are removed from the field.
- "Morale Boost"'s effect includes when you Summon "Guardian Elma" and resolve her effect.
- "Morale Boost"'s effect includes when "Tailor of the Fickle" is used.
- Returning 2 WATER monsters to the Deck is an effect, not a cost.
- If you have less than 2 WATER monsters in hand when this card resolves, it resolves without effect.
- If there are fewer than 5 cards in the Deck of either player when this card’s Flip Effect is activated, that player will lose the Duel, since the text of this card says "draw".
- The cards are "picked up", not drawn.
- If a high level monster, Ritual Monster, or a "Special Summon only" monster is revealed, it is sent to the Graveyard but is counted towards the number of monsters that need to be "picked up".
- When 6 or more Monster Cards are returned to your Deck, you will pick up cards until you pick up an equal amount of Monster Cards, but only the first 5 that can Special Summoned are Special Summoned. For example, when 7 monsters are returned to your Deck, you will pick up cards until you reveal 7 Monster Cards, but only the first 5 that can be Special Summoned are Special Summoned.
- Fusion Monsters and Synchro Monsters on the field are returned to the Extra Deck and are not counted towards the number of monsters returned to the Deck.
- Monster Tokens on the field are removed from the field and are not counted towards the number of monsters returned to the Deck.
- If "Morphing Jar #2" is flipped by an attack and it is destroyed, it is not shuffled into its owner's Deck.
- If "Light of Intervention" is active, the Monster Cards are Special Summoned in face-up Defense Position.
- This card targets both the attacking monster and the attack target monster.
- If the attacking monster is no longer on the field when “Morphtransition” resolves, the targeted “Morphtronic” monster’s battle position cannot be changed.
- Returning 1 "Morphtronic" monster from your hand to the Deck is not a cost.
- "Morphtronic Accelerator" targets 1 card on the field.
- When the "Morphtronic" monster is returned from your hand to the Deck, the Deck is shuffled before the targeted card is destroyed and before you draw 1 card.
- Destroying the target and drawing 1 card are considered to happen at the same time.
- If you do not have any cards remaining in your Deck, you cannot activate "Morphtronic Accelerator".
- If you cannot destroy the targeted card, you must still return 1 "Morphtronic" card from your hand to the Deck, but you do not draw 1 card.
- If you do not have a “Morphtronic” monster in your hand when "Morphtronic Accelerator" resolves, "Morphtronic Accelerator's" effect disappears.
- If you activate “Morphtronic Bind” after an attack is already declared, the attack resolves as normal.
- If "Morphtronic Boomboxen" activates its Attack Position effect, and an effect is chained that changes it to Defense Position, its effect still resolves.
- While "Skill Drain" is active, the Attack Position and Defense Position effects of "Morphtronic Boomboxen" cannot be activated, because the "While in Attack Position" and "While in Defense Position" effects are negated.
- While "Skill Drain" is active, the Attack Position and Defense Position effects of "Morphtronic Cameran" cannot be activated, because the "While in Attack Position" and "While in Defense Position" effects are negated. If "Morphtronic Cameran" is destroyed by battle while in Attack Position, its effect will not activate because it was destroyed by battle while its "While in Attack Position" effect was being negated.
- "Royal Oppression" can be chained to the Attack Position effect of "Morphtronic Celfon".
- If an effect is chained that removes "Morphtronic Celfon" from the field, its Attack or Defense Position effect that was activated will still resolve.
- The Attack Position effect of "Morphtronic Celfon" cannot be activated if there are no "Morphtronic" monsters left in your Deck.
- While "Skill Drain" is active, the Attack Position and Defense Position effects of "Morphtronic Celfon" cannot be activated, because the "While in Attack Position" and "While in Defense Position" effects are negated.
- If you cannot Special Summon a monster (due to "Scapegoat", etc.), you cannot activate "Morphtronic Celfon's" Attack Position effect. If you activate "Morphtronic Celfon's" Attack Position effect and an effect is chained that prevents you from Special Summoning monster(s), you will still roll a die and reveal cards from the top of your Deck equal to the result, but the Level 4 or lower "Morphtronic" monster that would be Special Summoned is destroyed instead.
- You cannot activate "Morphtronic Celfon's" Attack Position effect if you have no cards left in your Deck. If you have at least 1 card left in your Deck, you can activate the Attack Position effect. In this case, if you roll a 2 or higher, you will still reveal the 1 card left in your Deck.
- You do not show your opponent the cards you look at with “Morphtronic Celfon’s” Defense Position effect.
- "Morphtronic Clocken's" Defense Position effect to inflict damage cannot be activated if it does not have any Morph Counters.
- While "Skill Drain" is active, the Attack Position and Defense Position effects of "Morphtronic Radion" cannot be activated, because the "While in Attack Position" and "While in Defense Position" effects are negated.
- If you activate "Morphtronic Clocken's" effect to gain a Morph Counter and an effect is chained that changes it to Attack Position, it still gains a Morph Counter.
- "Morphtronic Cord's" effect targets 1 Spell or Trap Card.
- "Morphtronic Cord's" effect is mandatory. If it is the only Spell or Trap Card on the field when the equipped "Morphtronic" monster's Battle Position is changed, it must target itself with its effect.
- If "Morphtronic Cord" is equipped to a Level 4 or higher "Morphtronic" monster while "Level Limit - Area-B" is active, when the equipped "Morphtronic" monster's Battle Position to changed to Attack Position, it is immediately shifted back into Defense Position. When this occurs, the Trigger Effect of "Morphtronic Cord" only activates once.
- While "Skill Drain" is active, the Attack Position and Defense Position effects of "Morphtronic Datatron" cannot be activated, because the "While in Attack Position" and "While in Defense Position" effects are negated.
- "Morphtronic Datatron" can be Tributed to activate its Attack Position effect.
- If "Morphtronic Datatron" activates its Attack Position effect, and an effect is chained that changes it to Defense Position, its effect still resolves.
- The effect of “Morphtronic Engine” makes the equipped monster’s current ATK equal to twice its original ATK. The new ATK value is not considered to be the monster’s original ATK.
- If the Level of the equipped "Morphtronic" monster changes to a value other than 3, "Morphtronic Engine" is destroyed.
- If your second Standby Phase after activating "Morphtronic Engine" is skipped, or if the "Morphtronic Engine" cannot be destroyed (due to "Magic Reflector", etc.), "Morphtronic Engine" is not destroyed and remains equipped to the "Morphtronic" monster. The monster's original ATK remains doubled.
- The effect to destroy the equipped "Morphtronic" monster during your second Standby Phase after activating "Morphtronic Engine" starts a Chain.
- If a "Morphtronic" monster is equipped with 2 or more copies of "Morphtronic Engine", the additional copies are redundant because only the monster's original ATK is doubled.
- You can chain “Morphtronic Forcefield” to effects that do not target, like “Dark Hole”. You cannot chain “Morphtronic Forcefield” to effects that are uncertain to destroy a “Morphtronic” monster like “Fissure” or “Smashing Ground”, even if the only monsters you control are “Morphtronic” monsters. If you don’t have any “Morphtronic” monsters in your Deck, you cannot activate “Morphtronic Forcefield”. You can only chain “Morphtronic Forcefield” to a card that destroys a “Morphtronic” monster at resolution, not to a card that will destroy one in the future. So you cannot chain it to “Ekibyo Drakmord”, “Blind Destruction”, or “Needle Wall”. You cannot activate “Morphtronic Forcefield” if “Thunder King Rai-Oh” is on the field. If an effect is chained to “Morphtronic Forcefield” that Summons “Thunder King Rai-Oh”, you will not be able to add a “Morphtronic” monster to your hand, but “Morphtronic Forcefield” will still negate the Spell or Trap Card that it was chained to.
- If you control an Attack Position "Morphtronic Magnen" and another monster, when your opponent attacks the other monster and and effect is activated that changes "Morphtronic Magnen" into Defense Position, the other monster is still attacked because it has already been selected as an attack target.
- While "Skill Drain" is active, the Attack Position and Defense Position effects of "Morphtronic Magnen" cannot be activated, because the "While in Attack Position" and "While in Defense Position" effects are negated.
- If your opponent controls "Command Knight" and another monster with less ATK, your "Morphtronic Magnen" cannot attack because it cannot attack the "Command Knight".
- If your opponent controls a monster equipped with "Ring of Magnetism" and another monster with higher ATK, your "Morphtronic Magnen" must attack the monster equipped with "Ring of Magnetism" if it attacks.
- If you control a "Morphtronic Magnen" equipped with "Shooting Star Bow - Ceal" and your opponent controls a face-up monster, your "Morphtronic Magnen" can only attack your opponent's monster. It cannot attack directly.
- If you control 2 or more "Morphtronic Magnens" in Defense Position, your opponent cannot attack, unless they control a monster that can attack directly due to an effect.
- Neither of this card’s effects target.
- If 1 of the monsters that was in Attack Position when this card’s Attack Position effect was activated is switched to Defense Position before the effect resolves, this card still gains the combined ATK of the 2 monsters.
- If another monster is switched to Attack Position before this card’s Attack Position effect resolves, this card still gains the combined ATK of the 2 monsters that were in Attack Position when the effect was activated.
- If 1 of the monsters that was in Attack Position when this card’s Attack Position effect was activated is no longer on the field when the effect resolves, this card only gains the ATK of the remaining monster.
- You cannot activate this card’s Attack Position effect during Main Phase 2.
- Placing Morph Counters on this card does not start a chain. Special Summoning 1 “Morphtronic” monster with this card’s effect does start a chain, and does target. If you activate another Field Spell Card to replace your “Morphtronic Map”, the effect of “Morphtronic Map” misses the timing and no “Morphtronic” monster is Special Summoned. However, if you Set a Field Spell Card to replace your “Morphtronic Map”, the timing is not missed, and “Morphtronic Map” can Special Summon 1 “Morphtronic” monster. If your opponent activates a Field Spell Card and destroys your “Morphtronic Map”, the effect of “Morphtronic Map” activates and you can Special Summon 1 “Morphtronic” monster. If your opponent Sets a Field Spell Card, your “Morphtronic Map” is not destroyed at all, so of course no “Morphtronic” monster is Special Summoned. If multiple monsters have their battle positions changed at the same time, only 1 Morph Counter is placed on this card. If “Level Limit – Area B” is in effect, and you change a Level 4+ monster’s battle position to Attack Position (and it immediately changes back to Defense Position due to “Level Limit – Area B”, only 1 Morph Counter is added to “Morphtronic Map”.
- No Morph Counters are placed on “Morphtronic Map” when a monster is flipped from face-down Defense Position to face-up Defense Position, since its battle position is unchanged.
- “Morphtronic Mix-up” targets 2 cards at activation. Your opponent picks a card at resolution. If something happened during the chain to remove 1 of the 2 cards, the remaining card is automatically chosen.
- This effect starts a Chain when a “Morphtronic” monster is Summoned.
- You cannot activate this card (flip it face-up), or activate its effect, during the Damage Step.
- While "Skill Drain" is active, the Attack Position and Defense Position effects of "Morphtronic Radion" cannot be activated, because the "While in Attack Position" and "While in Defense Position" effects are negated.
- Removing a card for the Attack Position effect of “Morphtronic Remoten” is not a cost, it’s part of the effect. The effect targets the “Morphtronic” monster in your Graveyard. So if you activate the effect and “D.D. Crow” is chained to remove the targeted card from play, the effect does not resolve.
- Sending a card to the Graveyard for the Defense Position effect of “Morphtronic Remoten” is not a cost, either. It is part of the effect. The Defense Position effect of “Morphtronic Remoten” does not target.
- If “Macro Cosmos” is active, you can send a card to the Graveyard for the Defense Position effect of “Morphtronic Remoten,” but the effect to add a monster to your hand will not resolve.
- If you have no “Morphtronic” monsters in your Graveyard, you cannot activate the Defense Position effect of “Morphtronic Remoten.”
- Sending a “Morphtronic” monster to the Graveyard is a cost to activate “Morphtronic Repair Unit.” The effect targets 1 “Morphtronic” monster in your Graveyard.
- There must be a “Morphtronic” monster in your Graveyard in order to activate “Morphtronic Repair Unit.” However, as long as there is an eligible target in your Graveyard, you can send a “Morphtronic” monster from your hand to the Graveyard,and then target the monster you just sent. If there are no “Morphtronic” monsters in your Graveyard, you cannot do this.
- This effect starts a chain, when the equipped monster is destroyed and “Morphtronic Rusty Engine” is sent to the Graveyard (or removed from play due to “Macro Cosmos”, etc.).
- "Mosaic Manticor's" effect is a Trigger Effect that activates during the Standby Phase of your next turn.
- "Mosaic Manticore's" effect does not target.
- The effects of the monsters Special Summoned by "Mosaic Manticore" are only negated if they activate on the field or are applied while the monster is on the field. If a monster Special Summoned by "Mosaic Manticore" has an effect that activates while it is in the Graveyard or when it is sent to the Graveyard, the effect will not be negated.
- If "Mosaic Manticore" is removed from the field before your next Standby Phase after Tribute Summoning it, the monsters you Tributed are not Special Summoned.
- If you Tribute 2 monsters to Tribute Summon "Mosaic Manticore" and 1 of the monsters is removed from the Graveyard, during your next Standby Phase you will Special Summon the monster that is still in your Graveyard.
- If you only have 1 open Monster Card Zone during your next Standby Phase after Tribute Summoning "Mosaic Manticore", when "Mosaic Manticore's" effect resolves, choose 1 of the 2 Tributed monsters and Special Summon it.
- If 1 of the 2 monsters Tributed to Tribute Summon "Mosaic Manticore" cannot be Special Summoned from the Graveyard, when "Mosaic Manticore's" effect resolves in your next Standby Phase, Special Summon the monster that can be Special Summoned.
- If you Tribute monsters to Set "Mosaic Manticore", "Mosaic Manticore's" effect can be activated if it is flipped face-up before your next Standby Phase.
- If your "Mosaic Manticore" is flipped face-down after being Tributed Summoned and is flipped face-up before your next Standby Phase, its effect can be activated during your next Standby Phase.
- If your opponent takes control of your "Mosaic Manticore" after you Tribute Summon it and retains control of it during your next Standby Phase, "Mosaic Manticore's" effect does not activate. If control of "Mosaic Manticore" is returned to your before your next Standby Phase after you Tribute Summoned "Mosaic Manticore", its effect activates during your next Standby Phase.
- If you Tribute your opponent's monster, it will be Special Summoned onto your side of the field when "Mosaic Manticore's" effect resolves.
- If a monster Tributed to Tribute Summon "Mosaic Manticore" is removed from the Graveyard and is later returned to your Graveyard, the monster is not Special Summoned by "Mosaic Manticore's" effect.
- Even if "Mosaic Manticore" is removed from the field, the monsters Special Summoned by its effect still cannot attack and their effects are still negated.
- If a monster Special Summoned by the effect of "Mosaic Manticore" is flipped face-down, after it is flipped face-up it can attack and its effects are not negated.
- If "Skill Drain" is activated after the monsters Tributed to Tribute Summon "Mosaic Manticore" are Special Summoned by its effect, the monsters still cannot attack and their effects are negated.
- If you Special Summon "Exiled Force" with "Mosaic Manticore's" effect, you can activate the effect of "Exiled Force", but its effect is negated.
- If you attack with your "Mother Grizzly" and it is destroyed as a result of battle, you may attack with the monster Special Summoned by "Mother Grizzly" before entering Main Phase 2.
- If your opponent controls your "Mother Grizzly" and it is destroyed as a result of battle, you get the effect of "Mother Grizzly" NOT your opponent.
- Since the Special Summoning occurs during the Damage Step, "Torrential Tribute", etc. cannot be used.
- If you have only Insect-Type monsters in your Graveyard, you can send 2 face-up Defense Position monsters your opponent controls to the Graveyard and Special Summon this card from your hand.
- You can Normal Summon this monster.
- Zero damage is not damage, so "Mucus Yolk" must have its ATK increased somehow in order to inflict damage to the opponent and activate its effect.
- "Mucus Yolk" can continue to activate its effect over and over again, as long as it keeps inflicting Battle Damage to the opponent.
- If "Mucus Yolk" inflicts damage multiple times in the same turn, such as with "Twin Swords of Flashing Light – Tryce", it only increases by 1000 points during your next Standby Phase.
- "Multiple Piece Golem's" effect is a Trigger Effect. It does not target.
- "Multiple Piece Golem" is returned to the Extra Deck when its effect resolves. Returning it is not a cost.
- You can Tribute a face-down Insect-Type monster when you activate "Multiplication of Ants".
- You cannot activate “Multiply” during the Damage Step.
- If you have 2 copies of "Cliff the Trap Remover" (for example) in your hand, you can Special Summon 1 of them with "Mustering of the Dark Scorpions". You can Special Summon him even if you already have "Cliff the Trap Remover" on your side of the field from before you activated "Mustering of the Dark Scorpions".
- You don't have to Special Summon all possible monsters with "Mustering of the Dark Scorpions"; you can keep some in your hand if you want.
- If your opponent chains "Ring of Destruction" to "Mustering of the Dark Scorpions" to destroy your "Don Zaloog", "Mustering of the Dark Scorpions" still resolves.
- The (1) optional Trigger Effect activates and resolves in the Battle Step (Substep 1 - Attack Declaration)
- This effect targets 1 face-up Attack Position monster your opponent controls.
- A monster that cannot attack cannot be targeted by this effect.
- Paying 1500 Life Points is a cost.
- CAN be chained to the activation of a Card OR Effect that destroys a monster(s) on the field.
- This includes face-up Spell / Trap Cards (ex: "Blaze Accelerator", "Royal Oppression") and Spell / Trap Cards in the Graveyard (ex: "Blast With Chain") [REF1, REF2, REF3, REF4].
- Examples include: "Magical Dimension", "Barrel Dragon", and "Time Wizard" [REF].
- SJC Edison was played with the TU2 erratum, but the GLD3 erratum better communicates this card's ability to respond to the activation of a Card OR Effect.
- When you have "Mysterious Puppeteer" face-up on the field, if you Summon a monster and you opponent activates "Trap Hole" your monster is destroyed and you still gain 500 Life Points, since the monster was Summoned and then destroyed.
- “Mysterious Triangle” targets the monster it destroys. If “Vanity’s Fiend” is preventing Special Summons, and it has an A-Counter, you can destroy it with “Mysterious Triangle” then Special Summon an Alien. If an effect is chained to “Mysterious Triangle” that removes the target’s A-Counter, it is not destroyed. (Example: if it is flipped face-down with “Book of Moon”.) If the targeted monster is not destroyed for some reason, no Alien is Special Summoned.
- If "Mystic Swordsman LV2" attacks a face-down Defense Position monster, that monster is destroyed by "Mystic Swordsman LV2"’s effect, not as a result of battle. So you cannot use its second effect to Special Summon "Mystic Swordsman LV4" during the End Phase.
- If a level monster fulfills its condition to Special Summon the next-highest level (for example, if "Armed Dragon LV5" destroys a monster as a result of battle), and the level monster is then flipped face-down, or removed from play permanently, or sent to the Graveyard and then Special Summoned from the Graveyard, then its condition is reset and it is no longer considered to have met the condition to level up to the next level.
- The Normal Summon of this card is always considered a Set. If "Light of Intervention" is active, you cannot Normal Summon "Mystic Swordsman LV4" because it can only be Normal Summoned face-down, which "Light of Intervention" makes impossible to do.
- If "Mystic Swordsman LV4" attacks a face-down Defense Position monster, you destroy the monster with "Mystic Swordsman LV4"’s effect before flipping the monster face-up. Effects like "D. D. Warrior Lady" cannot activate.
- If a level monster fulfills its condition to Special Summon the next-highest level (for example, if "Armed Dragon LV5" destroys a monster as a result of battle), and the level monster is then flipped face-down, or removed from play permanently, or sent to the Graveyard and then Special Summoned from the Graveyard, then its condition is reset and it is no longer considered to have met the condition to level up to the next level.
- The Normal Summon (Tribute Summon) of this monster is the same as, and always considered, a Tribute Set. This card must be in face-down Defense Position when it is Normal Summoned (Tribute Summoned). If you Normal Summon (Tribute Summon) this monster, it is placed face-down on the field; you do not have to show your opponent what monster it is.
- If your "Mystic Swordsman LV6" destroys your own monster that is being controlled by your opponent, that monster is sent to the Graveyard. You cannot return it to the top of your opponent’s Deck or the top of your own Deck.
- If you activate the effect of "Mystic Swordsman LV6" to place a face-down monster on top of your opponent’s Deck, you do not get to look at it.
- If "Mystic Swordsman LV6" attacks a face-down monster, its effect activates at the beginning of the Damage Step, before the monster is flipped face-up. If "Ceasefire" was activated during the Battle Step to flip the monster face-up, then the effect of "Mystic Swordsman LV6" is not activated.
- A monster destroyed by the effect of "Mystic Swordsman LV6" is not destroyed as a result of battle. There is no damage calculation. It is not flipped face-up. Any Flip Effects it has are not activated.
- If you attack with your "Mystic Tomato" and it is destroyed as a result of battle, you may attack with the monster Special Summoned by "Mystic Tomato" before entering Main Phase 2.
- If your opponent controls your "Mystic Tomato" and it is destroyed as a result of battle, you get the effect of "Mystic Tomato" NOT your opponent.
- Since the Special Summoning occurs during the Damage Step, "Torrential Tribute", etc. cannot be used.
- You select which Spell & Trap Card Zone to make unusable when you activate "Mystical Cards of Light".
- You cannot activate "Mystical Cards of Light" if you do not have a Spell & Trap Card Zone to make unusable.
- Drawing 2 cards with "Mystical Cards of Light" does not start a Chain.
- You can choose to draw only 1 card.
- You cannot choose to draw 2 cards if you have 1 card remaining in your Deck.
- If "Mystical Cards of Light's" effect is negated, you can activate or Set Spell and Trap Cards into the unusable Spell & Trap Card Zone. If the effect of "Mystical Cards of Light" is reapplied while a Spell or Trap Card is in the unusable Spell & Trap Card Zone, the Spell & Trap Card Zone become unusable when the Spell or Trap Card is removed from the field.
- In order to activate the effect of "Mystical Knight of Jackal", the monster that "Mystical Knight of Jackal" destroyed as a result of battle must be your opponent’s own monster, not one of your monsters that your opponent controls.
- "Mystical Knight of Jackal" sends a monster to the Graveyard as a result of battle, and THEN returns it to the top of the deck, so "Sangan" or "Witch of the Black Forest", etc., will activate their effects.
- If "Banisher of the Light" is in play, the monster is removed from play and "Mystical Knight of Jackal" does not activate its effect so the monster does not return to the top of the Deck.
- If "Mystical Knight of Jackal" attacks a face-down "Man-Eater Bug", and "Man-Eater Bug" destroys "Mystical Knight of Jackal", then the effect of "Mystical Knight of Jackal" is not applied.
- "Mystical Knight of Jackal" does activate its effect even if "Necrovalley" is in play.
- When "Mystical Knight of Jackal" attacks "Mystic Tomato", during the End Step both effects activate simultaneously once "Mystic Tomato" is sent to the Graveyard, so they form a chain. The turn player’s effect is Step 1 of a chain, and the opponent’s is Step 2; so "Mystic Tomato" resolves first, and a monster is Special Summoned and the Deck shuffled. Then the turn player chooses whether to place "Mystic Tomato" on top of the owner’s Deck with the effect of "Mystical Knight of Jackal".
- The (1) effect does not have any classification. It is not an Ignition, Trigger, Quick, or Continuous Effect.
- This effect does not target.
- Using "Mystical Sheep #1" as a Fusion Material does not start a Chain Link.
- This effect "You can substitute this card for any 1 Fusion Material monster" of a monster like "King of the Swamp" is not applied while the monster is banished. If you activate "Parallel World Fusion", then you cannot use it as a substitute for a Fusion Material.
- The effect "You can substitute this card for any 1 Fusion Material Monster" of a monster like "King of the Swamp" or "Goddess with the Third Eye" is not applied while the monster is in the Deck.
- When Special Summoning "Chimeratech Fortress Dragon" or "XYZ-Dragon Cannon", you cannot send to the Graveyard a monster like "The Dark - Hex-Sealed Fusion" as a substitute for a Fusion Material.
- Tributing a monster for "Mystik Wok" is a cost, so you can Tribute "The Legendary Fisherman" or "The Agent of Force - Mars".
- The ATK or DEF is the current number, not the original number.
- You select ATK or DEF when "Mystik Wok" is activated.
- You can Tribute face-down monsters, or your opponent's monster using "Soul Exchange".
- If the monster battling “Mythical Beast Cerberus” is removed from the field before (or during) damage calculation, the Spell Counters on “Cerberus” will not be removed.
- Removing the Spell Counters from “Mythical Beast Cerberus” does not start a chain.
- The Spell Counters on “Mythical Beast Cerberus” are removed after he battles no matter which player is attacking.
- You place a Spell Counter on this card when the Spell Card resolves, so if "Magic Jammer" is used to negate the Spell Card's activation then you do not place a Spell Counter on this monster. But if "Imperial Order" is chained to the Spell Card, you still place a Spell Counter on this monster because the activation of the Spell Card was not negated. If the Spell Card was a Continuous, Equip, or Field Spell Card, and “Dust Tornado” is chained to its activation and destroys it before it resolves you still place a Spell Counter because the activation of the card was not negated.
- "Mythical Beast Cerberus" must be face-up on the field when the Spell Card is activated in order to get a Spell Counter.
- This card’s effect is a Trigger Effect that starts a chain.
- "Narrow Pass" can only be activated when Player A has 2 or fewer monsters and Player B has 2 or fewer monsters. So if there are 3 monsters in play (2 controlled by A and 1 by B) you can activate "Narrow Pass". But if either player controls 3 or more monsters on his side of the field then you cannot activate this card.
- Once "Narrow Pass" is activate, as long as it remains face-up on the field, Player A can Normal Summon or Set 2 up to 2 additional monsters, and Player B can Normal Summon or Set up to 2 additional monsters. It is helpful to place counters on "Narrow Pass" to keep track.
- If "Narrow Pass" is activate, and a player Normal Summons his 2 permitted monsters afterwards, if 1 of those is destroyed then he cannot replace it with another Normal Summon. Each player gets 2 additional Normal Summons or Sets, no matter what happens to those monsters afterwards.
- "Narrow Pass" does not restrict Special Summons or Flip Summons.
- The effect of “Natural Disaster” that inflicts damage to your opponent’s Life Points begins a Chain.
- “Natural Tune” is a targeted effect.
- If the target of “Natural Tune” becomes Level 5 or higher afterwards, it is still treated as a Tuner.
- If a Gemini Monster is targeted by “Natural Tune” and becomes an Effect Monster, it is still treated as a Tuner.
- If your opponent activates “Ring of Destruction” while your “Nature’s Reflection” is in effect, they take damage equal to twice the destroyed monster’s ATK.
- If “Nature’s Reflection” and “Prime Material Dragon” are both in effect and your opponent activates “Sparks,” your opponent will gain 200 Life Points.
- If “Nature’s Reflection” and “Bad Reaction to Simochi” are in effect and your opponent activates “Upstart Goblin,” they will take 1000 damage.
- The (1) Quick Effect can be activated at any time before the End of your opponent's Battle Phase.
- You do not choose which attack to negate, it automatically negates the next attack. If this effect is activated in the Battle Step, it negates that attack.
- This effect does NOT target the attacking monster.
- This card removes itself from play as a cost.
- This effect can only negate an attack the turn it was activated.
- If multiple "Necro Gardna" are removed from play, they will not each negate one attack. Instead, they will all negate your opponent's next attack.
- The (1) Trigger Effect is mandatory, it activates even if no cards are removed from play.
- This effect activates in the Summon response timing (like "Trap Hole").
- Cards removed from play face-down (by "Different Dimension Capsule") are also affected.
- Example 1: "Necroface" removed from play as cost for "Skull Lair" (Chain Link 1), and is Special Summoned by "Escape from the Dark Dimension" (Chain Link 2).
- Example 2: "Necroface" removed from play as cost for "Skull Lair" (Chain Link 1), and is returned to the Graveyard by "Burrial from a Different Dimension" (Chain Link 2).
- Example 3: "Necroface" is Normal Summoned and activates it's (1) effect (Chain Link 1) simultaneously with the effect of "Future Visions" (Chain Link 2). When resolving the chain: "Necroface" is first removed from play by "Future Visions", then shuffled back into the Deck by it's (1) effect. A new chain starts since "Necroface's" (2) effect has met its trigger condition.
- The (1) Continuous-like Effect NEGATES:
- cards / effects that targets a card(s) in the Graveyard (ex: "Debris Dragon", "Salvage").
- cards / effects that don't target cards in the Graveyard (ex: "Rekindling", "Drill Warrior") [REF].
- cards whose effects move themselves from the Graveyard [REF] (ex: "Treeborn Frog", "Magical Blast").
- Cards / Effects that remove from play cards in the Graveyard for cost / effect cannot activate.
- This effect only applies to "Gravekeeper's" monsters that are face-up on the field.
- If "Magical Hats" Special Summons "Gravekeeper's Servant", it gains 500 ATK & DEF.
- The Level of the destroyed monster is the original Level.
- You can use "Barrel Behind the Door" against "Needle Burrower"'s effect.
- If the number of monsters on the field is reduced below 4 after activation of "Needle Ceiling" (by chaining "Ring of Destruction", etc.), the effect of "Needle Ceiling" still resolves (see "Activation & Targeting Eligibility" on the Advanced FAQ).
- Face-down monsters and Monster Tokens are included in determining the number of monsters on the field.
- If you have multiple "Needle Walls", roll a die for each.
- If you activate this card (flip it face-up) during your Standby Phase, you still roll during that same Standby Phase.
- If there are fewer than 5 cards in your opponent’s Deck when this card’s Flip Effect is activated, all remaining cards in the Deck are placed in the Graveyard. The opponent does not lose immediately, but will lose if unable to draw a card when required (such as during their next Draw Phase).
- "Needlebug Nest" cannot be activated if you have less than 5 cards in your Deck.
- If you activate "Needlebug Nest" and an effect is chained that reduces the number of cards in your Deck to 4 or less, when "Needlebug Nest" resolves you will send every card remaining in your Deck to the Graveyard.
- If you don’t control a face-up “Koa’ki Meiru” monster or don’t have “Iron Core of Koa’ki Meiru” in your Graveyard when this card resolves, its effect is still applied.
- The (1) Trigger Effect is mandatory.
- This effect can be activated during the Damage Step.
- This effect forces your opponent into the End Phase. This effect DOES NOT end the turn
- This effect activates if an opponent's card sent NMK to the Graveyard from the field / hand / Deck.
- VS. "Prohibition": this effect activates so long as "Neko Mane King" was already on the field.
- is under the opponent's control when it is sent to the Graveyard by either player's card effect.
- is sent to the Graveyard (from the hand or Deck) AFTER it was named by "Prohibition".
- If “UFOroid Fighter” is Fusion Summoned with “Elemental Hero Neos” being used as the 1 Warrior-Type monster, “UFOroid Fighter” will NOT be affected by “Neo Space” because “Elemental Hero Neos” is not listed by name on the card.
- This card’s damage inflicting effect starts a Chain.
- The damage inflicted by this effect is equal to the destroyed monster’s ATK in the Graveyard.
- This card’s effect to return itself to the Deck is activated during the End Phase and starts a Chain.
- If a monster "Neos Wiseman" battles is destroyed, "Neos Wiseman's" effect inflicts damage equal to that monsters original ATK, and you gain Life Points equal to its original DEF. If the monster remains on the field, "Neos Wiseman" inflicts damage equal to its current ATK, and you gain Life Points equal to its current DEF.
- If the monster "Neos Wiseman" battles is returned to its owner's Deck or hand, or it is flipped face-down, before the end of the Damage Step, "Neos Wiseman's" effect disappears.
- This is an Ignition Effect.
- This effect does not target.
- When this effect resolves you look at your opponent’s hand. If there are no Monster Cards, do nothing. If the opponent does have a Monster Card, and you have a monster on the field with greater or equal ATK, you will destroy the opponent’s Monster Card and inflict the 500 damage at the same time.
- If the selected Monster Card in your opponent’s hand has ATK ?, since it is undetermined, you cannot control a monster with greater or equal ATK, and you will take 500 damage.
- “Neo-Spacian Dark Panther’s” effect is only applied while it is face-up on the field. So if you target “Sangan” and then this card is sent to the Graveyard nothing will happen, because in the Graveyard it no longer copies “Sangan’s” effect.
- If “Neo-Spacian Dark Panther” is flipped face-down after using its effect, the effect is no longer applied. You could flip it face-up and activate its effect again in the same turn.
- When you use this card’s effect to copy another monster’s name, its name is not considered to be “Neo-Spacian Dark Panther” for the duration of the effect. If you targeted “Cyber Dragon” then activate “Next to be Lost” you would send a “Cyber Dragon” from your Deck to the Graveyard and not “Neo-Spacian Dark Panther”.
- If “Skill Drain” is activated after “Neo-Spacian Dark Panther’s” effect has resolved, the effects that the “Dark Panther” copied will be negated, but it will still keep the copied card name until the end of the turn.
- You can target “D. D. Warrior Lady” and if “Neo-Spacian Dark Panther” battles with an opponent’s monster you can use the copied effect and remove both monsters from play, because “D. D. Warrior Lady’s” effect activates on the field.
- You can target “Exiled Force” and then Tribute “Neo-Spacian Dark Panther” to destroy 1 monster on the field.
- If you target “Spirit Reaper”, the “Spirit Reaper” will be destroyed after “Neo-Spacian Dark Panther’s” effect resolves.
- You can target “Embodiment of Apophis” when it is a monster but only the card name will be copied. It does not have an effect to copy. “Neo-Spacian Dark Panther” will NOT be treated as a Trap Card.
- If you target “Relinquished” or “Sword Hunter” then you can equip “Neo-Spacian Dark Panther” with Monster Cards through the copied effect, but at the end of the turn, the effect that allowed them to be equipped disappears, and the equipped cards are destroyed.
- You can target a Union Monster and equip “Neo-Spacian Dark Panther” to an appropriate monster, but at the end of the turn the copied effect disappears and “Neo-Spacian Dark Panther” will be destroyed.
- If you target “Strike Ninja” you can remove from play “Neo-Spacian Dark Panther” with the copied effect, but then it will no longer be face-up on the field, so the copied effect disappears and “Neo-Spacian Dark Panther” remains removed from play.
- If you target “Cyber Harpie Lady”, “Harpie Lady 1”, etc., then “Neo-Spacian Dark Panther’s” name will just be “Harpie Lady” for the duration of its effect.
- If you target “Proto-Cyber Dragon”, “Neo-Spacian Dark Panther’s” name will be treated as “Cyber Dragon” because of the copied effect.
- If you target a monster with an effect that accumulates Spell Counters, such as “Skilled Dark Magician”, any Spell Counters on “Neo-Spacian Dark Panther” will be removed when its effect ends.
- You can target your opponent’s “Neo-Spacian Dark Panther” but the copied effect is the same as the one you just used, so you cannot activate it a second time that turn.
- If you target an “LV” monster, you could Tribute the “Neo-Spacian Dark Panther” to activate the Spell Card “Level Up!”. It will be in the Graveyard when “Level Up!” resolves, so it will no longer have the copied effect, so there is no monster name to reference and therefore the effect disappears.
- If you copy an Ignition or Trigger Effect, those effects can be chained to when they are activated, as normal.
- When “Neo-Spacian Dark Panther” is destroyed after copying the effects of a "Crystal Beast" monster, it cannot be placed into the Spell and Trap Card Zone.
- If your opponent has “Embodiment of Apophis” on the field as a monster, it is still treated as 1 Trap Card, so “Neo-Spacian Flare Scarab” gains 400 ATK.
- This effect activates when the attack is declared. It is a Trigger Effect and can be chained to. The act of drawing and revealing a card is resolved when the Trigger Effect resolves. If a face-down “Neo-Spacian Glow Moss” is attacked, its effect does not activate.
- The Spell Card effect (“…You can change this attack to a direct attack instead”) only works when “Neo-Spacian Glow Moss” is attacking. Not when it is attacked.
- If a Spell Card is drawn and revealed, and you choose to convert the attack to a direct attack, it causes a replay.
- If “Neo-Spacian Glow Moss” attacks directly with its effect and “Skill Drain” is activated in response, “Neo-Spacian Glow Moss” can no longer attack directly and (another) replay will occur.
- If “Neo-Spacian Glow Moss” is attacking, and a Trap Card is drawn and revealed for its effect, it changes to Defense Position and is no longer considered an attacking monster, so damage calculation is not performed.
- If a monster attacks a face-down “Ancient Lamp”, and “Ancient Lamp” re-directs the attack to “Neo-Spacian Glow Moss”, the effect of “Neo-Spacian Glow Moss” will not activate, because the effect of “Ancient Lamp” causes it to miss the timing.
- This effect does not target.
- The (1) Trigger Effect is OPTIONAL.
- This effect activates in Substep 1 - Start of the Damage Step (before face-down monsters are flipped face-up). A face-down Flip Monster that is attacked is returned without activating its effect.
- This effect does not target the opponent's monster.
- "Neo-Spacian Twinkle Moss'" effect is a Trigger Effect. It starts a Chain when the attack is declared.
- "Nettles'" effect does not target.
- If "Nettles" is attacked while face-down, its effect cannot be applied when it is destroyed by battle.
- If "Nettles" is attacked by "Drillroid" while in face-down Defense Position, "Nettle's" effect cannot be applied.
- This effect targets 1 monster.
- You can destroy a face-down monster with "Newdoria".
- You cannot activate "NEX" if there is no Fusion Monster in your Extra Deck with the same name as a "Neo-Spacian" monster you control.
- If "Neo-Spacian Dark Panther" copies the name of "Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin", it can be sent to the Graveyard for "NEX", but no monster can be Special Summoned from your Extra Deck. "Neo-Spacian Dark Panther" is in the Graveyard, its name is no longer treated as "Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin", and there is no Fusion Monster whose name is or is treated as "Neo-Spacian Dark Panther".
- You can target a Limited monster with “Next to be Lost”, but you don’t search or shuffle your Deck. Essentially, there is no effect.
- You cannot target a Token Monster with “Next to be Lost” because they cannot exist in your Deck.
- If the target of “Next to be Lost” is flipped face-down in a chain, the effect of “Next to be Lost” disappears because you can no longer check the Monster Card’s name.
- If the target of “Next to be Lost” is destroyed in a chain, the effect of “Next to be Lost” disappears.
- If you target “Proto-Cyber Dragon” on your side of the field for “Next to be Lost”, you send a “Cyber Dragon” from your Deck to the Graveyard, not a “Proto-Cyber Dragon”.
- You can target "Embodiment of Apophis" with "Next to be Lost", and a copy of "Embodiment of Apophis" will be sent from your Deck to your Graveyard.
- The (1) Flip Effect is mandatory.
- This effect targets 1 (face-up / face-down) monster your opponent controls.
- This effect activates even if your opponent doesn't control a monster.
- This effect targets 1 Flip Monster (except itself) in your Graveyard. It is negated by "Necrovalley".
- This effect activates whether this card was sent to the Graveyard as a cost or by an effect.
- If your opponent has your "Night Assailant" in hand (by"Exchange") and it is sent to the Graveyard, you (its owner) activate this effect.
- “Remove Brainwashing” will cause “Nightmare Archfiend Tokens” to switch to the control of the player who activated “Nightmare Archfiends”. If that player does not have enough available Monster Card Zone spaces, the extra “Nightmare Archfiend Tokens” are destroyed and the opponent takes damage accordingly. When a “Nightmare Archfiend Token” is destroyed, the effect to inflict damage does not start a chain, so cards like “Barrel Behind the Door” cannot be activated. Tributing a monster is a cost to activate this card.
- You can target a face-down monster for "Nightmare Wheel".
- If you activate "Nightmare Wheel" during the Battle Step and target a monster that is attacking, the attack stops.
- "Nightmare Wheel" targets. You select the monster when "Nightmare Wheel" is activated.
- "Nightmare Wheel" is destroyed when the targeted monster is destroyed, returned to the hand, removed from play, send to the Graveyard, etc.
- "Nightmare Wheel" is NOT destroyed if the monster is flipped face-down. "Nightmare Wheel" continues to target the monster, inflict damage, and prevent the monster from attacking or changing battle position.
- If a face-down monster targeted by the effect of “Nightmare Wheel” is rearranged by the effect of “Wandering Mummy” or “Shifting Shadows”, the monster’s controller must honestly announce which monster is the target of “Nightmare Wheel”.
- The effect of "Nightmare Wheel" will be negated by "Royal Decree", so you can attack or change the battle position of the monster. Also, if "Royal Decree" is active, and the monster is removed from the field, "Nightmare Wheel" remains on the field meaninglessly because its text that would destroy it is negated. If "Royal Decree" is later destroyed, the effects of "Nightmare Wheel" are not applied (such as the 500 damage) if there is no monster being targeted by "Nightmare Wheel".
- The effect of "Nightmare Wheel" is still applied if the targeted monster changes sides.
- If the monster targeted by "Nightmare Wheel" becomes equipped to "Relinquished", then "Nightmare Wheel" is destroyed.
- The effect of “Nightmare’s Steelcage” can be negated by “Dark Balter the Terrible”. It will remain on the field without effect until the opponent’s 2nd End Phase after it was activated.
- If you use “Magic Reflector” to put a counter on “Nightmare’s Steelcage”, it is still destroyed during the opponent’s 2nd End Phase after it was activated. You cannot remove the counter instead.
- “Nightmare’s Steelcage” prevents both players from attacking.
- "Night's End Sorcerer's" effect can be activated when it is Special Summoned during the Damage Step.
- "Night's End Sorcerer's" effect cannot be activated when it is Special Summoned face-down (with "The Shallow Grave", etc.).
- If you activate “Assault Mode Activate” the turn it is Set, and a chain occurs that destroys “Night Wing Sorceress”, “Assault Mode Activate” still resolves.
- The owner of "Nimble Momonga" activates its effect because it activates in its owner's Graveyard.
- Gaining Life Points is mandatory, but Special Summoning "Nimble Momonga" from the Deck is not. You Special Summon the "Nimble Momonga" when you gain the Life Points.
- "Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke"’s effect activates at the beginning of the Damage Step, before the monster is flipped face-up. So if "Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke" attacks a face-down Defense Position monster, "Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke" will not destroy it with his effect because it is not flipped face-up until after "Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke"’s effect would activate.
- A face-up Defense Position "Spirit Reaper" will be destroyed by the effect of "Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke". "Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke"’s effect does not target. So if "Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke" attacks "Spirit Reaper", "Spirit Reaper" is destroyed by "Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke"’s effect, not by "Spirit Reaper"’s effect.
- If "Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke" attacks a face-up Defense Position "D. D. Warrior Lady", "D. D. Warrior Lady" is destroyed by the effect of "Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke" and "D. D. Warrior Lady"’s effect is not activated.
- If "Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke" attacks a face-up Defense Position monster, and you flip it face-down during the Battle Step with "Book of Moon", the monster is face-down at the start of the Damage Step so "Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke" will not destroy it with his effect.
- If "Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke" attacks a face-down Defense Position monster, and "Ceasefire" is activated during the Battle Step, the monster is face-up at the start of the Damage Step so it will be destroyed by "Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke"’s effect.
- If the Ninja is destroyed or otherwise removed from the field by a card effect, "Ninjitsu Art of Decoy" remains on the field meaninglessly.
- If the Ninja is removed from the field temporarily, or flipped face-down, "Ninjitsu Art of Decoy"’s effect is no longer applied.
- If "Ninjitsu Art of Decoy" is active, then "Royal Decree" is activated and negates "Ninjitsu Art of Decoy"’s effect, then "Royal Decree" is later destroyed, "Ninjitsu Art of Decoy"’s effect is not re-applied.
- "Ninjitsu Art of Transformation" does not target; you select the monster to Special Summon when you resolve its effect.
- If "The Legendary Ocean" is active, your WATER monsters in your hand are lowered by 1 level so if you Special Summon from your hand using "Ninjitsu Art of Transformation", you can Summon at 1 level lower (effectively making it Level +4 if looking at the original Level).
- "The selected card" means the Tributed card.
- If you equip “Nitro Unit” to a monster on your opponent’s side of the field, then you take control of that monster, “Nitro Unit” is destroyed because the monster is no longer on your opponent’s side of the field.
- If your opponent controls your monster, and you target it with “Nitro Unit”, but your opponent chains “Remove Brainwashing”, “Nitro Unit” is destroyed because its target is no longer on your opponent’s side of the field when “Nitro Unit” resolves.
- When the monster equipped with “Nitro Unit” is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard as a result of battle, the effect of “Nitro Unit” can be chained to.
- The damage inflicted by “Nitro Unit” is based on the equipped monster’s original ATK (in the Graveyard).
- The (1) Continuous Effect applies in Substep 4 - Damage Calculation.
- If the Spell Card was activated before "Nitro Warrior" was Summoned, this effect does not apply.
- This effect targets a face-up Defense Position monster your opponent controls.
- If the target is flipped face-down / leaves the field, you do not make a second attack.
- You only gain 1 additional attack with this effect. "Mirror Force" can be activated in response to that additional attack, and if "Toll" is active you must pay 500 Life Points.
- Monsters in face-down Attack Position as a result of “Darkness Approaches” will be shifted into face-down Defense Position with the effect of “No Entry!!”.
- The (1) effect targets a face-down monster anywhere on the field.
- If the target is not destroyed, it is not removed from play, nor are any cards in the Deck(s).
- If the target is not face-down, it is not destroyed and no cards are removed from play.
- If the target is destroyed, and it was a Flip Effect Monster, you and your opponent MUST briefly show each other your Decks to verify that all copies of that Monster Card have been removed [REF].
- This cannot take place using online duel simulators, as it allows opportunity for foul play.
- The (1) effect targets a face-down Spell / Trap Card anywhere on the field.
- You can target a face-down monster that is equipped to "Relinquished".
- If the target is not destroyed, it is not removed from play, nor are any cards in the Deck(s).
- If the target is not face-down, it is not destroyed and no cards are removed from play.
- If the target is destroyed, and it was a Trap Card, you and your opponent MUST briefly show each other your Decks to verify that all copies of that Trap Card have been removed [REF].
- This cannot take place using online duel simulators, as it allows opportunity for foul play.
- If you activate the effect of "Nobleman-Eater Bug" and select 2 monsters, then "Ring of Destruction" is chained and destroys 1 of the selected monsters, you still destroy the remaining monster when "Nobleman-Eater Bug"’s effect resolves.
- If "Nobleman-Eater Bug" is the only monster on the field and it is flipped face-up, then it destroys itself with its effect.
- "Noisy Gnat's" effect is an Ignition Effect. Sending "Noisy Gnat" to the Graveyard is a cost.
- "Noisy Gnat's" effect targets 1 face-up monster.
- If your opponent Flip Summons "Cyber Jar" while "Non-Aggression Area" is active, because he cannot Special Summon, the cards he would normally Summon that were picked up are destroyed. All the cards picked up with "Cyber Jar" that would not normally be Special Summoned (such as high-level monsters, Spell and Trap Cards, and monsters that are Special Summon-only) remain in the hand and are not destroyed.
- If you activate "Non-Aggression Area", your opponent can still Special Summon THIS turn with "Call of the Haunted", etc.
- You cannot activate “Power Bond”, “Miracle Fusion”, or “Dragon’s Mirror” when this card is active because they are treated as Fusion Summons. You can activate “Fusion Gate”, but you cannot activate its effect.
- You can still Special Summon a Fusion Monster with a card effect like “Metamorphosis” or “Cyber-Stein”.
- While "Non-Spellcasting Area" is active, you cannot use face-up monsters on the field, except Effect Monsters, for "Polymerization" or Ritual Spell Cards.
- While "Non-Spellcasting Area" is active, no Spell Card, including "Raigeki" or Equip Spell Cards, can affect a monster, unless it is an Effect Monster.
- While "Non-Spellcasting Area" is active, and only one player has Effect Monsters on the field, you can activate “Creature Swap” but its effect will be negated because none of the non-Effect Monsters can switch control due to a Spell Card’s effect.
- The effect of “Non-Spellcasting Area” includes Ritual Monsters and Fusion Monsters that do not have effects, as well as Monster Tokens.
- "Nubian Guard"'s effect is resolved after damage calculation.
- "Nubian Guard"'s effect does target a monster in the Graveyard, so the effect will be negated if "The End of Anubis" is face-up on the field.
- You can only chain "Null and Void" to an effect that draws cards and does nothing else. You can chain "Null and Void" to the activation of "Pot of Greed" or "Jar of Greed". You can chain "Null and Void" to the activation of the effect of cards like "Airknight Parshath".
- You can chain "Null and Void" to a Continuous Spell or Trap Card that causes drawing, such as "Mirage of Nightmare" or "Heart of the Underdog".
- You cannot chain "Null and Void" to "Disturbance Strategy", "Graceful Charity", "Card Destruction", "Morphing Jar", "Mind Wipe", "Dragged Down into the Grave", or "Reload".
- You can activate "Null and Void" during the Damage Step, for example against the effects of "Airknight Parshath", "Sasuke Samurai #3" or "Bistro Butcher".
- The card(s) discarded by the effect of "Null and Void" are never treated as actually drawn, so they are considered sent from the Deck to the Graveyard.
- You can chain "Null and Void" to "Reckless Greed". Since you cannot draw by the effect of "Reckless Greed", the effect of skipping 2 Draw Phases is NOT applied.
- You can chain "Null and Void" to the effect of "Royal Magical Library".
- You cannot chain "Null and Void" to the effect of "Appropriate" because the effect of "Appropriate" cannot be chained to.
- You cannot activate "Numinous Healer" when you pay a cost. You can only activate it when you receive Battle Damage or damage from an effect.
- The (1) Continuous Effect applies when effects that cause your opponent to gain Life Points resolve.
- This effect causes those effects to inflict Effect Damage.
- This is not the same as losing Life Points (ex: "Immortal of Thunder").
- This effect does not stack. Two copies of "Nurse Reficule" will NOT cause "Upstart Goblin" to inflict 2000 points of Damage, it only converts the 1000 Life Point gain into 1000 points of damage [REF].
- This card can only be activated during your opponent’s Damage Step during the "Calculate and Apply Damage" portion or at any point in the Damage Step prior to that.
- You must take the 2000 points or more of Battle Damage from a single attack. If you take 1000 points of damage from one attack, and then 1200 points of damage from a second attack, the effect of this card will not activate.
- If "Hayabusa Knight" attacks you directly twice, the effect of this card will not activate. The Battle Damage must come from a single attack, not a single monster attacking twice.
- You can activate 2 copies of "Nutrient Z" and you will gain 8000 Life Points if you would take 2000 points or more of Battle Damage.
- You cannot activate "Kuriboh" in a chain to "Nutrient Z"’s effect. The effect of "Kuriboh" would reduce the Battle Damage to 0, and then the effect of "Nutrient Z" will no longer increase you Life Points. You must actually take the damage to gain the benefit of "Nutrient Z"’s effect.
- If "Light of Intervention" is on the field this card cannot be Set and if Normal Summoned in face-up Defense Position it will be destroyed.
- The (C) Summon Condition cannot be negated.
- You can only Tribute Summon this card by Tributing 3 monsters.
- Obelisk can be Special Summoned by card effects.
- This Normal (Tribute) Summon of this card cannot be negated by "Solemn Judgment".
- The Special Summon can be negated by "Royal Oppression".
- Spell / Trap Cards and their effects, as well as Monster Effects cannot be activated (ex: "Book of Eclipse", "Black Garden", "Skill Drain", "Torrential Tribute", "Strike Ninja") [REF].
- VS. "Sangan" & "Ultimate Offering": If "Ultimate Offering" Tributes Sangan (and 2 monsters) to Normal Summon Obelisk as Chain Link 1, "Sangan" cannot activate its effect, since it would activate in the Summon response timing of Obelisk. If instead Obelisk is Summoned as Chain Link 2+, then "Sangan" can activate in a new Chain once the current one resolves completely
- When Obelisk is successfully Summoned, nothing can be done. Afterwards, the Turn Player enters an open game state and may Synchro Summon, Set a Spell / Trap Card, etc.
- This effect does not apply if Obelisk was Special Summoned.
- Cards / Effects cannot target this card. If Obelisk is the only available target, they cannot be activated (ex: "Dimensional Prison", "Blaze Accelerator", "Dark Armed Dragon").
- Cards / Effects that do not target (ex: "Mirror Force", "Book of Eclipse") still affect Obelisk.
- This effect does not target Obelisk.
- If an effect is Chained that flipped Obelisk face-down, it is still sent to the Graveyard.
- Tributing two monsters is a cost.
- "Obelisk the Tormentor" may Tribute itself to activate its effect.
- If this activated effect was negated (by "Starlight Road"), the (4C) Condition will still apply.
- If the activation of this effect was negated (by "Divine Wrath"), the (4C) Condition does not apply.
- "Obnoxious Celtic Guard" and "Celtic Guardian" are considered 2 separate monsters so you can have 3 of each in your Deck.
- "Obnoxious Celtic Guard"’s effect looks at the ATK during Damage Calculation. So if he’s WIND and is attacked by "Insect Soldiers of the Sky", their ATK is 2000 during Damage Calculation and "Obnoxious Celtic Guard" is not destroyed. Or if an 1800 monster attacks and you use "Rush Recklessly" to increase the ATK to 2500 during the Damage Step, "Obnoxious Celtic Guardian" is not destroyed.
- "Obnoxious Celtic Guard"’s effect looks at current ATK, not original ATK. So a monster with 1000 original ATK equipped with "Megamorph" to make it 2000 ATK will not destroy "Obnoxious Celtic Guard" as a result of battle.
- "Obnoxious Celtic Guard" isn’t destroyed by damage calculation but can be destroyed by monster effects like "Ryu Kokki".
- If "Obnoxious Celtic Guard" is attacked by "Dark Ruler Ha Des", or another monster that negates a card’s effect after it destroys it, "Obnoxious Celtic Guard" is not destroyed (so its effect is not negated).
- "Obnoxious Celtic Guard"’s effect works for a battle caused by "Last Turn", so if it battles a monster with ATK 1900 or higher, neither is destroyed and the Duel is a draw.
- "Obsidian Dragon's" effect is a Continuous Effect.
- Equip Spell Cards equipped during a previous turn will be negated and destroyed by "Obsidian Dragon's" effect.
- When a Union Monster is equipped to a DARK monster you control, it is negated and destroyed by "Obsidian Dragon's" effect after equipping to the DARK monster.
- If you use "Snatch Steal" to take control of your opponent's DARK monster while you control "Obsidian Dragon", "Snatch Steal" is negated and destroyed, and the DARK monster is returned to your opponent.
- If you use "Brain Control" to take control of your opponent's DARK monster while you control "Obsidian Dragon", the effect of "Brain Control" is not negated.
- "Offering to the Snake Deity" targets 1 Reptile-Type monster you control and 2 cards your opponent controls.
- If an effect chained to "Offering to the Snake Deity" removes 1 of the targeted cards from the field, "Offering to the Snake Deity's" effect disappears.
- If "Offering to the Snake Deity" targets a monster that is unaffected by the effects of Trap Cards, the other cards are still destroyed.
- None of these effects target.
- If you cannot Special Summon the “Ceremonial Tokens” you cannot add any of the listed cards to your hand.
- Special Summoning the Tokens and adding 1 of the listed cards to your hand occur at the same time.
- Even if your Life Points are greater than 3000 when “Offering to the Immortals” resolves, its effects are still applied.
- If you don’t have at least 2 open Monster Card Zones or if you don’t have a card in your Deck that you can add to your hand you cannot activate “Offering to the Immortals.”
- Skipping your next Draw Phase is not a cost, so if your opponent chains "Magic Jammer" or "Imperial Order" to negate this card, you do NOT skip your next Draw Phase.
- If your opponent chains "Book of Moon" to flip the target of this card face-down, the monster is not destroyed and you will skip your next Draw Phase.
- This effect does not target.
- If this card is Summoned and a replay occurs, your opponent can either choose to attack this card or choose not to attack with that monster.
- If you have both “Ogre of the Scarlet Sorrow” and “Battle Fader” in your hand when your opponent declares their second direct attack, you can only activate the effect of one of them.
- If you have two “Ogre of the Scarlet Sorrow” in your hand when your opponent declares their second direct attack, you can only activate the effect of one of them.
- If “Skill Drain” is activated, the ATK/DEF of “Ogre of the Scarlet Sorrow” will become 0 and remain 0 even if “Skill Drain” is later destroyed.
- If the first monster that attacked directly is no longer on the field, you can still Summon “Ogre of the Scarlet Sorrow” when your opponent declares a second direct attack. When you do, the effect to determine the ATK/DEF will result in an ATK/DEF of 0.
- “Ogre of the Scarlet Sorrow” keeps its modified ATK/DEF as long as it remains face-up on the field.
- The effect to draw a card while “Oilman” is equipped starts a Chain.
- Equipping “Oilman” is an Ignition Effect, and the effects while equipped are considered as effects of a Spell Card.
- You can’t activate the effect of “Ojama Blue” unless you have 2 “Ojama” cards in your Deck.
- “Ojamuscle” is considered to be an “Ojama” card, so you can send it from your hand to the Graveyard for the cost of the first effect. If you control “Ojamuscle” and it is a monster (for example, with “Magical Hats”), it is considered an “Ojama” monster for the second effect.
- Sending an “Ojama” card to the Graveyard is a cost to activate “Ojama Country’s” Special Summon effect. It targets 1 “Ojama” monster in your Graveyard, and cannot be activated if there are no “Ojama” monsters in your Graveyard. If there is an “Ojama” monster in your Graveyard, you can discard an “Ojama” monster and Special Summon that same “Ojama” monster.
- The ATK/DEF switch is applied to monsters controlled by both players. Only the controller of “Ojama Country” can activate its Special Summon effect.
- If “Gladiator Beast Hoplomus” is Special Summoned by a Gladiator Beast while “Ojama Country” is active, it has 2400 original ATK and 700 original DEF.
- The switched original ATK and DEF are considered the new original ATK and DEF.
- If "Curse of Anubis" is activated while the effect of "Ojama Country" is already in effect, the switched original DEF (which used to be its original ATK) will be 0. If "Ojama Country” is activated while "Curse of Anubis" is already in effect, the 0
- original DEF (from the effect of "Curse of Anubis") will be its original ATK, so the ATK will be 0.
- Example: If “Ojama Country” is already active, and “Curse of Anubis” is activated, “Sangan” would have ATK 600 / DEF 0. While "Curse of Anubis" is already active, and "Ojama Country" is activated. Sangan would have ATK 0 / DEF 1000.
- If your opponent chains "Ring of Destruction" or "Book of Moon" to "Ojama Delta Hurricane!!", and one of the Ojamas is destroyed or flipped face-down, "Ojama Delta Hurricane!!"'s effect still resolves.
- You cannot select occupied Monster Card Zones with "Ojama King"’s effect. If your opponent has 5 monsters on the field, then "Ojama King"’s effect is not applied.
- "Ojama King"’s effect activates and you select up to 3 Monster Card Zones when "Ojama King" becomes face-up on the field.
- If you select up to 3 Monster Card Zones and your "Ojama King" is flipped face-down, the Monster Card Zones are usable again. When "Ojama King" is flipped face-up again, you can select up to 3 Monster Card Zones again.
- If you take control of your opponent’s face-up "Ojama King", you cannot select new Monster Card Zones because the zones are selected when "Ojama King" becomes face-up on the field.
- You can use Ojama Tokens as Fusion Material Monsters when you Summon this card.
- If "Ojama Knight" is destroyed while "Centrifugal Field" is in play, you cannot Special Summon any monsters.
- You cannot activate "Ojama Trio" if there are not 3 vacant Monster Zones on your opponent's side of the field.
- You cannot activate "Ojama Trio" if "Scapegoat" or "The Last Warrior from Another Planet" is preventing you from Summoning.
- If there are Ojama Tokens on your opponent's side of the field, and "Remove Brainwashing" is activated, the Ojama Tokens are switched to your side of the field. If you don't have enough Monster Zones for them, some of the Ojama Tokens are destroyed and the damage is inflicted to the opponent.
- When you chain Ojama Trio to your opponent's "Call of the Mummy" effect, the effect of "Call of the Mummy" is negated.
- When your opponent activates "Snatch Steal", and you chain "Ojama Trio" to fill up his/her remaining Monster Zones, then there is no room for the stolen monster, and it is destroyed.
- When you activate this card’s effect, and you find out that you do not have all 3 of “Ojama Green”, “Ojama Yellow”, and “Ojama Black” in your Deck, then you cannot add any of them to your hand. You must add all 3 or none. If you do not add all 3, your opponent may check your Deck to verify.
- The effect of “Ojamagic” activates in the Graveyard, and it can be chained to. It cannot be negated by “Magic Jammer” or “Dark Balter the Terrible”.
- Because the effect of “Ojamagic” is mandatory, it will activate even if it is sent to the Graveyard as the cost for another card, or in the middle of a chain.
- Since a Spell Speed 1 effect cannot be chained to a Spell Speed 2 effect, and “Ojamagic” is a Normal Spell Cards, if “Ojamagic” is sent to the Graveyard simultaneously with a Spell Speed 2 card that activates in the Graveyard, like “Statue of the Wicked” or “Dark Coffin”, then “Ojamagic” is the first chain link, and the Trap Cards will be the second and third chain links.
- If you select “Ojamagic” for the effect of “Ancient Gear Drill”, and it is destroyed that same turn, you cannot activate “Ojamagic’s” effect.
- This card’s effect lasts for as long as the selected “Ojama King” remains face-up on the field.
- This card targets 1 face-up “Ojama King”. If “Book of Moon” is chained to flip the targeted “Ojama King” face-down all the other “Ojama” monsters are destroyed, but no ATK increase is given.
- “Ojamuscle” is considered to be an “Ojama” card, so you can send it from your hand to the Graveyard for the cost of the first effect. If you control “Ojamuscle” and it is a monster (for example, with “Magical Hats”), it is considered an “Ojama” monster for the second effect.
- The effect to look at 1 random card in your opponent's hand is an Ignition Effect.
- If "Omega Goggles" is unequipped from the monster after using its effect, the monster can attack during the turn.
- If "Omega Goggles" is equipped to a monster that is unaffected by the effects of Spell Cards, after "Omega Goggles" uses its Ignition Effect, the equipped monster can still attack.
- If control of the equipped monster switches to your opponent, "Omega Goggles" remains equipped to the monster.
- The opponent must reveal the randomly selected card to you after you call a type to confirm if you were right or wrong.
- If the opponent’s hand is revealed by the effect of "Mind on Air", etc., turn his/her hand face-down and then randomly select a card.
- If you have two copies of "Ominous Fortunetelling" on the field, you select a card and call a type for the first copy, and then select a new card and call a type again for the second copy.
- After you have declared a direct attack with your monster equipped with "Opti-Camouflage Armor", and then the "Opti-Camouflage Armor" is destroyed during the attack, you can no longer attack directly and a replay occurs.
- If you send a monster to the Graveyard for “Option Hunter” that has undetermined ATK, you gain 0 Life Points. (“King of the Skull Servants”, “Megarock Dragon”, “Maju Garzett”, etc.)
- “Option Hunter” does not target.
- The effect to add “Fire Ant Ascator” or “Supay” to your hand activates even during the Damage Step.
- If the ATK of “Oracle of the Sun” is being doubled by “Supay” and “Skill Drain” is activated, the ATK remains doubled.
- When you Special Summon “Oracle of the Sun” with the effect of “Supay” it is Special Summoned with 2000 ATK. Then you apply any bonuses from Field Spells or continuous effects.
- You can Tribute a face-down "Torpedo Fish" or "Cannonball Spear Shellfish" to activate "Orca Mega-Fortress of Darkness"' effect.
- You can activate the effect of "Ordeal of a Traveler" each time your opponent attacks.
- You must show the card your opponent selects to your opponent.
- If your opponent calls it right, the attack resolves normally.
- You cannot activate "Ordeal of a Traveler"’s effect if you have no cards in your hand.
- When "Ordeal of a Traveler" & "Fairy Box" are both active, "Fairy Box" (mandatory) is step 1 of the chain, and "Ordeal of a Traveler" (optional) is step 2.
- When you activate "Ordeal of a Traveler"’s effect as a chain to "Magic Cylinder", since "Ordeal of a Traveler" resolves first, if your opponent guesses incorrectly then the attack does not resolve and the effect of "Magic Cylinder" disappears. If multiple copies of "Ordeal of a Traveler" are active, their effects are cumulative.
- You Tribute when you resolve "Order to Smash"'s effect.
- You select the Spell/Trap Card when you resolve "Order to Smash"'s effect.
- When "Outstanding Dog Marron" is sent to the Graveyard during a chain, its effect is activated after the current chain resolves (just like "Witch of the Black Forest").
- When "Mystical Knight of Jackal" attacks "Outstanding Dog Marron" and destroys it, the effects are simultaneous. So "Mystical Knight of Jackal"'s effect is Step 1 of a chain and "Outstanding Dog Marron" is Step 2. "Outstanding Dog Marron" is returned to the Deck and "Mystical Knight of Jackal"'s effect disappears.
- If the monster targeted by "Over Destiny" is removed from your Graveyard by an effect on the chain, you cannot Special Summon a monster.
- If the Level of the monster targeted by "Over Destiny" is odd, round down.
- “Over Limit” cannot be activated if there are no Normal Monsters with 1000 or less ATK in the Graveyard that were destroyed in battle during the turn.
- If a Normal Monster with 1000 or less ATK that was destroyed in battle is removed from the Graveyard and later in the same turn it is returned to the Graveyard by other means (Tributed, etc.), it cannot be Special Summoned with “Over Limit”.
- The (C) Summoning Condition is not an effect. It cannot be negated.
- The (1) Ignition Effect can only be activated during your Main Phase.
- Paying 2000 Life Points is a cost.
- This effect Special Summons 2 monsters simultaneously. You cannot Summon only 1.
- If this effect's activation is negated, it still cannot be activated while it is still face-up.
- You MUST have 2(+) Level 3 Psychic-Type monsters in your Deck to activate this effect.
- The ATK boost of “Overdoom Line” starts a Chain, but does not target.
- The text on “Overdoom Line” that destroys itself is not an effect, so “Royal Decree” etc. will not stop it from being destroyed.
- Plants that were Special Summoned before the activation of “Overdoom Line” do not receive an ATK boost when “Overdoom Line” is activated.
- Monsters that get an ATK boost from “Overdoom Line” keep the boost even if they become a Type other than Plant-Type.
- If a monster receives the ATK boost from “Overdoom Line” but is flipped face-down, it loses the boost, even if flipped face-up again while “Overdoom Line” is still on the field.
- You cannot activate “Overdoom Line” during the Damage Step.
- While “Imperial Custom” is active, “Overdoom Line” cannot destroy itself, so it will remain on the field. Its effect will also remain.
- "Overload Fusion" does not target. You select and remove the monsters during resolution.
- You must control a face-up Level 7(+) monster that was Tribute Summoned to activate this card.
- You cannot activate this card if your Tribute Summoned monster Level is treated as Level 6 (or lower) by "Level Eater", even if its original (printed) Level is 7(+).
- You cannot activate this card if you Normal Summoned a Level 7(+) monster using the effect of "Mausoleum of the Emperor".
- This card cannot negate the activated effect of "Skill Successor" in the Graveyard.
- If this card negates the activated effect of "Elemental Hero Absolute Zero" in the Extra Deck, it destroys it in the Extra Deck and sends it to the Graveyard.
- This card’s effect is a Trigger Effect. It can be chained to with “Barrel Behind the Door”.
- If "Oyster Meister" is Tributed to Summon "Kuraz the Light Monarch" and Kuraz' effect is activated, "Oyster Meister's" effect is Chain Link 1 and "Kuraz the Light Monarch's" effect is Chain Link 2.