Arousal during rape is not consent

Hyun Ji Shin University of New South Wales , Australia

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Michael Salter

Michael Salter University of New South Wales , Australia

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Article Category: Research Article Copyright: © Centre for Gender and Violence Research University of Bristol 2022 Online Publication Date: 22 Feb 2022

Pages: 581–595 Publisher: Policy Press Volume/Issue: Volume 6: Issue 3 Restricted access Restricted access Article history Accepted: 24 Jan 2022 Online Publication Date: 22 Feb 2022 Issue Publication Date: 01 Oct 2022 Get Access You are not currently authorised to access the full text of this chapter or article. Access options To access the full chapter or article then please choose one of the options below. Pay to access content (PDF download and unlimited online access) Other access options Institutional Login Log in via Open Athens or Shibboleth. Please contact your librarian if you need any help. Personal Login Login to your BUP account with your individual credentials.

It might be assumed that victim experiences of sexual violence are characterised by fear and pain, and while this is true for many, the phenomenology of sexual violence is more complex than this. Increasingly, sexuality research is recognising that people can desire and have a positive regard toward sexual encounters that they do not consent or agree to, however there is limited scholarship examining victim experiences of pleasure or arousal during sexual violence. This article presents a thematic analysis of 50 posts describing the experience of arousal and/or pleasure during sexual violence drawn from Reddit, the popular online discussion board. The findings highlight the importance of distinguishing between physiological arousal, psychological pleasure and consent, and the significant shame and self-blame of survivors who feel that an aroused or pleasurable response implicates them in their own assault. The article closes by reflecting on the importance of distinguishing between consent, arousal and pleasure in sexual violence policy and practice, and recognising that arousal and pleasure are features of non-consensual as well as consensual encounters.

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