The JB MDL Operator Records and Licens-ing Section is located at Building 5389. ­Operating hours are Monday through Friday, 8 to 11:30 a.m. and noon to 4 p.m. for Army, Navy and Federal Civilian Employees with Army and Navy affiliation. Operating hours for Air Force personnel and Federal Civilian Employees are Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4 p.m. They can be reached at DSN 562-3285 or 562-2245.

Air Force/Federal Civilian Employees

The Air Force will issue the AF Form 2293, “U.S. Air Force Motor Vehicle Operator Identification Card.” The first step in obtaining a vehicle license is to contact your unit Vehicle Control Officer (VCO). If you are unsure who your VCO is you can contact the Vehicle Management Control and Analysis Section at 754-2999.

If you have never been issued an AF Form 2293,
with coordination from your unit VCO you will fill out the AF Form 171 “Request for Driver’s Training and Additions to U.S. Government Driver’s License.” Once this form has been ­completed bring the AF Form 171, valid state driver’s license, and military/government
ID card to the Licensing Office to obtain a new AF Form 2293.

If you PCS to JB-MDL and you had a
license at your previous base, you should have received an AF Form 2296, “Master Driver Record.” Bring this master record to your
unit VCO so they can verify your qualifica-
tions and ­transcribe them to an AF Form 171.
Bring the AF Form 171 to the Licensing
Office with a valid state driver’s license, and military/government ID card to obtain a new AF Form 2293.

To obtain additions to your AF Form 2293,
you must contact your unit VCO. They will ensure training is accomplished by a unit
commander approved vehicle trainer. All train­-
ing will be documented on the AF Form 171.
Once training has been accomplished,
bring the signed AF Form 171, valid state driver’s license, and military/government ID card to the Licensing Office to obtain a new
AF Form 2293.

Federal Civilian Employees instructions are the same as military except all federal civilian employees must fill out the OF Form 345, “Physical Fitness Inquiry for Motor Vehicle Operators.” This will be maintained by unit VCO and must be accomplished every four years. Commanders will automatically refer their civilian employees for further evaluation by appropriate medical authorities to
determine if they are physically or mentally qualified for driving, based on affirmative responses to OF Form 345.

Army/Marines/Navy/Coast Guard/Federal Civilian Employees

Army personnel will be issued the OF Form 346, “U.S. Government Motor Vehicle Operator’s Identification Card.” They will need to bring in a valid state license, Certificate of “Accident Avoidance,” and Government ID card. Accident avoidance is a U.S. Army mandatory requirement every 4 years.

Marines/Navy/Coast Guard personnel will also be issued the OF Form 346, “U.S. Government Motor Vehicle Operator’s Identification Card.” However, they are not required to complete Accident Avoidance. They will need to bring in a valid state driver’s license and
Government ID card to obtain their license.

Official Use of Government Motor Vehicles (GMV)

Per AFI 24-301, Vehicle Operations and
DOD 4500.36-R, Management, Acquisition and
Use of Government Vehicles

The same statute that restricts the use of Military Air (MilAir) resources for official use also restricts the use of GMVs and prescribes that DOD establish an effective means of limiting the use of GMVs to official governmental purposes. Due to their high value, government vehicles are closely controlled because of their easy accessibility, high visibility and potential for misuse (AFI 24-301, Vehicle Operations, para 3.1). Unauthorized use of GMVs often results in unnecessary expenditure of funds and public criticism. Transportation shall not be provided when the justification is based solely on reasons of rank, position, prestige or personal convenience.

A GMV (including staff cars) may NOT be used for the following:

NOTE: Personnel conducting official off-base duties are authorized to stop at reputable off-base eating establishments (primary purpose must be food service and not provide alcohol), in the immediate vicinity or direct route of the off-base work site. Stopping at private quarters for any reason or stopping for shopping purposes is prohibited.

GMV Use and Alcoholic Consumption

Alcoholic beverages will not be consumed in GMVs. Operators of GMVs will not consume alcohol eight-hours prior to duty or prior to operating ANY GMV (para 3.1.3, emphasis added); however, specific career fields may have other, more restrictive mandates that
will be unique to their mission requirements. AFI 24-301 only provides the minimum when operating a GMV.

Violating the alcohol consumption policy may result in disciplinary action under Article 92, UCMJ, for dereliction of duty; Article 111 for drunken or reckless operation of a vehicle; or Article 112 for drunk on duty. A good rule to follow is if you will be at an establishment that serves alcohol, do not take a GMV and have a designated driver.