Our institution is fully committed to teaching and learning excellence. In support of that goal, students are asked to supply feedback to the institution on each course they take, prior to the end of every quarter.
All students are encouraged to evaluate all of their classes. By completing their end of course evaluations, students provide important feedback to faculty and administrators. This information is used to evaluate instructors and their courses, and it provides instructors with an opportunity to improve their courses. It is also used to inform and continually improve the quality of courses and instruction at Bellevue College.
All input that students provide is anonymous. None of the information can be linked back to an individual. However, the usefulness of the information collected in the course evaluation survey process depends on the quality of the information provided. We ask that students take their responsibility in completing these surveys seriously by providing honest and fair evaluations of the courses and the instructors.
Bellevue College selected Evaluation Kit as the institution’s online student course evaluation solution in 2015 after a yearlong review of six course evaluation system products. The secure EvalKit online system allows students to access their course evaluations 24/7, during the open evaluation period. The course evaluation form includes both close-ended responses and a few open-ended direct feedback responses. Student participation is completely anonymous and all responses are absolutely confidential.
EvalKit is integrated into Canvas, our online course learning management system, which means students receive automated reminders about their evaluations in addition to email communications. Survey access is organized and controlled for each student. Using their own Student Dashboard, they only view evaluations for courses they are enrolled in. With the mobile interface, students can also access their evaluations from any mobile device.
Course evaluations are organized in EvalKit each quarter within project groups.
Last Updated October 23, 2020